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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57490276 No.57490276 [Reply] [Original]

>for a chain
Time to buy or does it still need a bottom?

>> No.57491091

Coin is dead breh. Time to sell was way back around Sept 2022.

>> No.57491209

>lunc is dead
spotted the linu fag. What happened to your mars tokens? gtfo and go back to your trannycord with the rest of those "fren" faggots

>> No.57491289

Don't have any of that, I'm just telling it like it is. The only real hope was the burns and those got killed really quickly. It's been nearly 2 years since the crash and there's been zero progress, even the crypto moonboys barely talk about it anymore.

>> No.57491312

I'm a LUNC baggie and this is dead unless something actually happens and the people sabotaging this chain goes away. Hate HCC as much as you want but the people we thought were working "for us" seems to have been always against us. HCC's schizo videos actually makes a lot of sense and Binance seems to be in the know of it and is probably trying to do something about it since Binance is the only true supporter of Lunc besides the community.

>> No.57491313

you cant hide bilbo we know it's you

>> No.57491319

Bilbo is Rabbi and he's been working for the people sabotaging Lunc since the beginning.

>> No.57491407

Why do you guys think this coin has any potential? There were plenty of opportunities to make money post crash, but it has gradually faded away into irrelevance. Seriously. What do you see in this? Moonbois need not answer.

>> No.57491444

>rugged ghostchain known for 1) crime and 2) a ponzi scheme with an entire legion of downbag bagholders
wow where do I sign up such potential!!!

>> No.57491469

Before, actual revival to a stable coin, a triumphant Hollywood feel good type story, but instead it became an American Horror Story.

>> No.57491587

>but instead it became an American Horror Story.
All thanks to biz. People generally don’t like when you spread rumors about them being pedos, calling up their jobs, posting their home address, posting pics of their families, etc. let alone shitting up their discord server on a daily basis. TR didn’t want to just quit and walk away without getting back at all the shit we started, so that’s why the grift happened, but not before zaradar soft shilled the idea of quitting once he started his king fu panda phase. Biz killed lunc [again], unironically. Imagine that.

>> No.57491624

Yes, mean words posted on twitter destroyed the blockchain (again).

>> No.57491645

Yes words are a powerful thing, have you been living under a rock? Revolutions started and people died cause of words. That's why I NEVER tell people to kill themselves cause it would be in my conscience forever if somebody with a weak will and a lot of courage to die actually do that. I'm not religious but if eternal damnation is a thing, I'd rather not be in for that cause murderers directly or not are probably primed to a hell worst than being a coomer or something.

>> No.57492429

is a shame that he succeeded

>> No.57493116

>is a shame that he succeeded
Give me a QRD please because this shitcoin has been dead since Kwon forked

>> No.57493346

yeah, buy time, but stop making threads about it

>> No.57494185


>> No.57494777

kill yourself retard. do kwon is a criminal and dealt with. the reason it crashed is none other than the kike SBF, who's also dealt with. he deliberately attacked the chain with an idea he stole off twitter (white man who tried to warn dokwon, but the gook didnt listen). You dumb jewish niggers sure love to make up shit and kvetch with alternative history.


>> No.57494920

$LUNC? No, you need to go all in $KYC

>> No.57495115

few devs are building on it anymore, and many have moved to cosmos.
unfortunately this, I can only see another scenario causing mass panic unless something changes.
I couldnt keep a bag after seeing the lack of dev engagement and jumped to some of the cosmos eco as well.

>> No.57495254

I don't care about it any more and moved on, but initially it had the potentially to be one of the greatest comebacks in crypto history.

Unfortunately, it got fucked over by greedy retards, and bad actors intentionally trying to sabotage any attempts at restoring the chain. Sold everything and gave up on it, but I made like 2k$ from an initial investment of 200$.

