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57497979 No.57497979 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57498086

that electricity wouldn't be produced if it wasn't for cryptocurrency mining being a thing.

>> No.57498095

they cant ban anything in america because its against our freedoms

>> No.57498120

Yea just like China banned it lmao. They can't do shit.

>> No.57498184

How can a computer program do that? This is jew propaganda bullshit.

>> No.57498207

1) the USA will never ban Bitcoin
2) they would have to ban gold first, as gold mining uses up 100x the amounts of energy, resources, material, everything

>> No.57498244
File: 7 KB, 262x193, 1348828592278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitton of evidence that climate change is currently the most serious threat to human civilization
>people use up enough electricity to power a mid-sized country to run internet memecoin ponzi schemes
Homo sapiens was a mistake and we deserve to be wiped out.

>> No.57498251

what evidence? im old enough to remember all the "climate change" scares. acid rain, ozone layer, new ice age. its all fake

>> No.57498258

I'm not going to argue with you. You are subhuman and I'd put you in a forced labor camp if I could.

>> No.57498268

banned alot of stuff related to bitcoin trading,,,
fucking sucks

>> No.57498280

Lol get the fuck out of here. The earth has had '12 years left' for the last 50 years. Fake news.

>> No.57498297

Climate change is a hoax.
The weather has been changing because of the weakening magnetosphere. You should worry more about a CME from the sun taking out all power and the internet than CO2.

>> No.57498298


YOU can't do shit. YOU'D get a round through your dome.

>> No.57498300

>shitton of evidence that climate change is currently the most serious threat to human civilization
Imagine actually believing this LMAO go fuck yourself retard

>> No.57498305

based. climate change deniers are the scum of the earth

>> No.57498317

What's your preferred climate?

>> No.57498318

Didn't they just authorize the Bitcoin ETF?

>> No.57498326

You get the rope

>> No.57498327

OK Greta.

(Verification not required.)

>> No.57498338

Yes and they will enforce the use of Cardano

>> No.57498340
File: 1.01 MB, 1200x802, green energy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohhh noooo how will we ever produce moreee

>> No.57498369

You are a retard, Anon. Now you know. Have a good life and use this information to the best of your ability.

>> No.57498380

Get a load of this faggot, climate nigger. Nigger, first climate bullshit, is bullshit. "Bitcoin" doesn't use any more energy than my bittorrent client, or the notepad. Fuck off FBI, CIA, whatever the fuck you are.

>> No.57498386

>what evidence?
Imagine posting this during the shortest, warmest winter on record, after the hottest summer on record.
You're saying you've heard the warnings over the last 40-50 years saying if we continue to produce CO2, this kind of weather will happen.
And now it's literally actually happening, in the way it was projected to.

"it's all fake"
Idiotic take.
How does someone fake the weather?

If this hadn't been the hottest year on record, maybe.
But this is actual evidence that the warnings might have been right.

>> No.57498389

if humans made the climate change then how do you explain the ice age and melting of the glaciers

>> No.57498421

Uhh climatetrannies, our response?

>> No.57498452
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>I'm not going to argue with you. You are subhuman and I'd put you in a forced labor camp if I could.
holy based
I look forward to the day when it's legal to kill climate change deniers

>> No.57498488

> I look forward to the day when it's legal to kill climate change deniers
Climate change has happened since this planet exists. I forgot the exact number, but something like 300k years ago or so, there was an average temperature of 38-40 Celsius(!) in the northern hemisphere. And no ice on the poles. Ice bears were alive then though. Do not believe the media hype zoom zoom

>> No.57498493
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>> No.57498532

God you people are so fucking retarded. Nobody thinks the climate was constant before the industrial revolution, but the pace of change in the last 50 years is much higher than anything that's happened naturally before, except for sudden catastrophes like a giant fucking asteroid smashing into earth, and those catastrophes always caused mass extinction events.
I'd post a graph showing how ridiculously fast the climate is changing compared to the past, but it would probably be waste of time.

>> No.57498558

Stay scared then, if you so choose. It's up to you.

>> No.57498574

It's like talking to a dog. Absolutely no point.

