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57508194 No.57508194 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished my first novel. How do I beat go about profiting off of this?

>> No.57508286
File: 129 KB, 756x740, 1706667966839379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys pls

>> No.57508300

Congrats on reading your first book anon, you’re finally on the same level as a kindergartener

>> No.57508310

No I wrote my first novel

>> No.57508311

put it on amazon and guilt trip your friends into leaving reviews

>> No.57508319

Does fiver for reviews work?

>> No.57508331

Look man, I’ve done this a lot. Self publishing won’t work well unless you already have an audience. Most agents want MINIMUM of two polished manuscripts before they’ll touch you. Try for an agent regardless. Good luck bro. Post a burner email if you want me to beta read it. Hope you make it.

>> No.57508344

I'm just starting another one, should I wait till that's done too? I make pretty good money, you think I can brute force this a bit?

>> No.57508356

>hmm I will just pay for reviews, I’m sure they’ll be convincing
>Tom Whiteman: “is very good book sers my favorite, 10/10!”
>Richard Smith: “I redeemed the Amazon kindle of the novel and much delight and laughs followed”

>> No.57508365

take the f gardner pill

>> No.57508368

This threads goofy advice anon don't take it so seriously

>> No.57508374

Unless your books is about a physical relationship between an adult and a toddler it won't get any organic sales in this day and age.

>> No.57508377
File: 239 KB, 862x697, 1706119998447135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he actually make any money?

>> No.57508380

Always be writing bro. You are a writer after all, aren’t you? I’m serious though if you post an email I’ll read it and give feedback.
Get a copy of Writers Market 2024. Find an agent in your genre, in your country. Write a proposal letter. Ever been published anywhere before? It helps a lot if you have. Think of it like a resume.

>> No.57508401

>You are a writer after all, aren’t you?
As a hobby but no this isn't my career. I'm cool to take breaks in-between manuscripts. Didn't between these though
>Write a proposal letter. Ever been published anywhere before?
No but I've always heard to write short stories and try and build up a publication history like that

>> No.57508418

That’s how I started. Did basic flash fiction competitions. Then short stories. Got a bunch published over years. It takes years to get good. Long listed and short listed a lot too.
One last time: make a burner and post it. Free help doesn’t come around often.

>> No.57508460

of course. he keeps buying ads doesn't he?

>> No.57508472
File: 868 KB, 1024x1024, iU103YnhYB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course he keeps buying ads what a fagget also i agree with the comment that was made about how writing take years to get good i bet they are a great writer and would surely make a great contribution to 4chan culture

>> No.57508481

My short fiction manuscript is 18000 words. It’s fine by me if no else reads it. No one else would want to.

>> No.57508500

i really like these images

>> No.57508529

What genre is it? I want to write a scifi fantasy novel that rivals Gene Wolfe.

>> No.57508540
File: 214 KB, 1024x1024, k61Pn6QSqa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sci fi and fantasy are pretty gay but it would be cool to write something that rivals gene wolfe or brandon sanderson (who is way better let's be real bro) like a really epic hard magic system and also with some kind of hard sci thing to it like the martian but also set in a fantasy world and also with really big strong muscular people fighting each other and also with huge tits

>> No.57508541

Not sure about him but Imbred gets autism bucks so will do it indefinitely

>> No.57508546

Small town mystery

>> No.57508547

>who is way better let's be real bro


>> No.57508549
File: 1.52 MB, 1024x1024, UhukHPT6m2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh and btw this is a huge secret so keep it on the downlow

>> No.57508973


>> No.57510059

>How do I beat go

>> No.57510742


>> No.57510761

Good question

>> No.57510778

My captcha is YY2P
>why WHY to pee?
How do I profit from pee?

>> No.57510832

lol, do you have any idea how many "novels" there are on amazon that sell 1 copy or less per year?
good luck

>> No.57510836

Sci-fi and fantasy have been compromised now (like pretty much everything else); however the benefit was always that you could touch more controversial ideas, which would be instantly cancelled if the storyline involved humdrum human characters.