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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57492501 No.57492501 [Reply] [Original]

>Heard you been talkin shit, wagey

>> No.57492514

i respect the bezos

>> No.57492524
File: 790 KB, 1890x2677, IMG_3662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thanks wagey
>I’m still going to need you in tomorrow

>> No.57492796

Is one of his eye fake? The fuck?

>> No.57492869

How can one man be so based? Does he support Trump?

>> No.57492959
File: 123 KB, 900x450, IMG_9918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesnt matter how much money you have or are woth. You will mever be anle to have hair like me. I know because bald men come up to me with envy. Be envious Bezos

>> No.57492983

he owns the WaPo

>> No.57493542

he might be the least kiked at the richest of what we can see atm
sure amazon itself is a bit woke garbage but bezos... he's a good goy
idc if he's a literal glowie on CIA board

luv u bezos <;

>> No.57493550

stop mentioning his kikery
just let the one billionaire at his level that doesn't go through ritual public humiliation enjoy himself

>> No.57493555

He should consider cosmetic surgery on those ears

>> No.57493611

bezos peacefully and happily stares back at you

>> No.57493779

does he pay you?

>> No.57493808

Based Bezos.
Only mistake he ever made was to get married

>> No.57494386

seeing him reminded me of >>57487293

>> No.57495181
File: 200 KB, 406x388, Screenshot 2024-02-03 at 15.52.30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao all that money and this is what you get??? what a fucking loser hahhahahahahaa

>> No.57495188

She's gotta have some quality we can't see. Probably a miracle in bed or so.

>> No.57495197

Finding a woman at that age who is still energetic and tries to be hot/appeal to a man is gold dust. You don't realize how past 25 basically every girl gives up any and all pretence of having any sort of enthusiasm or excitement and just becomes some slowly fattening baggy jumper sofa feature.

No he couldn't get a 18 year old model.

>> No.57495349

Jeff Bezos is a wagie master

>> No.57495376

I went on Tinder set results to "Amazon babes" and intead of tall supermodels I instead get fat whales that work at your fuckin shithole. You're damn right I've been talking shit

>> No.57495409

My uncle went for a similar looking latina. Less bogged, late 50s, a grandmother but still slim and like the other anon said: tries to be energetic and sexy contrary to most women her age. She also cooks and cleans. I do believe that as you age you genuinely start to find women around your own age attractive, and there are many things that start to weigh heavier (like I mentioned above).

Judging by ol' Jeff's leaked Whatsapp messages to this woman, she more than meets his requirements.

>> No.57495419
File: 172 KB, 1128x1536, GFY2pnoa0AAbKBl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes money can buy you happiness

>> No.57495420

hahaha so funny bro

>> No.57495425

Mirin' vascularity

>> No.57495478

He’s literally a god free from the physical world he can literally do whatever he wants. He can probably drone strike your house if he really wanted to, he could get plastic surgery and get hair all over his body and turn himself into a gorilla if he wanted to.

>> No.57495857
File: 893 KB, 948x533, zuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who's talking shit JB?

>> No.57495879

I'm a NEET

>> No.57495894

>NEET-sama...p-please forgive my insolence, anything you need - my wagies will accomodate you!

>> No.57495918

He became enlightned and realized most people were made for bad wagie jobs

>> No.57496068
File: 1.41 MB, 1330x995, 141523532525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wanting to stick it into a strong-jawed mature but fit latina bimbo who probably spends half an hour each day doing nothing but kegel exercises

as a bimbo connoisseur myself, I am with Jeff on this one.

>> No.57496247
File: 118 KB, 931x523, sydney-sweeney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I became a billionaire and decided to leave my wife for degenerate hedonism, I would go for Sydney Sweeny. Peak bimbo and still young.

>> No.57496404
File: 7 KB, 205x250, IMG_3665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post body, wagey

>> No.57497537

she looks like 40 in the left picture. now imagine her without makeup and favorable lighting

>> No.57497566

>left pic

Jesus she is hitting the wall already.

>> No.57497620
File: 37 KB, 750x621, 51064712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking this, the only acceptable path after you "make it" is to Dicapriomaxx.
pic incredibly related

>> No.57497870

I don't quite understand why the 'multimillionaire to billionaire's wife' is a pretty natural girl (depicted) and the 'multibillionaire's wife' is an ugly hag again. There is no difference really for a woman whether you have 600 million or 50 billion. Whatever they want to press out of you, you can afford it.

>> No.57497936

Amazon employees by year:
1995: 11
1999: 7,600
2003: 7,800
2007: 17,000
2011: 56,200
2015: 230,800
2019: 798,000
2023: 1,525,000

>> No.57497942

I have no clue who this is. An actress from Sweeney Tod`?