>> No.57498594

thanks just bought another Mustang with a raging American V8
t. europoor

>> No.57498609

>climate trannies calling anyone a dog
you subhumans are funny ngl, when will you realise that no one actually cares
even here in climatefagland (europe) normal people are pissed off at the technocrats and their retarded climate religion?

>> No.57498611

There is, but you don't see it.

>> No.57498727

there's 8 billion people on the planet at this point. almost none of which you will ever coarse into changing their actions. whether you want to stop climate change or not, you are powerless in the grand scheme of things.

why get pissy about it at all? only people like Jeff Bezos can make a difference. the rest of us can't do shit but watch as things play themselves out.

>> No.57498744

>why get pissy about it at all?
because a core tennant of leftist commie subhuman ideology is about forcing change through tyranny instead changing oneself

>> No.57498769

oh yeah because scientist know what happened one earth thousands of years ago let alone millions? you fucking retards and your "science" are so laughable. they dont know shit about fuck.

>> No.57498782

now that blackrock is in its likely that they subsidize bitcoin miners

>> No.57498847

>go out to the arctic to drill for ice cores
>analyze ice that formed thousands of years ago for clues about the climate of the time
>some nigger that can barely read calls you retarded on a Mongolian basket weaving forum

>> No.57498859

you can keep seething on the internet while other people around the world travel the world in jet airplanes and drive in polluting machines, you're a cuck

>> No.57498864

they only have weather records going back 120 years retard so how would they even know? there were multiple eras with no ice already millions of years ago before humans even existed

>> No.57498895
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State is a memetic parasite, it is subordinate to the superorganism Economy, BTC is Of Economy and as such is immune from statist meddling

>> No.57498908

This is true (and obvious to any human being with a brain), leftist subhuman dog excrement beings unironically believe the state is above god

>> No.57498913

Gold mining uses 200% energy. Rockbros....we won

>> No.57498921

Separation of state and church took a while too. And it still hasn't fully happened in the US. Expect it to take a while in regards to BTC as well.

>> No.57498922

>climate change is le serious
Agreed. So when do we genocide china/india/africa?

>> No.57498923

>while other people around the world travel the world in jet airplanes and drive in polluting machines
I do that too. Difference is I'm not in denial about basic fucking facts, and I at least try to reduce my impact on the climate and vote for parties that don't pander to retards like you.
>they only have weather records going back 120 years retard
>I don't know how they do it so it must be a lie
>no way others know things I don't
>yeah they're definitely just making it up

>> No.57498942

Plants are growing better now due to the higher CO2 levels. (Currently around 0.04%) seems a little stupid to lower CO2 levels and move to a plant based diet like they want, more plants will.be needed to eat with a lower production.
But hey you believe what you want.

>> No.57498943

>and I at least try to reduce my impact on the climate
because you're a cuckold, muh climate is completly indifferent to me and doesn't affect any decision I take because I'm a human being

>> No.57498945

I could launch 60 trillion NFTs a day and it still wouldn't come close to the damage a single kike does to the climate in one private jet ride so go fuck yourself nigger.

>> No.57498956

>muh climate is completly indifferent to me and doesn't affect any decision I take because I'm a nigger

>> No.57498968

you're so mad lmao

>> No.57498975

im not the one with the factory. who cares if i deny or not.

>> No.57499046

>I don't know how they do it so it must be a lie

then explain it retard. if you think they can look back 300 million years ago on some soil samples and tell that the average winter temps varied by 10 degrees in a 50 year period youre fucking retarded

>> No.57499056

State & Church (dead for 500 years) are/were memetic parasites, Economy is a superorganism made of all human action. Learn the difference, it could save your life.

>> No.57499071

> they would have to ban gold first, as gold mining uses up 100x the amounts of energy, resources, material, everything
yeah I'm gonna need a source on that

>> No.57499079

I already did.

>> No.57499084

dyor. Literally look up what the miners use.

>> No.57499096
File: 464 KB, 1944x2198, Screenshot 2024-02-04 at 01.12.37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> dyor
ok, now what?

>> No.57499110

>Bitcoin is safer than gold
giga bullish

>> No.57499131

Yes, that is the energy. Now look up fuel for all the machines, water used, and so on and on... you end up with an about 100x number

>> No.57499148

not me

>> No.57499150

Already did, faggot.
Here >>57498847
They look at ice cores.

