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57486372 No.57486372 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.57486397
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>> No.57486400

$14 waiting room

>> No.57486435

Is chainlink kicking off the start of the Golden Bull Run?

>> No.57486487
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>> No.57486504

14.25 eod, sir gay is about to wake up

>> No.57488097

It’s happening this weekend

>> No.57488142

I've made $100k in the last 24 hrs on paper.

Which is cool, very cool. But also, I can't focus on work at all, and I still don't have enough to retire. Can it just go to like $40-50 by next week? I can't keep being in this $15-25 range, it's fucking unbearable.

>> No.57488150

kek you have an arduous hold ahead of you, my friend

>> No.57488157

help me

>> No.57488354


>> No.57488368

Do you guys actually think it'll hit $1000 one day or is that a meme? Seems unlikely anything exists long term except btc

>> No.57488381

Lurk more, do your own research, and come to the conclusion yourself fag.

>> No.57488415
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It's over

>> No.57488465
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This one is here to stay Anon.

>> No.57488508

>crashes to zero
Kek, linkies are stinky

>> No.57488563

>Do you guys actually think it'll hit $1000 one day or is that a meme?
It will 100% either do that or go to zero. Adoption is key, and there's every indication that it will happen. It will grow and grow, if that happens. If the whole idea is somehow abandoned (eg systemic collapse, madmaxville etc) then it will be worthless, but then so will lots of things.
If you want to bet on smart contracts, then you should be betting on this.
t. betting on this

>> No.57488576
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did you really think pic related was a meme?

>> No.57488585

>$18.50 rejected VIOLENTLY
I am so sorry this happened to you, bros.

>> No.57488855

Are you betting on anything besides LINK? I bought it this time around last cycle and made a 5x, sold once I saw $100k in my folio and I'm looking to re-enter since it still looks very solid. At this point i'd just hold 5-10 years and not look back. I rather enjoy my life than look at charts and stress.

>> No.57488889

LINK $200 eoy

>> No.57488932

started a new thread that more accurately describes the chart versus delusional op: >>57488756

>> No.57488968

If you got out already, why are you still here posting about it? Asking for a friend.

>> No.57488978

no, just LINK
nothing really changed since 2017, the overwhelming majority of projects are pointless and only chainlink stands to actually turn this industry into something worthwhile
my strategy has been to just hold LINK like an autist and there's no way in hell i'm changing tactics now that CCIP is releasing at any moment and institutional usage is imminent

>> No.57489448

Nice digits. Let me ask you something else in response. If you were 100% certain about something being true, would you still make gambles on other things?

>> No.57489524

ICP invalidates every adoption case link has. It's 2017 dinosaur tech.

>> No.57489566

You'll be free soon. I wish i had a 5 digit stack too, but hopefully 1k link is enough to make it in 10 years

>> No.57489581

>If you were 100% certain about something being true, would you still make gambles on other things?
I'm not sure how one can be 100% certain about anything. Do you hypnotize yourself? Law of Assumption? Right now I think 50/50 LINK AVAX seems to make sense. I think I'd be good holding for 5-10 years, add as much as I can every paycheck and not overthink it.

>> No.57489587

10 years is not soon that's a lifetime. Once you're 18, you have three ten year periods before you're 58. If you waste any of those decades, that is closer to 30% of your entire life than you realize.

>> No.57489628
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we're really gonna wagmi aren't we bros

>> No.57489674

Betamax was better technology. Subsequent optical disc wars were won by marketing and adoption over tech.

Banks and insurance companies are still using services running on COBOL running on computers that would survive a trip down the stairs but die if you brought them on a maglev train.

What's your point? That industry moves at the speed of autists and napkin math?

>> No.57489684

We were always going to suffer immensely then rule in hell.

>> No.57489686

it always goes up a couple months before the bull run

>> No.57489689

shouldve went to school for another decade anon

>> No.57489991

Why do you have to waste your life while waiting for Link to moon?

Wanna know what I did fren? In 2017-2018, I was sweeping floors on construction sites for minimum wage, addicted to fentanyl, using cocaine and benzos, etc. I stacked all my wages together and got 50k Links (among other shitcoins).

I took some of those shitcoin gains and went back to school to study SWE and finished my degree in 2022. Over that time I also was temporarily a millionaire. Then Link dumped big, but I didn't let my whole life rely on that, I kept pushing. In 2021, I got off the drugs and I got a gf. In 2022, I got my degree, in 2023 I got a six figure job working in Web3.

I also moved to a comfy new city in 2023 and I'm so used to being poor and afraid to sell my Linkies that now with my salary I can literally do whatever tf I want. I have $28k in my checking account and I'm genuinely not even trying to save, I just can't spend it fast enough.

Don't sit around waiting for other people to change your life. Honestly now, for me, Link is just a bonus nest egg I plan on using in my future. If all my Linkies disappeared today, I would still feel comfy and secure. And it's all thanks to Link for getting me interested in this stuff to begin with.

>> No.57490560
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If we stay above 16.5$ we are gonna see a pooooooomp like you have never seen before.

My body is ready.

>> No.57491033


You cannot make this shit up