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57485363 No.57485363[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

They exclusively meet each other on these apps, and generally are too scared to meet people any other way now.

This is definitely going to cause some weird demographics later on. How can we best invest in the fact zoomers even zoomer normies cant handle social interaction?

>> No.57485371

This one is AI

>> No.57485373

Buy an ad

>> No.57485398

With Jews you lose

>> No.57485403

Gaming tokens obviously. Also, if you met someone online in the 2000's, it was an embarrassing thing to say and couples would lie about it lol.

>> No.57485413

Nah, im just confused why zoomers are like this.
You can literally meet people anywhere. They go to college yet still exclusively use these apps. Seems fucking weird.

Tinder is also a fucked piece of shit i stopped using it in 2017 when it already sucked. Cant imagine the atate of it now

>> No.57485425

how old are you?

>> No.57485444

all the zoomer girls are dating men 10-20 years older millennial chads
i feel bad for zoomer boys

>> No.57485445

33. Young millennial

>> No.57485495
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too ugly to use dating apps.

>> No.57485499
File: 364 KB, 1942x1654, how-heterosexual-couples-met-v0-uwe4cchpfz5c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is very true that most people meet online these days, but you have to be aware that it's not just Tinder, something like Instagram would probably be the biggest """dating app"""

But yes, everyone is only becoming more and more terminally online and it will only get even worse

>> No.57485519

>Apparently zoomers are addicted to dating apps
What else are you supposed to do when, as a guy, you're not supposed to approach women IRL in most circumstances any more? Especially once you're 30+?

I got lucky and a coworker introduced me to her daughter who I ended up marrying, but I feel like that's not a realistic answer for a lot of guys.

>> No.57485523

It's not that they can't handle social interaction, it's that this interaction is the only acceptable form of sexual advance. Tinder forms a consensus space, whereby using it everyone agrees to receive sexual advances from people they match with, it's the ultimate form of consensual sex. Whereas IRL/spontaneous you (the man) can make an unwanted sexual advance, be shot down, or hit on another guy's girl; there's more social risk involved.

None of this is to say that you can't approach a zoomer girl IRL, it's just that less guys do. If anything I would say it's a good thing. Less competition for me since girls prefer IRL anyways.

>> No.57485540

>once your 30 you can't approach girls anymore
Says who? Stop making up rules and just do it you pussy. It's baffling to me how many of you fucking autists whip yourselves on the demoralization propaganda.

>> No.57485541

Uhhh? That “social risk” has always been the case. What are you on about mate.

It seems zoomers are just social awkward as fuck and cant take rejection

>> No.57485550 [DELETED] 
File: 244 KB, 1646x631, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be careful or you will get pic-relled

>> No.57485551

Take advantage of the fact zoomies are too afraid to approach women in public and face rejection. Steal their bitches

>> No.57485553

>be me
>on tinder/hinge/bumble for 5 years (including college when I didn’t really want to date long term)
>go on dozens of dates if not hundreds
>have a one-week fling that fizzled out every time
>get super discouraged
>delete them all
>go out w/ friends that weekend
>meet girl at the restaurant
>together for 3 years, engaged 5 months ago

There’s hope guys I promise.

>> No.57485571

Exactly. What are these fags on? 30-35 is probably literally the peak stage of a male in terms of getting younger women from 22-28

>> No.57485575

The 30+ meme on /biz/ is a really weird one, it's like a few anons began posting about how life ends at thirty some months back and now every other anon is terrified of Earth making it's way around the sun again

Maybe it's a third worlder thing, they often have terrible life expectancy and healthcare so perhaps their 30+ is different

>> No.57485580

And how do we also profit off of those millennials with their avocado toast and man buns, fellow boomers?

>> No.57485601

>Stop making up rules and just do it you pussy

>> No.57485602

Thats the whole point man.
Imagine zoomer rosties and men actually look for proper relationships on apps. Its just sad. Like they are in some self contained matrix.

Additionally every single man is more capable of better looking women offline by a significant factor compared to these apps.

I was hanging with this 20 year old kid last year and tried explaining to him this and he would not quit the apps or dare meet people off of them. He just said its too “humiliating” doing things off the apps.

These kids just cant handle failure or rejection what so ever

>> No.57485614


It isn't just /biz/, it's scared people for a long time. It's basically the moment you enter middle age. If you take care of yourself routinely and are racking up wealth you have nothing to worry about. If you've been resting on your "youth" alone this whole time, you definitely do, because you're not a kid anymore.

