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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57485493 No.57485493 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently. In most of the developed world:
>wages are not rising
>inflation is outpacing any minimal wage growth
>COL is skyrocketing and is unlivable for most
>Very little REAL innovation is occurring
>countries in the west are importing millions of third world era for labor (both skilled and unskilled)
>they’re all remitting trillions annually back to the developing world

It just seems like starting any business in the US/EU would be squeezing a stone and expecting water to gush from it. The alpha just isn’t there.

That being said there is really only one part of the world where quality of life is improving (albeit slightly), and that’s in the developing world. There’s a growing middle class in places like
>Sri Lanka
>Ukraine (though I wouldn’t touch it right now)
And many others

There are large markets in those countries for basic amenities that westerners simply take for granted, such as:
>private security
>trash collection
>general contractors
>housing developers (middle/upper-middle class)
>personal/virtual assistants
>investment advisors
>quality groceries
>health care (to a point)
>real estate (agents, websites, automation)

List goes on. There’s a lot.

And I know a lot of you (like me) have done really well with crypto; this might be a huge opportunity for you all to make life changing money and build real businesses, especially if you have experience dealing with this part of the world.

>> No.57485516

Also, note I haven’t mentioned any markets in Africa. Wouldn’t touch those w/ a 10 foot pole

>> No.57485598

I'd say you have to change the term "the West". China, Japan, Taiwan and South Korea are in the same situation already. Might add some wealthy Middle Eastern countries also (Kuwait, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain)

>> No.57485620

its because of people like you that the west is a shithole

you dont want to pay taxes but you complain about migrants coming in to do slave tier jobs

then you migrate to tax havens and gentrify the fuck out of the COL for all the natives to become unlivable

fucking douchebag cryptobros make me sick

>> No.57485632

There is not an aristocracy that can save it, the west is full of vultures who intend to hollow it out and destroy its people

>> No.57485634

I will never understand this board's obsession with wanting to move to a third world country

>> No.57485649

I’d agree with that. China is interesting though - it’s not as much of a monolith as say Korea or Japan wherein most people enjoy a very nice, middle class, developed life. There are some absolutely disgusting living conditions in rural and tier-3+ city China. Just much harder to invest in than other nations.

There are a LOT of Chinese buying real estate outside of China and leaving the country, and there’s some serious value there.

>Add in gulf states like Kuwait, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain
Oh absolutely. More so for businesses serving expats as opposed to locals though.

>> No.57485654

>It just seems like starting any business in the US/EU would be squeezing a stone and expecting water to gush from it.
If you made profit from conflict like the US or UK, you would know the stones are about to gush again.
US lost vietnam, yet the weapon development and sales held them up through the 80's til the gulf war. Repeat for another decade: 9/11: afghanistan and iraq. Now ukraine.
Are the US winning anything, really? No.
But are they creating real and true demand for something they have supply of? Yes.
And so it goes: the civil market has dried up. Use the alternatives until people want to trade in a more civil fashion again.
Redditnigger, you do not have permission to speak. Particularly not on immigration.

>> No.57485675

Stop being a faggot. He's just observing what's happening. You can do that while admitting the system is failing and not wanting to support it.

>> No.57485682

kill yourself commie cuck

>> No.57485685

This is a momentary issue that will be solved with automation. When machines become cheaper than Chinese labor then the market pressures to outsource will evaporate and countries that are most capital rich will build out massive industries. Betting on the developing world isn't as much of a guarantee as you think OP

>> No.57485775

Who said you have to move there?

>> No.57485797

That’s an interesting take. And you think industries will be re-shored when it becomes cheap enough to do so? And, if so, where? The Midwest? The Deep South? Close to the coasts? If such a phenomenon occurred it’d probably be in the Midwest where an industrial base already exists. Definitely interesting

>> No.57486006

I’m perfectly fine with paying taxes and do pay taxes in two relatively high tax countries. I’m not really tax-optimized and that’s somewhat by choice.

I’m young, I re-invest effectively everything I make back into my two ventures, and only take out what I need to live comfortably (in a relatively inexpensive American city, plus a base in Asia).

