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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57494689 No.57494689[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Okay guys , LITEN UP, deplayed yesterday , 40k MC and a solid community , creatore own less tha 1% and the progect have ambition, it really made something other than fak3 promises, if this is not an early gem and /biz is gonna miss on it i guess is true that /biz like to stay poor

>> No.57494716

where can I play it?

>> No.57494744

It is very simple you visit their website pepemmo.online and then you go and buy it instantly.

No shilling needed.

>> No.57494775

This is actually cool anon. Pepe narrative + mmo + a fucking working game. Nice done.

>> No.57494807

>Okay guys , LITEN UP, deplayed yesterday
Hey OP, LISTEN UP, I’m not buying this shit!!

>> No.57494836

Anon, this is one of the few micro cap gems getting on this board from time to time. I’m not saying that this will go to Pepe levels, but at 40K mcap is nice shot to get a 10x don’t you think? Also check the fucking game for yourself.

>> No.57494935

I hate brownoids so much

>> No.57494956
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>liten up

>> No.57494969

The fact is that they do really have a game. lmao. Keep buying muh utility tokens.

>> No.57494977

Fuck it, I’m in. What’s a few hundred on this rug pull. I’ve put hundreds in worse.

>> No.57494994

Lel same. At least I will be able to wear my golden Pepe pupu skin in the game.

>> No.57495028

This seemed sketchy as fuck, so I only put in 30 bucks. Already up 2x, though.

>> No.57496455

Has anyone played the mmo? Saw someone streaming it in kick, but not much was happening in it (the character kept dancing in some bar table)

>> No.57496485

PepeMMO the next big thing, check the game you will have some fun. Today was 20k MC, now is standing at 110k and its just getting started.

>> No.57497140

Looks like it's starting to moon. What the fuck, is this actually going to make it?

>> No.57497253

Just getting started $PepeMMO!!

>> No.57497297

This coin will 100x from here, lets go! Be early on this

>> No.57497305

Post still up. That means Jannies already bought in and this will moon

All the confirmation bias I ever needed

>> No.57497893

Working MMO, small mcap, bwe are early, 100x is safe from here WAGMI

>> No.57497906

A Pepe MMO at 100k mcap? 1M minimum

>> No.57498347

Other projects likes to have shitty promises to have an open world game but this PEPE MMO already did it! EASY 100X on this!!

>> No.57498354

U niggers remember domi online ?
Good if not

>> No.57498889

Domi Online reached a peak of 60M marketcap though. This one is sitting at a 100K.

I just visited the link in >>57494744, and there's an actual thing there you can play. I'm using a super cheap laptop so the windows are all glitchy and I keep falling through the floor, but I'm kinda surprised I can even play it at all so it's most likely fine for people who aren't running tin cans.

I have to say, seeing a 100K coin attached to a playable 3D game that is going to be developed for months sounds interesting. You can literally just play the game and not invest a single cent in the actual token, although I'm sure the tokens will make it funner to play. I wonder what utility the tokens themselves will have in the actual MMO.

>> No.57500235

@PepeMMO, the best Meme metavers , check it out . Trump is now available and Pork will be soon .

>> No.57500566
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gm niggers
im in

>> No.57500633

wen 1000x

>> No.57501062


still up, checkmate.

>> No.57501271

Today PEPEMMO will have another rise, 200k mcap

>> No.57501545

4m easy

>> No.57501555


still no jannies. Sign from above - if they´re in, its going to moon

>> No.57501801

new character trump unclocked

>> No.57501823

Fud. It's gonna go 100x in no time.

>> No.57501850
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>> No.57501905


>> No.57502001 [DELETED] 
File: 175 KB, 383x733, Screenshot 2024-02-04 203053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big buy

>> No.57502017
File: 153 KB, 397x655, Screenshot 2024-02-04 203053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big buy and new ath

>> No.57502019

well time to sell a bunch!!