>> No.57485629

>That “social risk” has always been the case
Not really on the same level, zoomers have it way harder nowadays with social media..
You can't even make anything slightly out of the norm without being filmed instantly and then that same clip entering the group chat > instagram > tiktok pipeline. Make any possible awkward mistake and you're instantly in a tiktok fail compilation with even 4chan autists laughing at you at this point
Bullied kids don't just get bullied at school anymore, now they get bullied and they get home only to see everyone online sharing the footage of them being made fun of with everyone still laughing LMAOOO *laughing emoji x25*. And since that clip is on the internet you can basically expect to see it till the end of times, even if you end up having kids your son can see the footage of you literally being pissed on while crying in the corner of a school bathroom one day. Same thing with approaching girls, any mistake you make and you're instantly being laughed at by dozens of girls in the group chat. Filmed, screenshotted or just text message documented. Even if you do meet a girl IRL she will quickly want to switch the interaction online and then again screenshotting everything to the women group chat etc.

No wonder this entire new generation is so deathly afraid of everything and highly risk averse.

>> No.57485640

Buy match. As they all start working they will be pouring money into these apps. Tinder should make it "safer" for women like Bumble though if they are to catch up

>> No.57485653

are they? i was on an app few months ago, got literally no matches but there really werent many attractive girls on there
sure there were a few but i mean i live in a 250k city, there were nowhere near 1000s of girl on there

>> No.57485672


33 year old boomer here

dating zoomers is awesome

they are aware their current generation of males is fucked and can never afford a house

daddy dading is so fucking mainstream now

i found my 18yr old gf on tinder, lifes good

>> No.57485686

t. grooming poorfggot girl, former incel

>> No.57485695

there's too many tinder threads sorry cant help but humblebrag

>> No.57485697

Not even though. 30-33 is just the last chance to make it to full potential and do really well, turn it all around before it starts to get very difficult.

Its still relatively easy at 30-33 if you actually start and put the effort in. You will generally have life experience by then and understand tue world of work and where education leads, where not trying and being dead end does too.

Its actually a good place to have all the right motivations imo.

Sadly, i think a lot of these people just convinced themselves that its all over because they aren’t interested in trying, so they may as well be 60.

I speak as someone who never went to college, grew up poor, parents uneducated, dropped out several times and did dead end jobs. I turned it all around from 28 though when i decided to try my best and know where it would lead versus where things would if i did not.

When i was young, i had no idea about the world of work due to blue collar parents, no idea what education meant or lead to other than debt, and had no idea what the world of low paid dead end jobs was due to not having done it.

After working a long time i understood the world enough to fly through what i needed to do.

>> No.57485721

its not a brag unless you can prove with a pic shes actually hot, which lets be honest here the chances are very grim
i was on tinder, there are few hot 18 yo girls, and these def wouldnt even like you and match with some niggardly 4chan 33 yo incel porn addicted coomerbrain who brags on the internet
you just know shes deranged and looks like garbage just like you in all probability.
nothing personal

>> No.57485742

>just dox yourself on 4chan bro

the fact that you cannot even start to imagine a situation like this being plausible you were ngmi anyway

>> No.57485744

There does not exist a hot woman on these apps who isnt literally mentally insane. They stopped in 2017.
Im willing to bet the chads of gen z scoop up the best looking women off apps already.

>> No.57485748

dude wtf is this boomer story, stop acting like hard work is worth anything today
t. have stem degree, and BC I KNOW the job market i know how fucked i am, it literally sucksass and is a corrupt nepotism hellhole of bullshit

>> No.57485754

yea dude doxxing your gf and yourself on tinder is no problem at all to dox on sex apps but oh not here .. nigger, i never understood these peoples brains
i think its way more embarassing to dox yourself on tinder.

>> No.57485765

>just link yourself and 4chan bro

>> No.57485779

yes and without any name whats gonna happen? you think you are any important?
just admit you and her are fugly and stfu
>i love that my gf was on tinder flaunting for guys to jerk off but not here makes so much snsensee

>> No.57485795

>just admit you and her are fugly and stfu

>please tell me it can't be true!!!

kek whatever helps you sleep at night bro

>> No.57485796

I literally taught my self to code and now have a career in it despite all the fags like you crying market is dead and impossible even with a degree.