If I were to retire or be incredibly successful, tax optimization might be more advantageous. But the US and Ireland won’t tax me for reinvesting my profits and growing my business.

>> No.57486104

Yeah I mean for resource extraction, some of them aren't half bad. But still, Nigeria, SA and Ethiopia, the sub-Saharan African "powers", are all unstable shitholes I wouldn't even touch with a 100 foot pole

>> No.57486135


>> No.57486148

Exactly. A country like Rwanda (small, developing, and most importantly ruled with an iron fist) could be interesting eventually. Mauritius too.

I much prefer smaller nations with stable governments too, and frankly very few if any nations in Africa fit that model

>> No.57486335

My wife is from a developing country and I have thought about this, but won't Uncle Sam fuck me somehow unless we actually move there?

>> No.57486399

Depending on the country, if you live there full time both that country AND the IRS can fuck you. The US is the only country in the world (aside from eritrea) that taxes its citizens worldwide income, regardless of whether or not they live in the states.

There are some workarounds, specifically the FEIC which allows you to exclude up to 120ish-k (240k if you’re married). Just get a good global tax accountant and you should be alright.

If you’re at a certain income level, Nomad Capitalist is a good resource. Just don’t take his renunciation advice unless you have a top-tier passport (not a CBI program) in your back pocket.

>> No.57486408

If you don’t mind me asking what country is it?

>> No.57486736
File: 30 KB, 386x429, monk wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have made a LOT of money "flipping" apartments in the developing world
>search either locally (on the ground), with a local professional, or in a local-language website
>find the most egregiously-shitty listing (not the quality of the property, the quality of the listing) in the best neighborhood in that city at a deal
>purchase below list price
>bring in a professional stager and photographer
>take very nice, "zillow-style" pictures and gather all of the necessary info
>re-list with western (or chinese) RE agent for 30-40% markup
>sell and close in a few days
>buyer gets a pretty good deal
>I get a hefty profit
>rinse and repeat
It's really quite easy and simple to scale.

>> No.57486757

>China is interesting though - it’s not as much of a monolith as say Korea or Japan wherein most people enjoy a very nice, middle class, developed life. There are some absolutely disgusting living conditions in rural and tier-3+ city China.
I learned recently that one quarter of Chinese people live on less than $10 per day

>> No.57486791
File: 53 KB, 800x600, darkblauw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I much prefer smaller nations with stable governments too, and frankly very few if any nations in Africa fit that model
Kenya has an unbroken track record of peaceful power transitions between presidents since independence in 1961

>> No.57486905

>Kenya has an unbroken track record of peaceful power transitions between presidents since independence in 1961
And 53 million mouths to feed

>> No.57487372

Yeah. That’s an opportunity though as opposed to >>57486791.

China has already developed quite significantly, but there are still hundreds of millions of Chinese who live in abject poverty. The high achievers from this set will likely go overseas themselves, and providing services both to the expatriate and the families they remit to are a massive opportunity.

>> No.57487791

Yeah, even if you properly tax-plan the US can be relatively tax-friendly. People like Nomad Capitalist constantly push renunciation which is literally retarded especially if you're relying on a st. lucia passport or something. You're seeing this in real time with anyone who bought the vanuatu passport; literally worthless

>> No.57487959

Da tovarish. I am Johnny Cheeseburger of NYC Oblast and am of demoralized.

>> No.57488183


>> No.57488352


>> No.57489268

Yes, but primarily in Europe. Targeting a country's diaspora is the primary goal

>> No.57489332

You are a delusional moron.

>> No.57489515

They absolutely will reshore. The only reason that they were ever off shored it that it was less expensive. Post-Covid, having your industry off shored is now viewed as a security risk. Also shipping lanes are increasingly under attack, and America is losing interest in protecting them (the people, not the government - for now). Automation would lower production costs, and eliminate shipping costs and risks.

>> No.57489549

Anyone who has spent any length of time in third world countries would never want to live there. Things just don’t work. Security is a mess. Live in a rural American state and you’ll be 100x more secure than in some third world dump. Most people who talk about leaving have never lived abroad.

