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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57506308 No.57506308 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57506312

cuz you have no skills.

>> No.57506326

Maybe you’re white. When I see a whitish name like Dave or Fred or Hanson, I immediately trash it with no response.

>> No.57506341

>cuz you have no skills.
Saars I'm bobandvegenesh, im to werk for the 0001$ for mont saars.
im to slept on street saars
im will not eated
im werk real good much saars
im to werk the edukayshun saars hard much

>> No.57506532

What ethnicities get interviews at your firm? Primarily Asians? Blacks and Latinx of color? Strictly Jews and Indians?

>> No.57506539

I work at a consulting firm with about 90% Asians, almost all Chinese. I'm white though.

>> No.57506567

I’ve seen female sophomores at uni get top notch internships while the white and Asian males get passed over even though they are far more qualified for the positions. There is no point in participating in this shit.

>> No.57506680

you mean paid sex work

>> No.57506681

booming economy means how much taxes the government rakes in. which means how many people they can jam in

>> No.57506697

Jobs are unironically mostly going to immigrants in lower paying sectors, Zerohedge talks about this all the time. Part of the inflation reduction strategy in the US is immigration, these sectors saw huge wage growth during COVID

>> No.57506711

The big jobs report showed more foreign workers taking up menial jobs to prop the whole report up.

Meanwhile white collar and tech jobs are being slashed more and more. The media is just gaslighting the good economy for the election year, the same way they redefined a recession back in 2022

>> No.57506717

>What ethnicities get interviews at your firm?
it's a fiatcel LARPing about working on PR

>> No.57506797

their parents or their parent's friends work there then they have the audacity to jerk themselves off for being women overcoming adversity

>> No.57506938

>The big jobs report showed more foreign workers taking up menial jobs to prop the whole report up.
can you link me where it says this
I believe it btw, and have believed it for a while
I just want something concrete and saveable that shows that white collar is being killed while menial spic labor grows

>> No.57506964
File: 96 KB, 1274x734, native vs foreign born workers jan 2024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Biden is the biggest hoaxer in history

>> No.57506977

We basically had no migrants coming in for 2 years to do menial labor during COVID. They're making up for that shortfall now.

>> No.57506991
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fuck you
youre going back
100 million deportations day one

>> No.57506995

bidenomics is working!

>> No.57507017
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>> No.57507024

Native born people arent increasing in number

>> No.57507025

Neither do fighting age muslims.

>> No.57507033
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Worthless Uber-driver and grub hub delivery jobs are being taken into account, that and more and more Americans are working multiple part time jobs due to the lack of full time positions.
It’s all bullshit created by Biden. Oh, but another 14 BILLION to Israel just passed the house yesterday. Nice!

>> No.57507063
File: 516 KB, 828x1468, IMG_1393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are more ILLEGAL (not just immigrants, but ILLEGAL immigrants) than there are natural born citizens.
America is done, I have $215,000 saved up and I’m ready to move to Malaysia at any point. No way I’m raising a family in this country. Nothing but mentally ill and landwhales everywhere I look in America, revolting.

A country is made up of its people, more than its government or policies, it’s the people who make up a country.
FUCK America

>> No.57507075

>he didn't network
McDonald's is always hiring!

>> No.57507123

Europe is probably the move since their demographic problems can (and will) be turned around very quickly
yuropoor countries are still overwhelmingly european white, and all it takes is a rw government and remigration policies to turn them around
America is fucked though, non hispanic whites are like a decade away from definitively being a minority forever (its already like 50% realistically), and due to our wonderful 14th amendment there is a huge population of shitskin citizens that cant be deported unless Hitler 2 comes and repeals it
not saying Hitler 2 isnt possible, its certainly possible, just that things look quite grim

>> No.57507198

>America is fucked though, non hispanic whites are like a decade away from definitively being a minority forever
Not saying it's good, but wouldn't the USA just be Brazil then? On the one hand, it sounds awful on paper, but Brazil is still liveable I guess? On my end though, I'm thinking of moving someplace where I can have my dream of being in a cozy winter shack in the middle of nowhere, a dream I had since I learned of Uncle Ted. Whether that's in Montana, or Siberia or Denmark, it's a dream I'd like to try living out if only once. Imagine the comfy vibes.