I have no degree. Thats what sets people in the demographic apart from younger people. They can get shit done, know what dead end life looks like, hustle and put in the hard work to avoid it because they have tasted what is there if they do not.

Slack jawed graduates who cry about the job market while applying to the same few companies lack the experience to really press things imo because they simply lack experience. Thats why they think applying to the same fee companies as each other all day is hard work and give up.

Those kids will all find jobs in time, when the tide brings them up. I’m merely saying the “over at 30” meme ka the opposite of true, and generally speaking that demographic actually has the tenacity to swim upstream because they have the experience and such to push it

>> No.57485805

keep coping nigger, i know whats on tinder, i know what girls match with niggers like urself, garbage

>> No.57485816

>It must be impossible!!! Please confirm that it must be impossible! That way I will never try so myself!!! Please dont force me to put effort into changing!


>> No.57485823

I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.57485824

so bc you lucked out and went into the market when it was good, its great for us too? kys? the job market is fucked mate, if nobody would ve given you a job when you had no exp youd be mad too you cant gain exp wif nobody hires you for no exp, this is the most garbage shit ive heard

>> No.57485841

post pic then or stop shitting the thread up incel
i dont see a problem if shes good looking, which clearly she isnt,
imagine you are 18yo a girl and you have to match a 33 yo incel who brags on 4chan
yea shes for sure a supermodel bro

>> No.57485853

I did not go into the market when it was good mate. I only got good income going early last year, when every faggot was crying.

It took me a while to learn because I started very slowly. Probably 2 years of sprinting starting in mid 2021 to start making money and a career of it.
I was still in my dead end career in 2020

>> No.57485874

just learn to code bro is not something for everybody and the future isnt looking like its a very bright idea with ai either

>> No.57485884

Anyway my point is graduate kids like you can cry about bad markets and stuff. You will all get jobs later anyway when the tide rises and brings you up with it for doing nothing but what you were supposed to from high school onwards.

Im merely saying good market or bad market really does not matter for the demographic i am talking about, because they have the life experience and tenacity to go at it and make something of themselves one way or another.

You probably wont understand because your frame of reference is either typical normie graduate on the normie grind, or a doomer who thinks what said normie graduates say applies to their situation(it doesn’t)

>> No.57485887

>post pic then or stop shitting the thread up incel
>just dox yourself or your gf on 4chan bro

>i dont see a problem if shes good looking, which clearly she isnt,
she is tho

>imagine you are 18yo a girl and you have to match a 33 yo incel who brags on 4chan
im not telling her, and dont give you fags the chance to tell her either (see above)

>yea shes for sure a supermodel bro
she actually used to be a model

Dont you hate it and wish it weren't true right?

Why do you get so mad about it? Why do you want it to not be true so bad? Aren't you interested in the psychology behind it? Why for example wouldn't it give you hope? It's like you want to quit before even trying. What drives this? Is it the easiest thing to do?

>> No.57485900

dude no sane and pretty girl goes on tinder matching with ome 33 yo gramp incel like you, youre probably shit looking too, i mean stop coping man
this is laughable

>> No.57485910

Where do you get this information? Why do you want this to be true so bad? Explain it to me as if i'm a golden retriever that can't figure out how to rotate a wide stick through a doorway

>> No.57485914

btw dude im just like you im from a poorcuck family with a very bad father who didnt show me anything, i related a lot to your first post. it was the same for me i had no idea what i was going in for and how to do it, i dropped out first degree butfinished the second one.
so its not lke im a rich normie or anything

>> No.57485922


It kind of is, due to the nature of compounding. Compounding experience, compounding habits, compounding wealth, if you haven't started this process by age 30 you will be very behind and handicapped. Usually the kind of person who suddenly tries to scrap a life together this late isn't serious about it anyway and will give up.

>> No.57485927

from common sense lol not even semi attractive girls will match you let alone a 18 yo models, besides the huge stigmata of age gaps and 18 yo girls in generally not fantasizing about 33 yo tinder fucks and dates
its more like stop coping and get real or post pic

>> No.57485934

Obviously not that anon, but yes it sounds quite suspicious that a young model uses Tinder in the first place, let alone for her to use Tinder to then find a 33 year older 4chan poster.

>> No.57485949

Fair enough man. I wish i could have done the degree instead. Seriously. I feel ashamed about dropping out.
You’ll be fine. Its still easier with a degree, you may just need to wait a year or so for the market to pock up and it will get easier. You’ll definitely get hired in time no matter what with a degree, especially if you causally build stuff into a portfolio while the market picks up.

