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File: 698 KB, 868x790, FMh27tsXMAUmMXj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57505398 No.57505398 [Reply] [Original]

is he right?

>> No.57505423

imagine needing over 2 hours to say nfts are retarded. holy shit. can someone teach these people how to edit their slop

>> No.57505435
File: 859 KB, 1235x638, ordinals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, especially when he covers NFTs being links that point to off-chain centralised databases. If only there were an on-chain alternative.

>> No.57505461

The meta is to pad out your shitty jewtube videos with as much filler as possible and make shitty """documentaries""" to farm ad revenue bro

>> No.57505488

Ser this is not an icp thread, stay in your containment threads

>> No.57505495

if he talks about bitcoin he's most likely wrong, otherwise probably right, but it doesn't matter because this subject doesn't matter
but the whole video is extremely off putting to me, it's cringe for a reason I can't explain, just can't watch it

>> No.57505500

I'm not talking about icp; I'm talking about ordinals on Bitcoin layer 1.

>> No.57505506

Its 2 hours of made up bullshit that you'd only believe if you were already anti crypto biased. Its all factually incorrect or flawed logic, strawman bullshit, cherry picking retarded NFT bullshit. I would love to counter it but its just so retarded and low effort, just so high volume, like its 2+ hours of bullshit FUD that isn't even worth getting into.

>> No.57505517

brandolini's law

>> No.57505523

Even though the guy is an unironic communist I'm happy he made the video to scare away all the normalfag midwits that will be flabbergasted once "line go up" again. Crypto has been a scam since 2012 to these people and when every US bank has a reserve of BTC in 10 years it's still going to be a scam to these people.

>> No.57505747

>most NFT shit is a total swindle, centralized, and waiting to dump on you
yeah obviously
>also BTC is a fucking scam lol
what a retard

>> No.57505805

are you testing the waters for another NFT rally?

>> No.57505970

He's right with NFTs and DAOs being buttfucking retarded, but his arguments against Bitcoin and crypto as a whole were weak and hinge on the tech being stagnant forever.

>> No.57506076

Yes. NFTs are dumb as hell.

>> No.57507221
File: 194 KB, 809x798, Screenshot_20240131-000453~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I missed the first one and accepted that most jeets are richer than me so I'm all in on a fantom shitcoin that sells nfts. I don't think the first mint will actually sell out but I've learned a lot am prepared for nft round 3

>> No.57508281
File: 152 KB, 625x500, Capitulation_NuMale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He thinks that crypto is a "movement" and it began because of the Occupy Wall Street movement.

In reality, is because our financial system is pure shit and makes our lives worse.


Under no circumstance did that balding onions faggot ever mention those simple, easy facts. No mention of the phase out from the Gold Standard, no mention of corporations stagnating salaries artificially for decades, none of that.

Nothing more than


Meanwhile we have mass immigration completely devaluating salaries and he of course as all good leftoid scum won't ever mention that.

What he also failed to point:

>The US government cannot stop crypto currencies
>The USD will die
>The USD will die somehow even faster than before

All thanks to crypto currencies.

>> No.57508316

NFTs are going to moon hard again and normies are going to cope and seethe. Their smugness is a huge bottom signal

>> No.57508322

high iq take. normies are fully fudded out and will absolutely get sidelined. ordinal nfts will be the new meta

>> No.57508329

the physiognomy of the creator is peak basedboy (balding, beard, thick-rim glasses, skinnyfat) and so I can discount any claims they made with no other efforts required

>> No.57508339
File: 1.06 MB, 1024x1024, GUHjWrTNcz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really hope my sarcasm was ok bro

>> No.57508340
File: 1.63 MB, 2208x2669, You Mad Apparently .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my doppelganger effortposts
I'll allow this