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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57508420 No.57508420 [Reply] [Original]

The whole "revived meta" where a couple people buy coins and then it only takes a slight dump to scare everyone.
How would we create a coin to prevent that? Like I'm talking about creating a cryptocurrency to never reveal what it is - list it on uniswap for with locked trading for a year, then after a year unlock it - renounce contract and let the shit flow. BUT how do we PROGRAMMATICALLY stop jeets from jeeting them? It seems like it'll be the ultimate idea, at least I think so.

>> No.57508463
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Retarded idea probably and not possible

>> No.57508476

>BUT how do we PROGRAMMATICALLY stop jeets from jeeting them?
You cant. Anything that could do this wouldn't be popular because of the limitation. Best you can hope for is the actual whales stick with it for a minimum MC until it ultimately moons or dies.
Needs 2 things:
>Active community
>Visible progress
And that progress doesn't even need to be price, just things being done, made, the community doing anything productive.

No revival coin will truly moon for MONTHS after coming back. But they can die in days or weeks if the people buying in think they'll be millionaires overnight.
>Over night millionaire doesn't happen.
>They get disappointed
And at that point it's a 50/50 if the "core" community jumps ship eventually too.

You unironically need a large enough group of people willing to marry their bags (LONG TERM) to moon, that's how you become jeet proof.

>> No.57508489

so what you're saying is the idea needs to turn into some sort of application where we can COLLECTIVELY choose a shitcoin to revive and that coin ISN'T shown until a specific time? Including for the dev of course, transactions would show that anyways.
Am I onto something or no

>> No.57508520

>that coin ISN'T shown until a specific time?
That wouldn't work.
>Dump money into mystery box
>everyone sells at once

>> No.57508616

Damn. You destroyed my idea in one sentence.
Back to the drawing board then

>> No.57508732
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Unironically the much hated dogbat is probably the best possible choice for a coin revival that would make biz rich. Other than being on BSC, it's pretty much perfect. Bonk on Sol shows that the meme still has legs unlike a lot of dead shitcoins, and the liquidity is great. The buy/sell tax kinda sucks but does prevent jeets from quickly exiting after a 10% gain and ruining the momentum. The barrier for entry for anons is low as we all are retarded and have BSC/BNB and once everyone here has bought in, the shilling to normies can commence in earnest. I know the previous dogbat team blew it but that's the thing, we don't need a team, we just need biz to stop being retarded and just shill. This could actually work

>> No.57508927

Next best thing to be completely honest
Check the contract for why.

>> No.57510701

its called dog with bat
it exists
and has $1m in liquidity.

>> No.57510762

Anon thats why we have LINU. We held until now to shake out the jeets and now we shill and slowly grow.