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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57512172 No.57512172 [Reply] [Original]

there's absolutely no reason to leave no matter how money I make and its comfy

>> No.57512257

i hate my mom, and i want to get away from her. I'm still wagecucking for a down payment on a house.

>> No.57512282

Sounds based, but do you have any hobbies besides gooning and video games?

>> No.57512307

no im just terminally online with a fucked up sleep and eating schedule
me too. but im only going to move when i leave the country for travelling and fucking around for a year and maybe buy a house somewhere I like

>> No.57512338

>no im just terminally online with a fucked up sleep and eating schedule
i miss being like this. now i have to wake up almost every day on time, and eat healthier meals so i can function better.

>> No.57512370

> eat healthier meals so i can function better.
that's my goal too, i will eventually get to that point when I hire a chef who cooks me nutritious and tasty food and start hitting the gym

>> No.57512373

You bought Shib?

>> No.57512384

no you dont you larping anus

>> No.57512401


>> No.57512407

no im from 2015,16
not everyone one on /biz is poorfag

>> No.57513068

How old are you though?

>> No.57513185

I guess you could easily make it your house now, and look after your mom.

>> No.57513217

Theres no reason you cant start going to the gym now. And why doesnt your mom cook good food if you live with her?

>> No.57513241

>im going to start hitting the gym

why aren't you doing this right now fat ass?

>> No.57513244

>no reason
Bro there’s actually every fucking reason in the world to leave
Are you gonna get laid, get married, have kids?
Are you gonna care for your mom into old age?
Are you gonna be the most boring millionaire of all time?

>> No.57513266

Nah dude he doesnt have to do anything with his life. The number is high so that means he will be fully fulfilled with a life of being on the internet and having 0 meaningful memories. This is the goal of life under capitalism, who needs meaningful connections or love when number is high?

>> No.57513311

On a serious note, I would rather be a homeless person than be the OP of this post. Dude sounds like a massive loser. At least most homeless people have some friends, and a hell of alot more experience.

>> No.57513382

That was my takeaway

>frog poster
>uses the word "comfy"
>talks about one day hitting the gym
>talks about one day eating healthy
>checked out of society
>lives with mom who he hates
>thinks leaving the country will fix it

100% fat loser

>> No.57513403

I almost did it. I believe it. Leverage is what fucked me from millions

>> No.57513420

I dunno man, prime pussy is a good reason to move out

>> No.57513436

He can't cook, doesn't even have the discipline to work out and likely has 0 social interactions due to living with his mom. Only pussy this guy is getting is what he pays for, and hes gonna have to pay extra.

>> No.57513455
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bro this is absolutely correct it does sound quite like op is just a giant fat loser who has a tiny cock you must be the smartest guy in the thread great observations

>> No.57513558

probably just has a poor relationship with his mom like i do mine. mine doesn't cook shit for me, so i learned how to cook taco bell menu items because i love taco bell, but don't want to pay the high as cost of fast food for it. its also healthier given i don't use a shit ton of sodium.
People laugh at OP, but i wish i was him. i'm tired of being motivated by resentment. its the only thing that drives me to work and school is so i can hopefully have the last laugh before my mom dies. i want to silently move out, leave her with her debt, and vanish off the face of the earth as far as she's concerned.

If i was in OP's situation, i wouldn't be motivated to work or go to school because id pretty much already have everything i want aside from children.

>> No.57513632

based OP
get your mom grandchildren if you can afford to
I'm 30 and live with my parents but I have negative net worth
God bless them they raised me, least I can do is try to provide
>t. living in hyperinflation

>> No.57513638

Not op but I am more fit than 99% of this board and have good looks. I am autistic, but can easily pull bombshells. Only thing stopping me is hyper autism and a cynical brain where I can only see the worst of this world.

>> No.57513664


if you can help a family man out I'd unironically appreciate it

>> No.57515498
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I live in my dad's house and only pay for food, it's a good way to save for a house or just for garbage, if $JEWP is enough to buy everything I want, I'm doing something right

>> No.57516045

good luck bro. i went to travel around when i first made it ('18-'19) and it really fucked me up still recovering mentally
>t. 8 figs living with parents

>> No.57516163

>it really fucked me up
in what way?

>> No.57516176

the world was different than how i imagined. or rather i was different in the world than how i imagined i'd be if i had money.

>> No.57516300

Yes, if you are a socially akward loser you will still be that when rich, no matter where you are

>> No.57516307

i went to travel with only a few bitcoins and now i have a gf.

>> No.57516320

Good for you, fuck the people being mean to you here

>> No.57517668

anon im not going to lie but thats pretty based

>> No.57518040

I have a much lower net worth, but I moved to a low COL country, and live like a king for $20k a year.
Stay in maid cleaning up everything, doing groceries and cooking my food, 24hrs air-conditioning and heated shower, asian massage parlor head or full service 2-3x a week, stoned 24/7.

I don't see why you'd ever put off living like this when you already have more than enough to afford it for several lifetimes.

>> No.57518755

you'd rather shit yourself on the streets and smell like shit everyday? What kinda friends would he be hanging with?

>> No.57519949

Send me 5k bro.

>> No.57519968

He fucked a tranny and realized it was disgusting plus he's gay now.

>> No.57519982

will be making Millions from BTCDragon this month and I still live at my grandmas

>> No.57519991
File: 3 KB, 125x125, chan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holders also get rewarded with BTC daily for holding the token.
BTCDragon all the fucking way

>> No.57519995

Do you fuck her anon?

>> No.57520029

Why do you hate your mom? My mom is pretty cool and based, she was the one who taught me to be racist. She is white and grew up in Flint Michigan. So she had first hand experience dealing with niggers in school. And left that shothole city as soon as she was an adult.

My dad is the one I hate, he's part jew. (Which I realize makes me part jew) the only time he contacts me is to ask for money. I used to be retarded and actually give him money when I was younger in my early 20s.

>> No.57521940

What country?

>> No.57521985

>I have a net worth of $5 million and still live in my mom's house

'The Larp'