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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57504985 No.57504985 [Reply] [Original]

>/biz/tards fell for the CS degree and learn2code meme

Absolute STATE of CSfags

>> No.57504999

I quit coding to be an alarm monitor, I make almost as much and literally just sit and do nothing all day. I could do this for the rest of my life

>> No.57505082

Checked, don’t you mean alerter?

>> No.57505104

No I physically sit in a room, arm and disarm the building for work days/weekends and go check on if alarms every go off and dismiss them. Rest of my day is just sitting and the computer and sometimes people come to me to sign out temporary/badges for visitors

>> No.57505130

>Literally who
>Blog post
AI needs to replace your brain OP

>> No.57505222

you're seeing the result of diversity hires
the same valuable/high-iq White and Asian males are able to pivot into whatever leading edge field they like
the ones left behind are those who were never capable of cutting it in the first place

>> No.57505224
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yeah bro just do mind numbing work staring at a screen all day instead of getting real business and social skills working your way up the corporate ladder. Yeah bro retire early from google and live off dividends while traveling to asia for a couple years before you get bored and settle down back in portland but by then your T is too low to even knock up your chinese american wife so you go work again but your skillset is too out of date so you get some shitty corporate bullshit job managing indians until they replace you with a european for 1/4 the salary