>> No.57502032

#pepemmo is mooning, 1m mcap soon

>> No.57502086

This is easily going to 10m mc in a week. It's only been a day since /biz/ got a hold of it. Pump your bags now, because once this gets out, it's going to go insane

>> No.57502266

Thinking the same. Maybe not in a week, but this month. Heard that /biz/ ads are coming.

>> No.57502309

the best thing to do is just fill your bags now. then collectively everyone activates their autism and storms twitter, etc. the normies would love this shit. This has way higher potential than /biz/ gives it credit for right now. but, as usual, /biz/ is short sighted and wants to stay poor. it's like an addiction

>> No.57502335

Kek, this is more valuable than it's current mcap just as a place to discuss with /biz/ without jannies' censorship.

>> No.57502465

it's not the fact that it's a coin, it's MEMEABLE. It's 100% got normie zoomer vibes.

They are adding counterstrike maps, and who knows what else.

I love this little faggotcoin.

>> No.57502487

This. It's gonna be the memecoin of 2024.

>> No.57502488

Just blatant shilling lmao /biz/ with boards we be so much fun.

>> No.57502517
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Lmao @ Michael, Jonathon, Steven and David doing coordinated shilling on a board full of brokies. How many VPN’s are on rotation to get that 1 ID post guys? You’re not becoming millionaires from taking suicidal bizlets lunch money.

>> No.57502571

I'm up 8x now. Should have put in more than $30.

>> No.57502577

good luck bro

>> No.57502602

>good luck to myself disguised as bump

>> No.57502652

its mooning fudders
This is the new WoW

>> No.57502673

you fucks better get in now before it reaches 1m

>> No.57502746

My god, hit 450k.
im up 10x.

>> No.57502800

>Atsuko Inu
>5k Marketcap
>6K+ liqudity pool
>Renounced contract
>Activity ceased since January of 2023
>Dev long gone
>Cute inu coin
You missed HOKK
You missed LUCKY
you missed SHIB
you missed everything!
It's like you hate missing out on a quick 5000% pump, anon.

>> No.57502812

this is going to be the easiest play. In a week it'll be so big. get way higher than x10

>> No.57502886

back at 400k mc

>> No.57502894

That dip hurt, but didn't last long. I think 1M is within sight,

>> No.57502949

400k MC next stop 1m @PepeMMO best one out there!

>> No.57502959

Green dildo still incoming

>> No.57503355
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Just some thoughts

>> No.57503377

Just letting you all know once it reaches 50m mc, I'm selling

>> No.57503773
File: 77 KB, 3440x1440, Screenshot 2024-02-04 185034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based chart.

>> No.57503873

NOW YO RUINED IT. FUCKING JEETS ARE JUST LIKE ARABS. "After you" after he sticked his dick in it >:( and where is the telegram and twitter for it? Shiba Inu got revived because a college-degree team of 30 marketers decided to pump it.

>> No.57504192

It just skipped straight to more pumping lmao.

>> No.57504208

I don't know what it is about this game but with the music and animations, it's fucking hilarious to me. this could be really big.

>> No.57504301

Fuck I should've invested yesterday lmao. I thought it was dip some more and not moon till after monday

>> No.57504308

This is MASSIVE bro, whales are already apeing, and the game is like meme multiverse, this is what every blockchain's dream!!!

>> No.57504337

Only 600k MC , this will be HUGE $Trump $Pepe $Pork $Doge $Shib they all will want a piece of this.
@PepeMMO LFG!!!

>> No.57504357
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>> No.57504364

kek. where is my golden pepe reee!

>> No.57505004

What are you supposed to do in this thing? Walk around and jump?

>> No.57505022

Someone was lazy to read the medium.

Here you go, sir.



>> No.57505099

Didn't know there was one. But, yes, I would not have read it. Thanks

>> No.57505848

My regret. Only buy $100 at 40k Mcap.
Still poor

>> No.57505990

i am a desperate man for buying this at 500k

hostile whales are dumping every pump

>> No.57506442

What do you think this coin will top out at?