>> No.57489604

>Anyone who has spent any length of time in third world countries would never want to live there.
No one said you have to live there. Bogota is a 3.5hr flight from Miami, and mexico city is even closer

>> No.57489677

Stop doomscrolling

>> No.57490361


>> No.57490393

are you stupid?
read the Fate of Empires. The west is declining now. its done. its over.
Lots of Foreign Aid while country is poor.
Females in all aspects of society.
Mass immigration
Weak army and needs mercenaries.
These things are signs of the collapse. all empires last 150-350 years.

>> No.57490400

>There’s a growing middle class in places like
yeah thing this, their national IQ is too low and will never be strong countries except China. China has been around forever and was always a major world player.

>> No.57490415

but the tier 1 cities have a huge population. so like a few tier 1 cities completely overshadows california and new york. thats why china is such a threat to usa which has a growing population of subhumans. it doesnt how many poor people there are in china. Wuhans population is like bigger than like half of usa.

>> No.57490441

Amercans love to cope with china collapsing, but if you remove all the poors and shittyness in China, the good completely over shadows usa. and china has chinese people. USA has a lots of mexicans blacks and other low iq races coming in. eventually, demographics is destiny. USA cannot compete with china anymore, it IS a dying empire thats part of the west. Not only is it over shadowed by china, its collapsing with in too. but no worries, if it makes u feel better, china will collapse in 200-300 years. Look at their chinese parliment, they have 3 girls on it. and those 3 girls wear colorful dresses to official meetings while the men wear dark suits. Majority of men in the world are beta, so girls will help usa collapse china.

>> No.57490505

Look at usa and uk and europe. Non stop brown people invasion. poor af. war. the west IS finished.

>> No.57490789

This incarnation of the west is finished. Soon we'll be going through a protracted period of balkanization followed by wars of reconquest with maybe a restoration in 100-200 years from now. Too bad I'll be fucking dead. Fuck kikes.

>> No.57490876

>You're seeing this in real time with anyone who bought the vanuatu passport; literally worthless
Can anybody elaborate on the recent problem here? I'm out of the loop.

>> No.57491290

Little to no due diligence in the vetting process there. Kept processing Russians after the rest of the world made a big deal about that. Lost visa-free access to the UK and Australia. Kind of a disaster down there for anyone who went through the process.

>> No.57491470
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>Two more weeks
Meanwhile in reality

>> No.57491563

Now show per capita growth

>> No.57491585

DESU the influx of browns from the south is going to skew this graph here in a couple years.

>> No.57491592

Zoom out

>> No.57491625

In monetary terms, the West peaked in 1968. Culturally, it peaked in 1911.

>> No.57491681

Is EE the next big play lads? I feel like so long as they don’t chimp out regularly, it could be a cozy place. Bullish on it, but the langs are difficult to learn. Maybe we could all head to Argentina and create a super state. Food for thought, west is looking grim all around

>> No.57491698
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10/10 bait. good job anon

>> No.57491990

I wouldn't call losing visa-free access to the UK and Australia a disaster. The point to getting a Vanuatu passport is to escape the bullshit, no so you can go hang out in some open air prison country. If Vanuatu is refusing to discriminate against Russians in spite of UK and Australia chimping, then that's a point in Vanuatu's favor.

>> No.57492831

>And I know a lot of you (like me) have done really well with crypto; this might be a huge opportunity for you all to make life changing money and build real businesses, especially if you have experience dealing with this part of the world.
Good luck with that; you have to get work permits, you have to pay for business loicenses, and the locals in a lot of these shitholes will see you as a fat sheep ready for slaughter.

Whenever Russia gets tired of losing in Ukraine, it's going to pick one or the other of those and trash the shit out of the place as a chimpout to show just how relevant Russia still is. My money is on Armenia being next, because they've already been seriously weakened by Azerbaijan and they made the stupid mistake of making the Russians their primary "ally". Now that Armenia's government has been saying "fuck this, you Russian bastards screwed us!", Russia will try to crush them to keep the rest of its former satellite states in line.

>> No.57492847

John Yaya of Idaho Oblast here, please send me listings of apartments in non-frigid-wasteland countries without BLM rioters. I must escape this nightmare existence before I am killed.

