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57505539 No.57505539 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the bear market is over, I think we can all officially reveal our real professions and how much we've accumulated in crypto.

I am a criminal profiler. 360k per year, 80% invested in crypto. I analyze serial killers for a living and predict their next move.

>> No.57505553
File: 93 KB, 436x512, Festive Chud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a government agent sent to trick chuds into living in tents and working at walmart to help china overtake america
And I do it for free

>> No.57505561

>criminal profiler. 360k per year,
is every job in america just paid milions per year or is everyone just larping here
this all sounds like huge bullshit
criminal profiler 360k more like 36k kek wtf

>> No.57505575

Could you imagine getting paid 6 figures to write "the nigger did it". Tree of liberty must be watered man

>> No.57505581

Wait, what?
I'm an agent too.
What is this place? Have we just been glowing eachother all this time?

>> No.57505593
File: 1.38 MB, 2982x2594, Suffering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open your mouth sir I'm about to glow a big one

Oh oops did I just post dusty in your data mining thread oh no did I really do that?

>> No.57505721

Im a hikki NEET

>> No.57505787

64 yrs old. Security guard. 980 in HBAR.

>> No.57505811


No job, no degree, no skills for me. I think getting lucky in crypto genuinely might of been one of the worst things to happen me. Ran my life on easy/auto pilot mode after getting 7 figs. Burnt through it and now I have 100k left.

Interesting job though anon. How does one get into that?

Around 80% in crypto and 20% in bank.

>> No.57506003

There literally aren't enough serial killers for there to be a full-time job hunting them.

>> No.57506013
File: 15 KB, 474x316, 60710ACD-4887-4663-9AB1-7492A0A2560D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over? It hasn’t even started yet.

You can’t have Republican without recession. Every. Single. Time.

>> No.57506136

It's kind of weird. $50k is the average salary, and most jobs, even ones that require training like being a locksmith, are going to be at or below that. But in actual careers like healthcare or finance, you tend to start at the average or maybe $60k and reach six-figures fairly soon. There's a ton of LARPing though. During covid, the internet psyop'd itself into thinking that anecdotes about software engineers making $200k WFH for doing 8 hours of work a week were real and even standard. This basically doesn't exist. It's kind of funny how europoors react to American salaries, but in threads like these you really need to remind everyone that the average income is $50k.