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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57503524 No.57503524 [Reply] [Original]

Considering buying one and never opening it and selling it 15 years later. Seems like a risky thing to do. Does the month of the production date matter? Will it ever become collectible?

>> No.57503541

If they become a big deal with multiple versions over the years then absolutely it will. If it's a flash in the pan then it will struggle to keep it's retail price

>> No.57503542

Seems like the effort and relative investment to reward would be pretty poor.

>> No.57503548

Why does that shithead want me to piss my life away flipping his burgers if not to avoid the coming of the Day of the Lord?

>> No.57503563

Even failures can become collectibles but I am guessing it has to be a huge one for it to matter. I hate apple and think this tech is dystopian af but recently heard 1st gen sealed iphone sold for $190k

>> No.57503568


1. It looks retarded;
2. It's expensive.

>> No.57503576

Neither of those points are relevant to OPs questions
You in the wrong thread?

>> No.57503642

Maybe, but you would be dealing with battery degradation and dysfunctional software if you tried to buy and hold. Modern electronics aren't inert and often are something that you don't really fully own because of the eternal updates and software-as-a-service shit.

>> No.57503666

I really do not understand the collector mindset but why would that fucking matter if it is never going to be opened? I do not think I am going to buy one since phones are dystopian enough. If I see one of this fuckers pointing its cameras at me I’m going to smash it.

>> No.57503811

Snowboard goggles? Why the fuck would they be worth anything? Some sort of weird "current thing" NPC fad? Made by some special brand NPCs like?

>> No.57504362

It's not like the first iphone which was actually revolutionary new technology, we've had hundreds of VR headsets for over 10 years now, the apple version is not anything new. No one will look back 15 years from now and remember the apple vr in a sea of oculus and htc headsets.

>> No.57504495

youd be better flipping immediately on international eBay to non-Burger appleholes, who cant buy this trash yet. Upside is maybe $1k over retail. Downside is, well, eBay, fees, idiots, customs, opened (and now unusable) returns, yaddayadda. If you were selling 5-10 or so and could deliver, to notUS, you gold. Otherwise, I can think of better ways to watch $3.5k rapidly depreciating.

>> No.57504515

>No one will look back 15 years from now and remember the apple vr in a sea of oculus and htc headsets.
Itoddlers will. Remember when they were finally able to open webms and tried to act superior until they were reminded we've been able to do this for years and they are niggercattle? It's like that but VR headsets. Some soi faced retard will collect gen 1 apple products like funko pops.

>> No.57504595

>recently heard 1st gen sealed iphone sold for $190k
You heard about it right before this product launch? What a coincidence.

>> No.57504695


4000% return on investment sounds pretty good to me regardless of "effort"

>> No.57505051

The main purpose of virtual reality goggles is intact Augmented reality. The Vision Pros do the best job at that right now. In 50 years mechanics are gonna use this shit to diagnose vehicles or doctors performing intensive surgeries and would need ChatGPT describing the best scenario possible.

The purpose of that is not to play video games and faggots on 4chan need to realize that.

>> No.57505072

But like anything else, it's probably more cumbersome that it seems

>> No.57506847

Even if it becomes a "collectable" that's at least 2 decades away. There will be multiple price drops before that. $3k in crypto is a better buy if you're going to hodl anything for 15-20 years.

>> No.57506892

Historically commercial failures are even more collectible than popular stuff if they have an interesting design.

>> No.57506909
File: 223 KB, 1024x1024, VHwvbwFiOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean to be completely fair that's a total dogshit opinion what you don't realize is that you're an absolute moron and a massive idiot 4chan is the best website ever and everyone who hates it is just a basedboy cuck i think you need to learn how to appreciate the finer things in life like myself who obviously has a huge cock

>> No.57506921

Recentism bias. Crypto had 15 years to pop out anything useful and it's still nothing but scammy shit and an online casino. There's nothing in crypto except Bitcoin I'd consider keeping for over a year in this market. The rest is pure gambling. And honestly, the odds are better buying OTM calls on tech stocks if you're going to gamble.

>> No.57506940

as, by definition, less of them around.
an iphone v1 in sealed packaging might make bank as its original state makes it seldom - battered and used iPhone v1s are still etrash

>> No.57507059

You're probably better off investing in services for the blind for when this thing causes macular degeneration.

>> No.57507139

unironically good idea anon
but it's probably going to dump first, you can wait a year or two

>> No.57507370

I'm no fan of apple, but if their headset launches vr into the mainstream then it's actually quite similar to the iphone. Iphone just had nice hardware and made people want to buy a smartphone, and like most apple products they aren't revolutionary.
I mean look at how stupid and fudded the ipad launch was, and yet that propelled tablets into mainstream use.

>> No.57507401


>> No.57507448

I work at an AI company that is developing an AR that will knock the sox off this turd.

>> No.57507466
File: 248 KB, 1024x1024, ap6EopHmEO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nice cope bro sorry your shitty company is being made obsolete by this you have no future lol you're probably a failure and your project is going to fail btw your cock is so small

>> No.57507482
File: 214 KB, 1024x1024, k61Pn6QSqa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen i am a ceo of a multi-billion dollar ai company i make more in one second than you make in your entire lifetime my penis size is completely irrelevant

>> No.57507484

can't believe the current /biz/ crowd is getting filtered by the AVP. bear market did you guys dirty.

>> No.57507504
File: 232 KB, 1024x1024, 9V0QFQMkga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over you are literally going to be homeless get rekt bears

>> No.57507588
File: 7 KB, 150x244, 150px-Apple_Newton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the apple newton all over again.

>> No.57507640
File: 271 KB, 1024x683, R (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gimmicky nonsense, nobody is going to walk around with that stupid thing on their face. The original Google glasses were a lot more slick

>> No.57507651

I plan to use it at second monitor when I'm working remote from Africa