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57514163 No.57514163 [Reply] [Original]

A Japanese Bidet is literally the greatest investment you can make.

Poops are great, save on toilet paper, seats are warmed up when you sit on them.

>> No.57514172

while i adore japanese toilets, true enlightenment is just pooping in the shower

>> No.57514249

do you pick the shit up and throw it in the toilet or mash it down the drain?

>> No.57514293

waffle stomp

>> No.57514310

those wont get rid of all the shit on your ass. Some of my shits stick real bad to my ass and takes like 4 flushes to get it all off.

>> No.57514328

do people who use bidets use TP at all or just let the water wash the shit way also do you need to hook them up to some sort of pipe in the back of your toilet or into the main pipe that feeds into it?

>> No.57514352

TP use got reduced immensely in my household.

I get hot water sprayed on my butthole and then there a air drying function.

>> No.57514467

these things are designed for a hairless asian man's ass. My ass is like it's own ecosystem, a literal forest of hair that constantly traps shit in it. There is no way that this pathetic thing can clean my hairy ass properly.

>> No.57514498

You use TP to dry your ass if your bidet doesn't have a dryer. It hooks into the cold water line that leads to your toilet.
Works on my hairy asshole

>> No.57514513

subhuman nigger savage

>> No.57514756

Nothing better than a sparkling clean asshole. You’ll never go back to not using a bidet

>> No.57514865

Who wants to get wet using the toilet?

>> No.57514966

>he fell for the porcelain jew

>> No.57515090

'hooks into' i'm retarded, is it as simple as turning the water off and attaching it to some sort of |- thing you would put on the line? kek i might buy one if theyre easy to install
hypothetically i do buy one
I have a lot of money, not bragging but I make a nice salary. What's a 'top of the line' one? I'm assuming 3-5 grand?

>> No.57515101

Bro its actual the best...
You dont even need a crazy one a $50 under the seat guy works GREAT

Honestly can recommend 10/10

>> No.57515144

Yeah the basic bidet models are exactly like that. You shut the water off, install a T connector that they come with and install the connecting line. Before looking into top of the line models, check that you have an outlet near your toilet kek, because most American toilets don't.

>> No.57515154

im almost positive there is an outlet close to it
what can i expect from a top of the line one? are you niggers memeing me or do tehy really clean your ass that well

>> No.57515174

They'll all clean your ass well, the top of the line ones will heat the water so your asshole doesn't go numb after a while and then airdry it so you don't need to wipe.

>> No.57515182

this seems like sorcery i think you niggers actually shilled me into wanting to buy one

>> No.57515218

I bought a C5 for $500 during black friday. They also have heated seats.

The more top of the line ones will make the seat go down and up automatically.

>> No.57515297
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>> No.57515306
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>> No.57515360

>pick the shit up and throw it in the toilet

>> No.57515427

>he doesnt mash it down

>> No.57515563

This would be great if Americans didn't spray shit sideways.

>> No.57515696
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Not gonna lie buying a fancy Japanese Toilet is on my to do list. It was always on my radar but the South Park episode they made last year about bidet's convinced me and if you haven't seen it and are not sure if you want to do the switch then definitely give it a watch.

>> No.57516303

When I went to singapore, they had these at the airport. The trip was nice, but this ass washing toilet is what I always start with when someone asks "How was it?". So definitely buy it

>> No.57516314


>> No.57516346

I live in Japan now and my house has an "old" one from the early 90's that still works perfectly.

Heated seat, heated water, no air dryer but whatever. I can't go back to third world North America after having this.

On the other hand my friend in Osaka has an actual urinal in one of his bathrooms (wtf)

>> No.57516352

I think you still need toilet paper unless that thing has a built in blow dryer for your asshole. But yeah they’re fucking great.