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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57506251 No.57506251 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57506255

Its a retarded one but still an opinion nevertheless.

>> No.57506260

they are afraid of our chainlinks

>> No.57506265

Just buy stocks you fucking retards. Walmart is real, Halliburton is real, Amazon is real. Its that fucking simple.

>> No.57506272

imagine being an asset manager
chainlink is your direct competitor
if chainlink wins, you are out of a job

>> No.57506274

>"When Larry Fink and Jamie Dimon talk about the tokenization of “every financial asset,” they are not talking about crypto-collateral RWAs, they are actually talking about tokenizing real estate and private equity, and eventually public equities. This will not be accomplished merely with smart contracts. "

oof, that's gotta hurt

>> No.57506283

>it will be harder
>it will be impossible
>it will be impractical
>it will fail
I'll bet running telephone lines was hard too

>> No.57506294

why would that hurt?

>> No.57506302

>This will not be accomplished merely with smart contracts. "
correct. otherwise ethereum (or X shitchain) would be enough. its not, and thats the thesis

>> No.57506303
File: 133 KB, 1024x511, silverandgold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hard as in, 30+ years
and i agree with that
holding chainlink is an intergenerational thing
it's for your kids (when they are adults) and grandchildren

>> No.57506305
File: 248 KB, 1024x1024, ap6EopHmEO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and yeah i do have a huge cock that's why i'm so confident in what i'm saying

>> No.57506311

>Dave Hendricks

Opinion discarded

>> No.57506356
File: 72 KB, 1559x321, Dizzamn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stakers unequivocally demonstratively blown the fuck out.

>"First of all, tokenization is a relatively simple and minor part of the process. Tokenization is a commodity business and hundreds of companies can tokenize assets. Tokenization by itself is not a very profitable business, and as a business model, tokenization is a competitive race to the bottom when it comes to fees. With so many suppliers offering the same thing, it’s going to become a commodity really fast."

>> No.57506399
File: 2.93 MB, 1500x1130, sergs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's be honest here, I know, they know and you know, that's gotta sting for all the link cult members out there, don't ya think bud?
Pic related is the shit cultists do my man.

>> No.57506430

Everyone look at this guy. He totally wants me to sell my Link. You want me to sell my Link lil guy? I’m just not going to is the thing sorry.

>> No.57506449

pools closed and shall remain closed until further notice. we apologize for the inconvenience

>> No.57506489

>Pic related is the shit cultists do
I agree, cultists spend their free time making pictures like that in MS Paint, it's quite sad

>> No.57506574

Go look up what the word merely means, fudtard.

>> No.57506596

we dont need ur stupid pool
we got 5%+ on our savings accounts :^)

>> No.57506601

there is no way to verify that a digital asset legitmately represents a physical asset. ive told bag holders for shit coins like hedera but their solution is just to have a some form of authority verify everything which is insane, like human physically inspecting everyting thats tokenized

>> No.57506663

>securitization ON DA BLOCKCHAIN!
Of course RWA is vaporware

>> No.57506677

You faggots seriously haven't heard of Dusk have you? Partnered with Link btw.

>> No.57506689

>This will not be accomplished merely with smart contracts
He's right. They're gonna need an oracle for that. And a CCIP. If only there were something that would do these things....

>> No.57506692

all of the upcoming web3 narratives are vaporware. games, rwa, identity, scaling, they're all horseshit

>> No.57506753

Oh geee I wonder how securities get purchased and sold even now. Lol.

>> No.57506846

>>"When Larry Fink and Jamie Dimon talk about the tokenization of “every financial asset,” they are not talking about crypto-collateral RWAs, they are actually talking about tokenizing real estate and private equity, and eventually public equities. This will not be accomplished merely with smart contracts. "

Yeah I suspect it will require more data from off chain to be put on chain in a trustless manner to properly facilitate commerce between the RWAs.

>> No.57506888

>This will not be accomplished merely with smart contracts.
so incredibly bullish

>> No.57506900

Again, everything you're talking about is done on Dusk which is EU regulated under MiCA. Mainnet Q2. This is the only other thread I will ever mention a real L1 Trustless ZK RWA Protocol. Tokenization requires 2 fundamental requirements at the base layer (Privacy & Regulations) for CSD's to be serviced by an intermediary becoming a RegDeFi FMI.

You need a Stock Market MTF License, MIFID II & GDPR Compliance in the EU. For the US its Reg A+ and Reg D which Dusk is also ready for.

>> No.57506990

Yeah those grapes are really sour, dude. You didn't want them anyway kek

>> No.57507035

You have to go back.

>> No.57507045

Man will never achieve flight.
Not in one million years will there be a lighter than air craft.

>> No.57507052

man cannot physically fly. that's the equivalent of what you're asking for, not an airplane

>> No.57507062

Well that's the thing. I am selling my LINK and he CAN buy it. But my sell order is at $4,377.12 per coin.