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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 904 KB, 1158x1158, LinuV3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57491652 No.57491652[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I don't get it. Is it just getting priced out?
The price is super low right now.
It can't be because of the distribution because it's literally perfect. So is the contract and the renounce by the devs making it a community coin.
Why did this spawn so many copy cats, fudders, and jeets? when if biz just rallied completely behind this it would make us all rich.
It could literally be the next shib/doge and we could all be in before all the normies get involved on exchanges.
I actually don't get it

>> No.57491684

>Is it getting priced out?
Yeah, the seething certainly comes from being priced out of your crabdumping shitcoin. Surely there aren't atleast hundreds of thousands of other dogcoins in the market with thousands being minted daily, while hundreds of them moon on a daily basis. No offense, but I couldn't care less about your pathetic pump when I see happen 10xs daily in the sol casino
without being skullfucked by vitaliks fees.
Your coin is not special. The only reason people "seethe" like you think they are is because the board has been infested with disingenuous shills trying to convince anons that this is the /biz/ coin while it is just another marketing pump and dump scheme to make a few early holders rich. Now stop evading my filters you fucking rat.

>> No.57491701



>> No.57491709

Check HOKK token etherscan. Whales have been buying then distributing to multiple wallets. Idk what they have planned, but it looks like a few whales are coordinating ressurection. insanely bullish

>> No.57491713

just to clarify, i hold both linu and hokk. but hokks telegram is insane. they're getting gods work done and its actually insane. under a week they made new website, twitter, whitepaper, coingekco in the works, and more. see for yourself @ HOKKED_AND_LOADED.

>> No.57491738

It makes scammers and jeets (but I repeat myself) so mad because it's an organic memecoin that outcompetes their PnD shitcoins

>> No.57491753


fucking topkek! another delusional linucuck with hopium/copium

>> No.57491818

It is "special" though because of the distribution, and the coin itself being uncucked like lucky or any other shit coins.
If you're a sol jeet it makes sense given to your used to being ass fucked daily
Hokk is unironically dead and just moving off of the linu formula with a worse contact. Additionally the linu fags are getting cx going and it's being used in businesses already. Uniswap is even accumulating unlike hokk
Again why are you cucks so against rallying behind a single project it makes no sense. Give a real answer that's not just "muh bags"

>> No.57491897

The distribution is not unique, there are plenty of shitcoins with even better distribution than yours.
And it doesnt even matter, no one is gonna be buying a 2 year old dead shitcoin when there are plenty of other new coins that will take the piece of the pie anyway, bonk, pepe, wif, etc thats what normies are after (yes they already mooned, it doesnt change the fact that they rally behind this) There are no greater fools buying your bags. The only reason this could possibly moon is if LUNC did, and let's face it, odds aren't looking good. So you essentially are gambling on the fact that you can leech off the gains of lunc, might as well buy that, where it is listed everywhere on exchanges. At least, anyone can buy it.

>> No.57491899

If you have actually been paying attention, you’d know that HOKK is trying to bring back its previous glory as the SHIB rival. You guys are just trying revive a dead coin. The concept is the same, but the narrative is completely different.

>> No.57491914

But linu was first? And additionally was marketed as the first revival of shib. How is hokk not just copying that?
>Other coins with better distribution
Definitely post some! Would love to see it.
Additionally not sure what new coins have to do it with it. Would much rather have something that no dev can rug than some the same shitter sol coin that gets rugged in 12 hours over and over

>> No.57491918

My $50 buy is still worth over $1k, never selling, cry moar jeet

>> No.57491927

>lose $100 homie

>> No.57491933

>Again why are you cucks so against rallying behind a single project
Because they'll scammers here to scam and linu offers what they can't: a pure unruggable memeplay

>> No.57491958

very good linu cuck but everyone above you is losing money and gonna reinvest in other coins.

linu is bleeding and you still aint realising it because of your homo TG meme group that is high on copium and hopium

>> No.57492000
File: 274 KB, 793x797, NOT-selling-hahahahaha2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically, you just can't copy $LINU.
>I know, I know, UGGGHHHHH
But I'm just gonna not sell... and fuck your other scams :)

>> No.57492071
File: 249 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_20240202_212623_762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if the situation were hopeless, their fud wouldn't be necessary

>> No.57492101
File: 20 KB, 1061x304, 12674961283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linu literally translates to "A cry of grief" in Hindu so it's no surprise that jeets are seething

Kek is with us homies

>> No.57492125

Where and how can I buy HOKK?

>> No.57492503

I hold both linu (250b) and 100T Hokk
Wagmi frens..no need to fight

>> No.57492534

How do I buy hokk? Sorry I'm a fag

>> No.57492559
File: 1.58 MB, 1024x1024, IMG_9791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell you why.

Jeets and scam groups are fucking SEETHING we’re able to rally behind a single anons thread that igniting a flame in biz. 2023 was a shit year and anons were fucking hungry for something big, and right as 2024 starts some enthusiastic anon created that OG thread and from there dozens soon hundreds of people rallied behind and they can’t fucking take it that they’ve never been able to spark the flame in biz. They’ve constantly just been playing a scam for a few days or late night midnight shilling for drunk anons to intoxicated to care about $20.

What has happened this month is really special, a huge pump from 300k to 10m to a 4M floor memecoin, the amount of homies and bros involved, making effort to make a better situation for themselves cause this is all about making anons rich together, to take biz beyond a mere 5-10x and truly fucking make people richer here. That’s what’s the best thing about the whole picture is this is biz’s coin, the coin for your bros, the coin you throw $20-100 on and it helps you buy a house, buy a car, pay off debt. And all because you memed, marketed, and worked your ass off having fun with the bros.

>> No.57492571


samefag in every thread


HOKK was garbage 3 years ago and is garbage today. A dead coin has a better chance than a coin with multiple contracts that will easily confuse normies. Hold both if you want, I don't give a shit


Solana lmao

>> No.57492572

Man, I can't wait for this obvious scam to rug so you retards can stop shitting up /biz/

>> No.57492577

Use uniswap
Conect your wallet (make sure you're using the right site)
Paste the contract


>> No.57492588

Stinky linky

>> No.57492841
File: 47 KB, 512x384, 1460901914176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought $50 worth. Looking forward to it being worth nothing by the end of the month.

>> No.57492950

> hidden uneven distribution is bullish

>> No.57492978

Impossible CEX listings imminent working with 3 companies currently

>> No.57493008

>fuddies writing 5 page essays about us again
Kek I just like the coin is all. WAGMI homies

>> No.57493029

>I don't get it. Is it just getting priced out?
The fud level is sending my noggin bullish signals.

>> No.57493168
File: 1.53 MB, 1024x1024, 1884465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57493266


>> No.57493302

You seething homie talking in all capitals
You big mad homie

>> No.57493328
File: 27 KB, 677x381, 1581884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's it seriously?

>> No.57493450

Jfc why are there over 9000 bobos? Another raid?

>> No.57493461
File: 52 KB, 960x887, 117399022072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here for posterity.
>T. Love from /Pol/

>> No.57493944


>> No.57493982

Lmao don't bother trying to talk sense into them they're in shillmode to save their bags

>> No.57494004

ooooooooohhh baggieeeees

>> No.57494629


>> No.57495307
