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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57520721 No.57520721 [Reply] [Original]

but lately all my threads get deleted and I've been range-banned. Fud bros.. it's unironically over, linkies are making it now because the jannies banned fud. It's over fuck this shitboard

>> No.57520852

Ive noticed this. But they keep the shill fags?

Wtf is this

>> No.57520986

There are link fuddies who don’t even own link KEK

>> No.57521020

They were deleting 'shill' threads as well earlier. Maybe they just delete when there's too many same subject threads.

>> No.57521033

Sergey has paid over 100 million LINK to the Jannies just to keep chainlink discussed on this board.
Where did you think the dump money was going?

>> No.57521034
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That's me. I was the biggest Fudlord on this board for several years but the amount of censorship is unbearable. I've gone through 3 ISP's in the past two years just to fud Chainlink. It's just not possible with the constant censorship lately.

How can I stop the fourth industrial resolution if the glowniggers constantly delete my threads and ban me? I can't. Chainlink won, the WEF won, jannies won, globohomo won. It's unironically over.

It's been a pleasure fudding with you bros but all good things come to an end eventually.

>> No.57521058

No, it's different since sometime this year. You can easily tell things have change because there is a 300 sec cooldown now when clearing cookies. They also banned several images of mine and even text. Imagine banning speech on 4chan, not even Twitter does that but 4chan will straight up ban words.

>> No.57521179

>spam the board with the same shitty fud 24/7 for years
>start crying when a jannie actually does their job
being a discord nufudder = being a lower form of life than an internet janitor, this has been known for a while now
just sounds like the natural order of things playing out desu

>> No.57521255

the jannies are in on it dude, they've been bagholding for years
try typing cha1nstink and see what happens
get fucked shillbot

>> No.57521476
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They don't even need to pay as everything is taken care of by the usual suspects who have unlimited pockets and can print fiat at will. Whatever Nazarov is selling or paying is just for show as everything is taken care of behind the scenes by his handlers (family table)

>> No.57522014
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All of you will pay. If you didn't fud Chainlink you will pay. If you are a jannie glownigger who deleted my threads you will fucking pay you worthless faggot. If you are a linkie bagholder you will most definitely pay if not in this life then the next.
If you are some dumb bizposter with no agency, you will fucking pay too.

tldr; you will all pay

>> No.57522052

kekfuddies spend 300 seconds waiting to be able to prove they are human to be able to solve a captcha to then finally be able to actually create a thread/make a post and then they just get ignored, laughed at or banned

all while the pool filled up in just 5 hours kek

>> No.57522180
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Die you fucking worthless linkie