>> No.57507222
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Ezra Pound was the Bobby Fischer of his time.

>> No.57507295

>wouldn't the USA just be Brazil then
brazil is liveable if youre a rich foreigner but you still basically have to live in a walled community and still risk getting robbed every time you leave your bubble
I personally do not like brazil, I despise the third world, I want to live in Japan for white people

>> No.57507298

Did network, and have the higher IQ. Still got passed over for some socialite rostie whore with zero experience

>> No.57507332

The third world exists as it is because they can buy the technology of the collective west
The collective west exists as it is because it can buy the commodities output of the third world
Both systems are being destroyed right now necessitating a sharp reduction in industrial output

Like take the boeing incident recently that shit will keep escalating till complex systems cant be managed anymore

>> No.57507343

sounds like you suck at networking then
learn to socialize Mr. High IQ

>> No.57507350

because Biden is a defecating piece of shit

>> No.57507372

He is defecating a piece of shit or he is a piece of shit that is itself defecating out another piece of shit?

>> No.57507386
File: 117 KB, 1534x583, Gem Software.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is it so hard to find a job?

Because they use software to screen out white people.


John told me that, of Gem’s features, its race- and gender-identifying AI was the biggest selling point. “A key part of the pitch was to tell clients that Gem uses AI and machine learning to determine race and gender.” (This is especially ironic, given the panic about “racist AI” that has consumed every discussion about artificial intelligence for years.)

“One thing that cracked me up was that recruiting/DEI buyers at companies would ask, ‘Is this legal?’” John told me. “Not because they were offended by how obviously racist the software was — they loved what they saw. The concern was pushback from their legal team.” He said this question was asked so frequently that Gem’s Chief Legal Counsel had a prewritten response to the question that would be passed along to clients who asked.

>> No.57507505

I see. Well the upside to complex systems crashing is it might be easier to skirt or outright disobey the law for profit, enabling us higher iq /biz/nessmen to take our riches and fuck off someplace else. If that happens, I'll see you guys in St. Petersburg

>> No.57507523

learn to read a chart

>> No.57507527
File: 282 KB, 1024x1024, TTzqJggLoz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you're so smart

you really know what you are talking about your points about the software are really interesting it's like the future is here already i like your ideas about where we can take our riches and get away we should totally do that i'll see you in st petersburg buddy and don't worry about the software we're so smart we can get around it

>> No.57507531

we are reaching nazi germany levels

>> No.57507545

ok so we turn the entire earth into a grid
and we diversify each square in the grid with perfect ratios of race and gender identity for each job, house, family etc.

then everybody is happy.

>> No.57507598

probably the second, kek

>> No.57507903
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Easy. The Fed's job is to force nominal growth at almost any cost as nominal growth allows risk free capital return, this is the mechanism behind oligarchical parasitism. Earnings ratios have ballooned over the decades from monetary expansion, not declining rates, declining rates were merely the vehicle for monetary expansion. Now the mechanism is bond interest. Real rates are always negative to zero under debt based fiat, remember, you can't actually borrow from the future, all that is created when new money is created is a new fraudulent claim on existing resources.
>Graph note: The Fed stopped reporting Institutional Money Market Funds as a separate series in 2020, hence ((Total MMF/1000)-Retail MMF's) as Total MMF's is given in millions of millions instead of thousands of billions and Retail is already included in m2

>> No.57509615

>nobody wants to work!

>> No.57509640
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The seasonally-adjusted SGS Alternate Unemployment Rate reflects current unemployment reporting methodology adjusted for SGS-estimated long-term discouraged workers, who were defined out of official existence in 1994.

>> No.57510987

All whites in brazil are hispanic you fucking morons. These threads are a joke because you talk about brazil, but Brazil is 40% white hispanic and 60% mutt. The USA is 58% non-Hispanic white, 14% hispanic white. Making it nearly double brazil in terms of 'whiteness'. You are either panicking over nothing, or have no clue how far the US an still go down.