>> No.57506838


>> No.57507469

wen bro? next month?

>> No.57507574

Bro y u sell. Basterds all off you!

>> No.57508681

The week just started, and @PepeMMO is going to fly, atm is in good position for buy entry. Check the game and make your choice :d

>> No.57508777

Bougth $500 at 45k mc
Thanks for playing
Buy my bags

>> No.57509065

#pepemmo will go to 1m mcap this week. Lets go!

>> No.57509268

All eyes are on @PepeMMO right now. Rly nice team and community LFG guys!

>> No.57509270

People here don't deserve to buy. People moan about not finding these 1000x gems, this one comes out the woodwork and y'all too pussy to chuck in half and Eth


See you guys in a couple of weeks, looking forward to hearing your cope for missing out

>> No.57509279

Allright, bought a smol bag, lets see where this can go

>> No.57509287

better buy pepemmo

>> No.57509859

This project have hugeee potential, just imagine every meme crypto community in this metavers!!!
LFG @PepeMMO nice !

>> No.57511401

I'm interested to see how the game develops. Watching a game develop in real time is interesting.

>> No.57511473

>Anime Sluts
>less than 10K MC
>10K+ locked liquidity
>No activity since last year in Oct
>actual 100/100 token sniffer
You DO want some ANIME SLUTS pussy right, anon?

>> No.57511502

>No activity since last year in Oct
One reason to not buy the shitcoin you're shilling.
Just buy PepeMMO you retard and watch your bags grow. You can't deny the memeability and normie appeal of this coin.

>> No.57511815

Sold my PEPE, hope I'm not going to regret it. I'm pretty sure I'll rake in gains with promising utility depin tokens like DIMO, HNT, and PEAQ when it launches, likely this Q1.

>> No.57511907

I think you will regret it, this week #pepemmo is going to fly

>> No.57511928
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I am not putting my money in yet. Gonna wait for the launch of the token that was recently integrated with Wormhole to unlock liquidity from 30+ blockchains.

>> No.57511972

$1m and by next month. Sell before the game launches. Depending on how well the game is received you might want to buy back in. PepeMmo wouldn't survive 2021 BSC casino but because it's current opponents are mere puppies it will be able to slowly but surely reach $1m mcap. Maybe even $10mm depending on Fomo and black swans

>> No.57511995
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1m market cap and 10m market cap is not enough bro i think $100m market cap is achievable it has a lot of potential i would totally sell before the launch of the game it's going to be a game changer for sure

>> No.57512029

Really depends on what the dev plans to do with the game after release. He seems like a real clean, trusting sort of guy but also he seems to trustworthy.

>> No.57512537

I'm not going to bite. Fuck off Pajeets

>> No.57512584

It's funny to think people didn't buy this at 25k because they see everything as a pajeet scam. You'd be up 20x by now.

>> No.57512611
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Keep seething forever or buy a bag soon anon

>> No.57512641

@PepeMMO good consolidation in preparation to valhala
#PepeMMO community is the best!!!

>> No.57512653

Sold my PEPE and PORK and bought PEPEMMO, more potential for gains

>> No.57512730

Diamond Handing 6m $PEPEMMO, it’s trending right now, don’t miss out on this gem guys. Told you it will moon

>> No.57512738
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>> No.57513679

I sold my LUCKY for this. Let's hope the team delivers a good game.

>> No.57513907
File: 52 KB, 1080x1080, pau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COPE will be serious.

This will be the main HUB for whole meme-crypto community very soon.

Accessibility plays HUGE part. and they nailed it.

>> No.57513915

Finally a place where we can talk about KNS without getting banned

>> No.57514001

is anyone else shilling their shitcoins while hanging out in game?

>> No.57514000

>Accessibility plays HUGE part. and they nailed it.
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