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57517311 No.57517311 [Reply] [Original]

Is swearing off women the secret to getting rich?


>> No.57517498


No, that's just being Volcel Asexual

>> No.57517560

sad but true

>> No.57517695

Not really, but notice how Seth MacFarlane has never married and has a net worth of $300M

>> No.57517730

Yes, but it's not worth it. Being in your mid 30s with a 7 figure portfolio but no wife or even gf is sad.

>> No.57517922

Better than being a poorfag cuck in the mid 30s

>> No.57518020

It's the secret to at least being better off financially. Women don't ever want to live within their/your means.

>> No.57518029

didn't watch the gay ass video you posted but the answer is YES. a woman is designed only to siphon resources off of a man. what do you think all the rappers mean when they say "fuck bitches, get money"?
>they mean disregard, not sexual intercourse

>> No.57518033

Nah, the poorfag happily married with kids is probably happier

>> No.57518060

how often are people actually happy when they're married? It seems far less than 50%

Meanwhile, I'd assume someone that's rich enough to not wage slave can find a lot of joy through hobbies, travel, and personal projects

>> No.57518195

being a married poorfag sounds like hell on earth unless you live in a third world country and share responsibilities with your extended family

>> No.57518235

because he's a gay man

>> No.57519344

do you know who is happier? someone with kids but not married

>> No.57519852

You poor naive child. Sounds to me you never had a girlfriend and you're still a virgin. Let me tell you before you make a mistake, women will make you miserable and to feel any love for them is a big mistake.

>> No.57519863

What if I'm a near 30 year old kissless virgin and still not even remotely close to being rich?

>> No.57519900

this. I wish surrogacy was legal where I live