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File: 202 KB, 526x456, houses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57520595 No.57520595 [Reply] [Original]

>Same price
>McMansion an hour away from the big city/downtown
>Small ugly house 10 minutes away from big city/downtown

Which one would you rather buy if you only had those two choices? The city/downtown version of wherever you live, not San Francisco as seen on picrel, pretend you didn't see that.

>> No.57520663
File: 43 KB, 760x428, glasses pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all

Second, if I had to choose, I'm picking the ugly semi-detached one in Bayview. That area is bound to get upzoned eventually and as soon as it does you can sell to a developer at a very nice profit.

>> No.57520716

>Which one would you rather buy
Neither, I'd rather buy a ranch in North Dakota than live anywhere near Sanfranshitsco.

>> No.57520817

Both of those houses look absolutely hideous. One of the ugliest McMansions I've ever seen. Is having a normal house an option?

>> No.57520863

somehow it's so ugly that it's charming imo

>> No.57520867

Of course I'd rather have a large McMansion in a quiet area, preferably situated on 3+ acres of land. The one in your pic looks like it's sandwiched between other houses which defeats the purpose of living away from the city. Either way is preferable to living in a shit shack in niggerville

>> No.57520945
File: 79 KB, 860x571, 1f7bd483690a1cfef1a18b754a37d634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That "small ugly house" is much more attractive than the McMansion. You couldn't pay me to live in a beige box made of rain rotten press board, stacked on top of other beige boxes, in the middle of nowhere with no architecture, nature, or anything but a Walmart. That literally my nightmare. I would chose a small home in the city if it didn't need fixed and wasn't surrounded by minorities. The ideal home is a white beach town with decent spacing and things to do, or in a rural Washington/Tennessee on acres if land with lots of GREEN. I will accept nothing but GREEN.

>> No.57520948

Wouldn't buy either, house closer to city would be a nigger neighborhood and the one farther away will be a nigger neighborhood in ten years.

>> No.57521063

same, that one is better than your avg mcmansion

>> No.57521098

What does 'mcmansion' even mean?

>> No.57521150

cheap wood and osb plates stiched together scambox of a house that will rot 50 years later. it costs 2million dollars. building material cost : 5000 dollars.

>> No.57521196

the bayview is a black neighborhood. and yea its ghetto as fuck. Even in san francisco there is much better value for money


>> No.57521226
File: 489 KB, 2100x1381, ozkp6gogrj861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The McMansion I grew up in looked like this.
It was comfy, but honestly excessive if you don't have a large family that needs all that apace. We were a family of four, and two of the rooms stayed empty because nobody needed them for anything.

>> No.57521277

cool mansion. seems like its stone? or is it le fake.

>> No.57521320

Looks like a stone facade. The exterior walls are made of brick, but most of the construction is still wood. Which is arguably a good thing because real stone houses have shit insulation.

>> No.57521338 [DELETED] 
File: 757 KB, 2100x1381, 1707233051553682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Internet has ruined my ability to look at houses anymore. The very first thing I look for when I look at a house is if it has these things on it.

>> No.57521411
File: 44 KB, 500x694, 44be95130ea9b05ffa94713ca06c8c85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I buy a house near downtown if I never leave my house, I spend all day daytrading and doing cross-chain swap with Rango, everything I need can being doordashed to me most of the time

>> No.57521535

Does your Doordash food still show up warm despite living farther away from where the restaurants are?

>> No.57522039


1st option. Absolutely soulless. Your neighbors are other consooming mouth breathers who go into debt to get Ford Raptors to drive them to their office job, with their ditz of a wife staying at home sipping on Stanley cups as she looks for other ways to put your family deeper into debt. Want to go anywhere? You have to drive 15 minutes. Oh, and instead of going to a multi-generational cafe or mom & pop shop your destination will be soulless franchise hell.

2nd option you might think is slightly better. Until you realize you are paying out the ass and still have a shared wall, tiny to nonexistent wall, car break-ins, and homeless people on the street. You justify this by placing all your self worth into a 300k+ TC FAANG job, but despite the long hours and the clout chasing your quality of life is worse than a 23 year old state school grad living in a flyover state in nearly every measurable way

There are only 2 good housing options. The first is truly living rural, where you have several acres to do shit with, no close neighbors, and can enjoy nature. If you’re going to live far away from civilization might as well make most of it.

The second and my preferred option is living in older style colonial town squares you will find in eastern cities with history. They offer the walkability of cities, but the safety and space of suburbs. You get to actually know your neighbor, the schools are good, and if you live in the right community it’s very affordable.