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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57504449 No.57504449 [Reply] [Original]



i love the new necromancy meta

>> No.57504456


>> No.57504488

Fyi I'm dumping at 150k mc so prepare for that

>> No.57504512

>implying we will get to 150

my village is hungry sir

>> No.57504524

Try 15k. The last one stopped at 5x.

>> No.57504539

We will get there easily if anons want to gamble and buy in. I saw a god candle the other day that went for 800% before someone ruined it and sold. Once 6 or 10 more anons buy and dont sell we will see a baby god candle forming. It will snowball for a hour then someone will dump and make 25x while mostly everyone else pulls 10-20x

>> No.57504550

Jeets taking 50 dollars in profits make me laugh. enjoy niggers. You just allowed me to slurp some FROGE

>> No.57504554

There is no necromancy meta dumbass. Just everyone pissed they didn't get in super early on Linu

>> No.57504555

Which one of you just sold for a $60 loss? lmfao

>> No.57504569

Kek gog a sui bag and it's already 4x even with that tiny pajeet chaindoomp
Lol at the nigger who lost on a trade too. Paper handed bitch. What's the point in gambling on a shit coin if you're gunna pull out so fast rofl

>> No.57504577

peak /biz/

>> No.57504606

Lmao this board has been pumping and making money from every dogshit "INU" available.

Ain't missing out on this one
I fucking hate myself for not buying pepemmo


Don't dump on me this time

>> No.57504634

pepemmo isnt even 1mc yet what are you bitching about

>> No.57504636

Alright i'm in niggers

>> No.57504650
File: 128 KB, 402x300, 04CE3A7C-C89D-455D-A15D-3008905A7FF5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck dogos, get me something that’s actually FUN and will make me wealthy

>> No.57504652

>7k mc
I guess i'm early for something for fucking once

>> No.57504672
File: 274 KB, 750x425, 1695426216907245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck dogos
This is a frogeo mate

>> No.57504680

It's a bot anon

>> No.57504687

each one is scammier than the last

>> No.57504723

It's still not a dog. It's a cute froge!

>> No.57504748

Dropped a zero, let’s drop another

>> No.57504794

I'm so horny to drop one more zero
come on retards, let's get one long green candle so it can finally reach my G-spot

>> No.57504803

they gonna dump soon watch

>> No.57504825

I'm sure some will but as long as the biggest whales don't who cares? It was dumped earlier by the OG shill already and just destroyed the price he dumped at

>> No.57504876

Dip insta slurped damn

>> No.57504879

Yo this is pumping without socials
Also i hope whoever sold at .000016 buys back in at a loss in the next 30 minutes. I love when swingies get fucked. It's SO based.

>> No.57504900

time to jeet and dump quick!

>> No.57504912
File: 248 KB, 1024x1024, ap6EopHmEO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have a point but who the hell sells at 016 that's so cringe like don't be poor just buy the dip or at least wait for it to dump to 001 and then get back in

>> No.57504913

I boughteded
you owe me sex
millions must buy

Let's gooo

>> No.57504915

Not hating on that guy he made a 2x and pulled out 300 dollars. But he will most likely rope when this edges 1000% gains in the next couple hours lol

>> No.57504928

wont happen. the max high is already hit. trust me its with all of these wuick pump and dump coins

>> No.57504942
File: 1.52 MB, 1024x1024, UhukHPT6m2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek that's based he will probably end up roping when it goes 1000x imagine being poor

>> No.57504981

Nah you aren't scaring me out of my bags rajeet
someone could dump $1,000 worth now and I'm confident based off no research this will still 1000x

>> No.57504983

This is pretty resilient for a microcap. It’s obviously gonna jeet out at some point though

>> No.57505028

Well it doesn't have to jeet super hard. I mean it probably is a lot more rare but some of these revived coins have remained alive. The only ones that are clearly a bad investment would be like lucky or foge
foge maybe not but lucky is for sure a insider P&D and best of all it's high school kids taking thousands from people lol
Got in at 6k mcap
.t 10M+ FrogeInu whale

>> No.57505049

is that why it's already almost past the wick again? Go ahead and make another wrong prediction though.

>> No.57505071

lol, I’m literally the guy who discovered the Lucky contract. I can assure it’s not an insider pump and dump. The project has since been taken over by people way more confident than me.

As far as froge I’d love to see it grow some real legs and go somewhere but unfortunately about 90% of these types of coins dump hard jn a couple hours. Still got a bag though just in case

>> No.57505081

*assure you


Fucking phones lol

>> No.57505160

I'll throw $50
Whenever i throw $200 or more st some microcap some poorfag jeet dumps for a $10 profit

>> No.57505187

Kek you found that shit coin? I imagine anons like you just spend hours looking for these, not a bad gig kek
This is cute enough for my dog kennel, i added a bag
Does any anons have any good memes of this yet? Memes make the dreams. Without them we won't moon.

