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57518543 No.57518543 [Reply] [Original]

>Be a dictator
>imprison and/or assassinate your political opposition
>Force fake internet money on your people to pay for terrorism
>Steal election and claim 85%+ victory
Why do bitconners celebrate this man?

>> No.57518555

Ok, Gringo.

>> No.57518560

>imprison criminals
>crime rate plummets
>plebbit seethes
why are liberals like this?

>> No.57518652

If you arrest the criminals, they win.
You are no better than them at that point.

>> No.57518722
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they don't look like winners from what I can see

>> No.57518729

it's always just a question of political will
we don't have to live like shit

>> No.57518734

You either kill the criminals or you delay the inevitable. He's one CIA op from losing everything for such a stupid half measure.

>> No.57518758

This, sadly.

>> No.57518911

No other pres would deal with the crazy
crime rates they had, just take bribes and perpetuate the bs system. Stay mad

>> No.57518928

I actually think he'll turn them into fuel for Bitcoin ovens if it comes to that. Hopefully.

>> No.57518963

Seethe harder you MS13 beaner

>> No.57518976

sorry to hear about your criminal family, op
but genes are genes and yours don't deserve freedom

>> No.57519002

The only difference between him and other country leaders is that he isn't pretending to be anything other than.

>> No.57519009

>Its ok that he is a brutal dictator because he is honest about terrorizing his people.

>> No.57519044

Source on assasination/arrests?

>> No.57519046


>> No.57519067

Liberals are only Conservatives that haven't been mugged yet. They will pay the coal tax one of these days and they will either double down in their delusion or wake up that criminals don't care about them.

>> No.57519080

and this is why i visit 4chan

>> No.57519113

The guy is a fucking hero, fuck the bitcoin part. He's saying fuck it and throwing in jail every face-tatted known gangster, everyone that hangs out with them, every one that knows one, and every one that'll even say good morning to them.

>> No.57519114

He's terrorizing the people who were terrorizing his people

>> No.57519154

>jailing criminals bad
die cia nigger

>> No.57519453

you just listed several perfectly good reasons as to why and you're still asking questions?

>> No.57519501

he litterly made paradise on earth

>> No.57519518

Why is his left eye lower and more diagonal than his right eye?

>> No.57519521

fucking kek

>> No.57519549

He's not an MS13 beaner he's probably a mudslime who is mad about Bukele having said that Hamas must be eradicated.

>> No.57519559

>be kike
>lie constantly
>about everything

>> No.57519685

He's terrorizing sub-human aztecs that only know violence. Trying to rehabilitate these animals is a waste of everybodies time. People like Bukele and Assad understand the people they are dealing with and will handle them the way they should be handled.

>> No.57519829

>Half measure
What are you talking about, retard?

>> No.57519879

Imagine the smell

>> No.57519905

>and this is why i visit 4chan

>> No.57519906

look at all of those poor freedom fighters that love liberty and justice

>> No.57519910

Yes. I'd rather someone honest rather than someone who smiles to my face, tells me a sweet lie only to rob me later anyway.

>> No.57519912

>commit crimes to imprison criminals
>not imprisoning oneself
Ummm conservachuds???

>> No.57519916

Not every country is america bro, democracy isnt for everyone

>> No.57519920

>political opposition
Drug cartels don't deserve any political power. He could have them all sacrificed by ripping their heart out on an old Aztec temple for all I care.

>> No.57519929

They use geothermal from the volcanos to mine bitcoin.

They should feed the hungry volcano though.

>> No.57519933
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>> No.57519951

>He's one CIA op from losing everything
He's one bitcoin bullrun away from turning El Salvador into alone of the richest countries per capita on earth.

>> No.57519960

Drug cartels are all murderers though. Whatever "crime" Bukele committed to take them down isn't on the same level.

If anything he should go after previous presidents and politicians of El Salvador for working with the cartels.

>> No.57519987

Why is everyone against using Bitcoin for it's intended purpose?

That purpose being, to destroy the Federal Reserve BTW.

>> No.57519994

They are people who prefer having power over others to having a functional society that works.

>> No.57519998


>> No.57520027

I agree but I think killing them all would have brought the US down on him in a real way and would be harder to sell domestically

what he ought to be doing now is slowly suiciding the most dangerous ones and letting the others die of disease and malnutrition before the next election

>> No.57520042

I mean sure I'd agree getting a little rough with the cartels is still a net good for everyone. But all that will happen is that he'll increasingly replace the cartel criminals with his own crooks. Maybe the country will be slightly less violent, but it will stay irredeemably corrupt.

>> No.57520048

>people who prefer having power over others to having a functional society that works
Jews and their golem, the female voter

giving women the vote was insane, their subversion was inevitable, every major religion literally warns about this and I'm not even a godfag

>> No.57520063 [DELETED] 

>heh, you won't get stabbed in the street by a violent brown nigger- BUT HE CONTROLS THE BITCOINS SO HE'S THE REAL CORRUPTION

>> No.57520066


>> No.57520083
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He is based and we would be blessed with such a leader. Stay poor commie. Hope you get culturally enriched by a MS-13 illegal immigrant today.

>> No.57520148
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Damn it would suck if you were talking about a US 'president'. The only difference is the btc tho.

>> No.57520167

>commit crimes to imprison criminals
nice proofs you got there

>> No.57520181

Why don't you go live there then faggot? Go ahead, I'm sure their all waiting a chud like you to show up and talk about "brown niggers", don't blame me if you end up on liveleak though.

>> No.57520198

I like to picture them saying funny things in their funny accents during this video where they were all naked crawling on their knees in jail

>> No.57520207

Except he didn't steal the election. The goyim love him. Everything else is true.

