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57489021 No.57489021 [Reply] [Original]

Which personality is most likely to make it? Which is least likely?

>> No.57489030

rich INTP here
most hedonistic and NPC women ive met were ESXX

>> No.57489076

Corporate astrology.

>> No.57489151

the gambler is most likely to make it but the smart investor will do the best on average

>> No.57489192

Most likely overall is ESTJ. Least likely is INFP. Most volatility is probably EXTP (hit it big time or flame out)

>> No.57489371
File: 55 KB, 558x509, 04e5acd131040285dd1269000722c273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Socionics is superior for this, because of the whole quadra structure.

Gamma quadra is the most thriving in the current social system.

>> No.57489378

Most likely = ENTJ/ESTJ

least likely = INFP/INTP

t. Infj with 10k link

>> No.57489383

best people I've met (including myself) are INTP.
probably some of other personalities from the left side of the image are also fine, but the whole right section is dogshit full of fagger niggots. these are the stupidest mfs ive seen in my life lol

>> No.57489458

Nah, INTPs have a drive for making crazy meticulous patents, some will stick and make it.

>> No.57489557

these aren't personalities, they're jobs.

>> No.57489617

What do you think of avax? and how long do you plan to hold link? I'm thinking of grabbing both for the long term

t. infj with $90k just in cash

>> No.57489701
File: 42 KB, 800x600, income-final-1209563999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57489719

ENTP is most likely
INFJ is least likely (I'm INFJ)

>> No.57489751

is one of them unironically weaving a basket?

>> No.57489833

>rich INTP here
same. INTP retired 36 y/o w $5mn portfolio
>most hedonistic and NPC women ive met were ESXX
agree. ESFP are the sluttiest, but also a bit dumb and naive (in a cute but silly way).

>> No.57489869

most likely to make it:

Hit or miss:

Most likely to become giga multi-millionaire:

Least likely to make it:

>> No.57489886

>most likely

>least likely

>> No.57489932

It's fine and will make you money but really doesn't compare at all to link desu

I think link will go to $150 or $200 this year, plan on selling near top, then buying my stack back near absolute bottom

Link will hit $1000 in 2028/2029 bullrun

>> No.57490008

Infp here richer than 90% of friends

>> No.57490052

I think they'll both hit over $1000 by 2029, but don't you feel it's a little safer just diversifying 50/50? I'm just wondering about your logic going all into a single asset. That's a huge gamble Sergey doesn't die or whatever and it all tanks. Same with Elon's companies. You're investing in him more than anything and all it takes is one freak accident for it all to collapse

>> No.57490534

Yeah I don't think it's the worst type for trading. I am infp and make all my decisions based on feeling and intuition, no data, logic driven approach for me. but it works out most of the time because my feelings are often correct. If It doesn't work out it's usually because i ignored my gut feeling.
Don't think it's a great type for making it in career though. It's good if you can make it as an artist or a writer or something creative like that but working in an office, dealing with interpersonal networking type shit, deadlines, schedules, getting there on time is all really hard and then at the end of the day you feel all depressed because you had to put up with all that then spend your evening dwelling on some interaction you had that could have gone differently. It's like being the opposite of a go-getter.
Don't know about other infpers with that stuff maybe it's just me and I'm an autistic which seems likely desu.

>> No.57490946

I'm an ISTJ and it feels fucking over for me. My need for routine and sameness isn't going to land me any high paying jobs since I lack being a math or science wiz. I wish warehouse forklift jobs could pay better

>> No.57490978

This thread again so you gay faggots can try cope your way into believing you're a better investor and person than intj Chad's. Good luck losers.

>> No.57491182
File: 112 KB, 1194x1200, anwuru ihu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$1.7 million net worth
Most of my siblings are ISTJ too and we all have college degrees and a good career.

>> No.57491974

i'll go with this answer

>> No.57492115


literally just saying that because the graphic has INFP as a black woman.

>> No.57492121


now that I think of it, I have never laid eyes on a black woman who could even
remotely be an INFP

>> No.57492813

ive started to hate extrovert women since then as marital prospects. but theyre fun to hang around for a day or two and a quick fuck they just dont make good life partners

>> No.57493297

>least likely = INFP/INTP
Intp w 110k link

>> No.57493938

An INTJ yield farmer here (My socionics is also ILI). Currently in 6 figure hell. I think INTJ would be the best type for farming. I've never made a profit with trading because of inf Se, but can know which pool would be the most profitable in the long term and how to optimize my portfolio with Ni-Te.

>> No.57494563


>> No.57494580


Most likely to make it is INFP

Least likely to make it is ENTJ

>> No.57494601

That's just astrology for white collar jobs Anon...

>> No.57495711

>WFH ~20 hours/week
>140k income
>1.3 million net worth

All my friends are pulling in 100k+ with at least partial WFH. We all bought homes prior to our 30s.

>> No.57495721

Which personality is most likely to take those stupid personality tests seriously? Is it the cheerleader one? Uh oh chuddiesissys is there something you want to tell us?

>> No.57495743
File: 1.83 MB, 2208x2707, Schizo Drunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I get to be the knight because my dick is rock hard and calms women

>> No.57496560
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im poor