>> No.57505235

topkek never gonna break further. better to sell now thank god I am out!

>> No.57505245

thabks for the gains faggots

>> No.57505252

>sold $80 worth

>> No.57505272
File: 387 KB, 1200x1154, 1667355279855580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same faggots that were behind the BOBINU rug yesterday. Do not trust any of the new INUs popping up out of nowhere. It's most likely the Jannies because they keep these threads up.

>> No.57505285
File: 162 KB, 181x319, aX5qVReu9H.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got some while it's hot thanks nigger
it's 17.5k as this post goes out
I saw that god candle too nigger
shit skin
shit skinned

>> No.57505323
File: 132 KB, 1280x701, IMG_20240204_192552_632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit you guys are literally amateurs. You don't even make an effort to be subtle. Absolutely deranged psychos.
You're not. Lucky Dev is currently in an AMA.

>> No.57505345
File: 36 KB, 1454x530, NVe9ugcyH7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky Holder (SHITSKIN x100)
nice chart though kids LOOLLL

>> No.57505386

added FROGE to play with my LINU hehehehe

>> No.57505390

thank god I sold at the top. it already rugged!

>> No.57505397

Ask Lucky if he was the one who discovered the contract or if he first saw it posted in one of the Linu threads. I’m the guy who originally posted it.

>> No.57505399

are you the red candle wick? Because it passed that. I think people are waiting to slurp dips on this but all it takes is a fat buy to send it up another 100% kek so if you're swinging be sure to at least have the noose ready and tied incase this goes crazy kek i might even post it on tiktok just to promote it

>> No.57505454

Just dipped again. Let's see if the third dip gets slurpe

>> No.57505469
File: 1.66 MB, 1024x1024, D3kTgxe4RO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the op is so right

let's slurp up some juicy dips we need to be fast though before all the tendies get gobbled up i bet this thing goes up a hundred million percent by tomorrow morning it sure is fun being on 4chan and making money

plus i have a giant dick and i love to brag about it

>> No.57505483

Gotcha. I just assume that anyone backing these PnD rugs is in on it.

>> No.57505503

If these faggots going .1 eth in would JUST hold for a couple zeros they would cash out with over 50,000 dollars holy fuck people are so stupid for 200 dollar gains it's hilarious
get fucking greedy retards, why the fuck did any of the retarded coins blow up? Because of fucking BIZ that's why.
If we want something to blow up, it happens. Dumb fucking niggers. Holy fuck I hate black and brown people sooooooo much

>> No.57505530

Well that was a bust, everyone is already dumping, on to the next scam I guess.

>> No.57505536
File: 300 KB, 1024x1024, zLx7RMsC3Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen guys 4chan is the best

we're all here to make money and get bitches and we're going to do it together we'd like to welcome all the new users coming from tiktok and let them know that we're going to party hard and show the rest of the internet who's got the biggest cock on the block so get ready to have your minds blown by all the crazy gains and pussy we're bringing your way this is going to be epic

>> No.57505548

I unironically think most of these dog coin revivals are organic. It’s just that when they’re young it’s so easy for one person to create a panic selling cascade that tanks everything. Kind of like what just happened with Froge lol.

Sad that people can’t hang on to a coin for more than hour. Oh well.

>> No.57505611

Nah, they've already been exposed as being behind the BOBINU rug and were probably behind others like Jew Inu. You can spot them easily
>they bring up LUCKY for no reason to shit on it
>talk like niggers
>post the same images
>threads aren't getting deleted and get constantly bumped by 1 pbid

>> No.57505615


>> No.57505634
File: 318 KB, 1080x1520, Screenshot_2024-02-04-22-58-33-485_com.brave.browser-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK. Like i said

>> No.57505739

phahaha! and they didnt believe me when I sold at the top. thabk fucking god I left! haha!

>> No.57505764

Hahahahahaha you fucking faggots

>> No.57505777

I knew with how hard it was being shilled it was a pnd. too obvious

>> No.57505791
File: 182 KB, 1024x1024, yA9H0QFogP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't take your anger out at me just because you missed out on the gainz

>> No.57505806

i'm not mad I just knew it was a pnd and decided to not invest into it. and as expected I was right. dont assume im mad on missing out on gains when its not worth the risk on low class scams

>> No.57505846

Literally looks like its got down syndrome, ngl

>> No.57506486

>linu isn't shib
>linu spawned the necromancy meta similar to how shib started the dog meta
The stars just keep aligning and those poor blind bastards can't see it

>> No.57506505

ofcourse they cant see you homo fantasy. they got brains retard. and they see that this is a scam. luni is bleeding. maby you are the one that cant see

>> No.57506627

We've moved to a new coin anon
>The Return Inu
Gotta catch em all

>> No.57506937

I bought shib when retards were saying the same about that. Miss out again. Idgaf.