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57489961 No.57489961 [Reply] [Original]

Guys. The economy is literally fucking amazing right now. Stop with this doomer shit right now. Give Biden the credit he's due.


>> No.57490019

We have the same shit in Canada. Le Trudo added 100,000 jobs to economy but these are all part time with only 4-8 hours a week. a lot of job postings are just covert data collection and virtue signalling by employers, any real job posting is flooded by 1000’s of application from 3rd worlders.

>> No.57490069

Leaf economy actually lost like 50k full time jobs in our last report. Our economy is in a massive fucking recession right now

>> No.57490182

Let me tell you little Chudcels a scenario I stumbled across a few weeks ago to give you paranoid conspiracy chuds a reality check I was at a dive bar and saw the following during a Biden campaign commercial:

>As the working-class guys gathered at the bar, they noticed Joe Biden on the TV screen delivering a speech. One of them remarked, "You know, say what you will about old Joe, but he managed to achieve a soft landing after all the chaos. Things seem a bit steadier now." Another chimed in, "Yeah, and he's been pushing for more support for the working class. Trump had his moments, but Biden's got a better grip on things for folks like us." Nods of agreement filled the air as they discussed policies and their preference for a more stable future, concluding that Biden had their vote in the upcoming election.

>> No.57490296


>> No.57491506

>nobody wants to work!

>> No.57491518

T. Suburban vermont

>> No.57491781
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>> No.57491848

>import millions of illegals
>a percentage of them pick up some form of employment
>pads the stats enough to offset all the retiring and dying boomers
Very cool, I love watching my country turn into Brazil. But with all these jobs added why is labor participation rate stagnant?

>> No.57492144

Because the economy is good. Shut up.

>> No.57492181

Looks like the Biden campaign converted this one to meme arrow format. I like the local gun store owner version better though

>> No.57492192

Could I get a quick run down on the gun store owner version?

>> No.57492552


>> No.57492629

>The economy is literally fucking amazing right now. Stop with this doomer shit
I'm making double what i made last year, fully paid off my home, my car, my credit card, and now i have just enough money to either pay all my bills AND get groceries.
>t. I'm jk, i am financially fucked. But i actually am making double, still fucked, still drowning in bills
>Make to much for foodstamps
>Make to little to eat
I fucking hate my life

>> No.57492642
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Fuck Biden

>> No.57493024

Stop spreading this DIVISIVE narrative that a mcdonalds Big Mac costs 16$ now. It literally hurts our democracy.

>> No.57493983

kek but also depressing

>> No.57494032

Economy is great for midwit non-Whites and rich stock traders

>> No.57494642

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