>> No.57499176

If co2 levels drop by 0.03% plants will die.

>> No.57499768

>it's profitable to do something
>it's being done
>surprised pikachu face

>> No.57499775

Correct. Crazy to not believe in climate change.

>> No.57499852

I could see it used as a pretense, most definitely. Doing so would destroy non-anonymous PoW chains. I mean, maybe it would, who tf knows? While I don't trust a thing that comes of what our jewish overlords do, it might allow fundamentals to actually begin to matter which would be fucking nice.

>> No.57499874

The liberals and Jews are flooding the West with retarded niggers.

Soon the average IQ will be too low to safely operate nuclear power.

Otherwise you'd be correct, using nuclear would be an easy fix.

>> No.57499888

don't see why they would ban btc itself, but I guess they could ban miners...
wouldn't that drive prices up? or down, I'm not even sure anymore

>> No.57499901
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>> No.57499924

If you actually read that article, you'd see a dozen different ways in which models have to be created to correlate two or more pieces of data that can then be used to infer other data about the environment at the assumed time period in question. It's all models within models within models. They're useful and they're novel, but the margin of error for the average temperature over a given time period SEVERAL HUNDRED MILLION years ago is *at least* an order of magnitude higher than the so-called measured change today. And that's not even going into the numerous examples of data tampering that have been shown, or the sheer number of temperature probes whose data have been tainted by having heat sinks/sources built in their proximity.

>> No.57499932

>Homo sapiens was a mistake and we deserve to be wiped out.
Good point, you should start with yourself.

>> No.57499975

>drill hole thousand feet down into ice
>magically know what degree it was that day

>> No.57500059

>shitton of evidence
post 1

>> No.57500069

you won't do shit lol

>> No.57500071

For anyone interested, here's a climate-change-related video that blew my mind. It's such a radically different but extremely well-reasoned hypothesis of the progression of the earth's climate. As an internet stranger, I highly recommend it


>> No.57500239

>if I could
But you can't because you're a weak climate change believing faggot. You should kys and reduce your carbon footprint.

>> No.57500272
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they dont even have ice from millions of years ago, his article says they have samples from "up to" 800k years, which means they dont have samples from any of the 5 ice age thaws other than the one we are in, and they wont because all the glaciers melted

>> No.57500280

You really need a source to tell you that mining operations of any kind are more destructive than having a bunch of computer wasting electricity? Seriously?

>> No.57500303

It was much funnier my way, no?

>> No.57500632

Post nose.

>> No.57500694
File: 220 KB, 553x569, What_The_Black_Greta_Thunberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck do you mean by "shortest, warmest" winter on record?

I live in California (NOT IN THE MOUNTAINS, AT SEA LEVEL) and last winter it snowed.


This year's winter is being very cold, too.
Last year's summer was like a breeze.

Things are getting colder, go eat a sack of baby dicks you faggot.

>Cope, seethe dilate you shit tranny nigger

>> No.57500718
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You are right. China has to be nuked.
They are killing the planet and should be eradicated.

>> No.57500829
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if anything, they'll ban U.S. mining outposts like Marathon. That's why I've always invested in Canada's Hut 8 Mining and have been making a killing ever since

>> No.57501009
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>> No.57501061 [DELETED] 

Fighting to pay for university re-admission fees, nowadays struggling a lot. Can anyone help me with 1300 usd only so that I can complete my graduation?

I really don't want to lose educational career. Can anyone help me with 1300 usd?

>> No.57501071

Leftoids have been talking about the 'polar vortex' being climate change for 10 years like you need cold wind for winter to be cold smdh nigga fr fr.

Then why is winter so cold, nigger?

>> No.57501275

I won't take climate "activists" seriously until they start pointing out the real problem - turd worlders and chinks reproducing like rabbits.

>> No.57501957

>During an interview by French investigative journalist Paul Moreira, which was first broadcast on French television station Canal+, Moore was asked about the safety of the herbicide glyphosate. Moore told Moreira that one "could drink a whole quart of it" without any harm. When Moore was challenged to drink a glass of the weedkiller, he refused, saying "I'm not an idiot" and "I'm not stupid" before ending the interview.