>> No.57492857

>then that's a point in Vanuatu's favor.
Ever lived in Vanuatu? There is literally nothing to do except go fishing and wait for the ocean to reclaim your atoll.

I don't think the Russians were paying for passports so they could sit on a beach until the war is over, but tbqph that's not a bad idea for some of them I guess.

>> No.57492894

what makes you think the russians would want to go to the uk or the us
you have zero argument, you nigger

>> No.57493962

grass is greener

>> No.57494585


>> No.57494819

>Too bad I'll be fucking dead. Fuck kikes.
Honestly this is the worst part, lol. By the time shit starts hitting the fan, I'll be, at extremely generous estimates, maybe in my 50s.

>> No.57494823

China has been around forever and was always a major world player.
Not really. For most of it's history, it was fragmented between warlords and kingdoms. Only recently has it really opened itself up to the world. Recently, I mean around Euro colonialism.

>> No.57494914

China will collapse in 300 years?
Look up tofu dreg project, their buildings are collapsing right now retard.
You are so blinded by SJW you're idolizing the people that did cultural revolution.

>> No.57495789

>and wait for the ocean to reclaim your atoll.
Or the volcano, to be fair.

A second passport either by descent or through residency, in my opinion, is a much better option for (most) people aside from those who have no other option (e.g. russians). You build ties in a country, or you repatriate to a country where you have legitimate ancestry, and it makes your passport much more, acceptable, per se, when you present it to immigration officials.

That's how I generally travel (recieved irish CBD a few years ago, thanks mum), so I didn't have to go the CBI route. That being said, I'm not nearly wealthy enough to go too far over the FEIC (when filing jointly with a spouse, you can exclude nearly 250k), so a lot of the exotic tax avoidance strategies out there just aren't really worth it at my income level.

>> No.57495893

>invest in chink stocks
>PCC arbitrarily decides something
there's a reason why no one invest in shitholes anon. besides all you've said it untrue, the US economy is moving at lightspeed compared to others

>> No.57495947

Even if it's true that the west in decline, do you honestly think China or any of these third-world shitholes are going to pick up the slack and surpass the west? Without the west these countries are nothing. So many of these shitholes rely on foreign aid, trade, stealing technology from the west etc. They'll just stagnate or decline.

True, I remember that crackdown on the education industry a couple years ago, stocks dropped like a rock


>> No.57496035

>there's a reason why no one invest in shitholes anon.
I took OP to mean investing in businesses that provide some kind of product or service to people in those countries, not investing in their local equities markets. I'd be much more interested in investing in some chinese trash collection company or something than directly in chinese stocks

>> No.57496088

I'm going to move to Thailand and start the best ladyboy business in the country. It will be like the McDonald's of bussy and girlcock. Think about it. No hassle. You just roll up, order a number 1, number 6, whatever. It's not the best but it's not bad and it's cheap and reliable. Every location the quality will be the same. Zero scams. I'm going to revolutionize the ladyboy industry. Maybe I can use smart contracts to enforce the contracts between the customers and the ladyboys too. Then I can tokenize it. I'm gonna be so fucking rich holy shit. I'm booking my flight now. Thanks for the alpha OP. Fuck I hate niggers. But I am a nigger. What do I do?

>> No.57496113

>It will be like the McDonald's of bussy and girlcock.
I know this is a bait post but there might be something to this

>> No.57496307
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Why is 4chan so overtly anti-Western nowadays? It's not just "The West if failing" it's "The West is the worst and in fact the only bad part of the world and in fact everywhere else is doing better by every metric." Post something positive about the West and it gets totally drowned out with negativity, post something negative and people flock to it in support of the negative sentiment. Total inverse for any other country too, only India and Africa seem to get as much flack as the West, and even then they often get some kind of weird support. If you only got your views from this site you'd think that the West was only marginally better than literally the poorest regions on Earth, it's bizarre.

>> No.57496384

A lot of /pol/tards-like shitposting that the grass is greener anywhere else

>> No.57496439

I think it's because of 4chans obsession with race. They see the mass immigration into western countries and the problem of whites becoming a minority. If the mass immigration stopped and western countries actually controlled their borders 4chan wouldn't be so black-pilled about the west