>> No.57520210

Shut the fuck up you seething brown commie, you're next.

>> No.57520227


>> No.57520261

He did steal. He knew the result in advance.

>> No.57520306

>country overwhelmed by murder gangs
>to be part of murder gang you need to have this tattoo
>if you want to get this tattoo you need to kill someone
>if you get this tattoo without killing someone, the gangs will kill you
>president jails and tortures everyone who has the murderer tattoo
>no more crime
>redditors seethe
curious, from the reddit seethe I'd expect the gangs to be niggers/muslims.

>> No.57520313

It's El Salvador, they're all spics.

>> No.57520354
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What if power only belongs to those who deserve it. What if there is no "stealing" fraudulent elections anyway? They're all a joke. We can tell he's righteous. The people love him. He should be in power until he dies. I could only wish for a similar situation in the US. Instead I have an avidly hostile, traitorous pretender government that was allegedly "elected" in the dark of the night thanks to truckloads of votes from violent, criminal inner cities.

>> No.57520369

Sounds like exactly like Biden except the fake internet money is "fiat".

>> No.57520406

Imagine how much this makes the CIA seethe

>> No.57520454

He cut a lot of fat in his government though. Fired 70% of government staff.

He's based, maybe the next president will be corrupt, but Bukele is genuine.

>> No.57520461

>Why don't you go live there then
El Salvador doesn't accept many immigrants. It's actually tougher to get into El Salvador than the US.

>> No.57521852


Imagine the smell

The pupusas did that

Steady diet of pupusas

>> No.57522119

A lot of "outsiders" don't understand the situation that the Salvador was in. I am from another CA country which suffers from the same innoperant Justice system and this something that plagues most of the latin-american countries with a globo homo court system. The police do their job but criminals are not jailed up even when they have 5+ cases of armed assault and some even have multiples causes of homicide open. Bukele presented the idea of just ignoring the "pro human rights" judges and being the judge itself which of courses makes most of the western world seethe but the el Salvador citizens happy since it may be the first time after decades that the criminales are receiving a consecuence from their actions.

>> No.57522146
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kek you're really so on point about that the west is really seething over el salvador but all the citizens seem really happy that the government is cracking down on criminal activity it's a good thing that bukele is ignoring those
>pro human rights
judges they're probably all just part of the globo homo court system plus he's from a different ca country like me

>> No.57522153

>>imprison and/or assassinate your political opposition
lol. lmao.

>> No.57522155

imagine all the gay sex going on in there ...

>> No.57522163

he is a controlled op asset of the Jewish elite. his wife is Jewish. retards will still think he is based and redpilled though

>> No.57522300

>he do dis
>he do that
>he bad because this
bro, it's 2024, ethics aren't relevant anymore and no one is playing that game. you just pick which skincolour you hate the most and who makes you the most mon

>> No.57522402

It’s conservatives and liberals who hate this guy
>imagine acting like a a false dichotomy is real

>> No.57522440
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I prefer when people post memes (even if shitty ones) or bait pics. Not these low quality incomprehensible ai office images

>> No.57522476

because bitcoiners are deranged

>> No.57524722
File: 97 KB, 768x768, 1669690725568943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gains power
>actually drains the swamp

>> No.57524791

Please make some AI slop depicting exactly that.

>> No.57524831
File: 369 KB, 660x381, chads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>electing a president that isn't elderly and mentally deranged

>> No.57525173

Hang yourself leftist scum.

>> No.57525211

They unironically think the world is as they perceive it. They don’t remotely have the ability to put themselves in the shoes of others.

>> No.57525215

how redeem updoot

>> No.57525656
File: 2 KB, 272x80, gk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh i would kill for a hairline like that

>> No.57525693

>>imprison and/or assassinate your political opposition
This part didn't happen.

>> No.57527012

It actually takes energy to incinerate someone, unless they're horrendously fat in which case their own fat can provide the energy.

These guys don't look nearly fat enough.

>> No.57527031

Kys, please, end your life

>> No.57527149

op glows hard

>> No.57527757

>highest murder rate in the world
>New leader arrests known criminals which make up 1% of the population
>Murder rate now on par with Luxembourg
>Wahhhh he's bad

Fuck you faggot. If only the rest of our countries had a leader like that.

>> No.57527771

Because thats all extremely based when your right.

>> No.57527782

"There's plenty of money when nobody steals" President Bukele.

>> No.57527784

This is fucking awesome. Would be even better if they were all shot

>> No.57527843

You don't even understand how hard it is to improve thrd world shitholes
Most salvis probably have some relatives in gangs so it's difficult to balance it out properly

>> No.57527958
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every Salvadoran I know LOVES president Bukele

and I know a lot of Salvadorans

>> No.57528108

>tfw half el salvadorean

Yeah, he's quite based, ngl. Fuck what western media and libtards think. They have no ties to El Salvador and are simply looking for something to seethe over.

>> No.57528115

beak nose hands typed this post

>> No.57528331
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Fuck the IMF and Human Rights Watch.
¡¡¡Viva this El Presidente Nigga!!!

>> No.57528521

Fuck this pieces of shit to death

>> No.57528539
File: 282 KB, 1024x1024, TTzqJggLoz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound pretty angry bro it sounds like you might have a bit of a tiny dick maybe you should just shut your little boy mouth be a man and get yourself a few extra inches

>> No.57528551

Kys CIA scum

>> No.57529391

It's just cartels and their western partners seething that he's taking down their shit. Anyone against Bukele is a criminal or a retard.

>> No.57529646

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