>> No.57496758

Triple 7
Chapta 444Y

>> No.57496837

call me baggie one more time

>> No.57496869

Kek baggie

>> No.57496877

here I thought this would be 50 million mcap or something, and I'd chide you for the technical demerits of your dead cosmos chain. no. it's a half a billion fucking mcap. for this piece of shit. you are a bona fide moron if you think this will go anywhere

>> No.57496884

ur ass needs to bottom out, faggot

>> No.57496930
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>chide you for the technical demerits

>> No.57496936

why is it pumping? volume up 58%... any news

>> No.57497056


>> No.57497071
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Daily reminder, our make it secret is the Trezor found in Do Kwon's ass, worth billions of dollars in BTC.

>> No.57497152

Schizochads we rise

>> No.57497212

We have to keep doing these volume spikes and pumps because that always results in huge burns

>> No.57497359


>> No.57497438

>shush little baby
>don't you cry

>> No.57497460

exit pump

>> No.57497634
File: 29 KB, 640x675, 1604770852919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought the bottom for once

>> No.57497770

God candles incoming.


>> No.57497818

I don't think that's the bottom, kek.

>> No.57498694

We gonna make it, frens. Luna baboona

>> No.57499681
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>> No.57499691
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>> No.57499715

You're missing a zero. It was 90k bitcoin.

>> No.57499724

I sold last summer cause it looked like it was going nowhere and I suppose I was right. After becoming enlightened to eth and solana shitcoins I never looked back

>> No.57499744

>90k bitcoin.
Lunc will burn 90% Of token we will go straight to $1000

>> No.57499958

My Luna stays Baboona

>> No.57500907

Any news? Why did we pump?

>> No.57501241
File: 97 KB, 1522x626, holyshitlmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean why did it pump? Because it was falling below 0.0001 again and baggies are trying to keep it afloat
JUNE 4TH 2023 did the exact same pattern as we're seeing now
ACTUALLY, this looks like it'll bleed out even worse than last time. That insane sharp decline from the last 0002 pump we might even see a 0 gained

>> No.57502946
File: 1.80 MB, 1737x1913, 1685989080709711-2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all going according to plan.

>> No.57503150

none of this happened btw faggot

>> No.57503249
File: 87 KB, 1198x868, 0wgSjEc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Delisted on Binance (futures and no USA)
>Delisted on Kucoin (KYC and no USA
>Delisted on others (CDC almost there)
>SEC lawsuit bankrupts TFL
>SEC waiting to fuck DK
>Trades volume nill (postponed) for 3 months
>11 months. 6 more to go.

Not exactly, no. But pretty close.

>> No.57503283

My wallet is pretty much useless. I forgot to leave some lunc to pull rewards and convert tokens.

Who are you staking with?

>> No.57503366
File: 440 KB, 596x542, 1672090023082558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Staking doesn't work for me. No shilling, but only 1 val is actively calling out grifters and fixing LUNC. Should be obvious.

>> No.57503403

list of coins /biz/ thinks SBF sabotaged so far:

i'm sure this list will be expanding in the coming months. it'll be 2025 and /biz/ will be blaming SBF because ElonBBCMoon rugged

>> No.57503454

>delisted on kucoin
Are you sure? I have my lunc laddered on kucoin. I’m an americunt and I’m able to trade it and to withdraw it to other cexs. I sent a test transaction to kraken and it worked

>> No.57503564
File: 160 KB, 1024x1024, 1701318307437391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From kucoin
>new users must complete Identity Verification
>registered before (no kyc)...only be able to use the remaining services: selling cryptocurrencies, closing futures contracts, closing margin positions, redeeming from KuCoin Earn, and redeeming ETFs. During this time, they will not have access to deposit services (withdrawal services will not be affected).
NY residents are more fucked and must withdraw by April or something.
Can you buy or deposit though?
IMO holding on a CEX is sketch enough. I don't need this extra BS.

>> No.57503707

The “LUNC executives” line is sus, but DK was arrested only a couple weeks after this post. The stuff with CZ and the SEC also panned out… Very intredasting.

>> No.57503723
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dude that's insane i think you're right i completely agree with this but it seems like there is a ton of misinformation and disinformation spreading on twitter these days from crypto shills you seem like you have a big brain and you are very smart you know how to call out fake news lol also btw i am the chief ai shiller with a huge cock so i know what i'm talking about

>> No.57503797

Hello based department.