If i were in your shoes i’d be comfy honestly. Its a matter of time

>> No.57485951

Social media has destroyed society. It turns out that letting women tap into a global consciousness of other women is a terrible fucking disaster for everyone and everything. The equal rights experiment and equality experiment has gone on for too long. Clearly, it has been a massive failure.

>> No.57485952

This zoomerincel is just mad a boomer 30+ knows how to talk to girls and steal them away from him

>> No.57485953

So common sense, something you bring as fact is just your own experience, and therefor it must be for everyone else like this too.

You just cannot imagine a situation where it is possible that a 30+ year old matches with an attractive 18 year old. It is just impossible. Out of all the profiles out there, that two of these would match, start a conversation, exchange phone numbers, meet up and have a relationship together. There is just no way? No matter how many times you consider it, you get the same negative, scientifically based, measurable result every single time?

>> No.57485971

>If i were in your shoes i’d be comfy honestly. Its a matter of time
could to hear honestly, i was near considering roping bc its that bad

>> No.57485973

younger girls start looking at 10+ year older guys all the time because then at least they have a shot at a house because basically everyone under 25 or sometimes under 30 still lives with their parents now a days

>> No.57485984

its very simple post pic or stfu

more like stop projecting 30yo baldcel
why do you act like its such a common thing for 18 yo girls to match with literal lizards and no im not a teenager or anything its literal cope even i know that

>> No.57485986

I'm 39, how do I bag a zoomie girl?

>> No.57485996


Easiest method? Poor bitch from southeast asia or south america.

>> No.57486000
File: 459 KB, 595x423, 29e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea thats totally how an 18 yo girl thinks lmao

>> No.57486007

>You just cannot imagine a situation
Who said that? Sure, there's probably a 60 year old man out there who managed to do the same.

But there's a difference between possible and probable, and your story doesn't sound so probable. In fact the more posts you make, the more captchas you solve to desperately prove that you're right in a Business & Finance thread the less probable it seems that a 33 year old 4chan poster found a 18 yo literal model gf on Tinder.

>> No.57486011

Well fucking obviously you’ll never be a partner in a financial audit firm if you start from nothing at 30-33. That is not my bloody point mate.

Most people stagnate in their careers and just bumble along in their white collar careers around 35. If you start you can still match them in income by 40-45 if you actually work at it.

You wont match the elite but neither will most graduates etc who worked from early 20s anyway. Its a moot point.

You people have a literal fucking gift for knocking yourselves down and using the most weird situations to justify never starting. Its so weird.

That said, if you start at 38-40 obviously you’ll probably always settle for less than average unless you are very industrious, but that is not necessarily the case if you start around 30 as i keep saying.

And above all else, its about you relative to if you stay in dead end shit. Who fucking cares about other people?? How the fuck can you use that as a reason to not try

>> No.57486016

zoomers will really text each other in the same room so they don't have to communicate verbally
i'm not even joking, this is a fucking real phenomenon I've observed among young zoomers and even one millennial once

>> No.57486023

Found the roastie

>> No.57486036

dude im literally a man, its gay to approve huble bragging incels rape fucking mentally ill girls or sex slaves
i dont hate women at least not yet and im glad im not this far
groomers exist, and he is one

>> No.57486037


even if I were to post a pic, you would just say it's someone else

>> No.57486040

Not just that but most men I have met under 25 lack confidence, don't know how to interact with a woman, and have the personality of cardboard. Then cry acting like they don't understand why women don't find them interesting.
You are under 25 huh? It is no cope. Woman naturally find older men more attractive and stable but it also greatly helps when zoomer men present minimal sexual threat overall. You can stay coping.

>> No.57486044

No idea how old you are but I remember 2008 and its effects well. It was worse than this. I remember all my friends crying even worse about finding graduate jobs. Fuck me even finding a job stacking shelves in a super market was a humiliating experience back then with how picky the market could be and all the hoops they forced people to jump through.

All those people have cushty careers now.
People are spoiled right now. It’s literally just white collar market struggling not blue and white like before.. that shit was fucking dire

>> No.57486046
File: 220 KB, 327x316, rumblykek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true, they are known for being keenly analytical and ruthlessly pragmatic

>> No.57486051

>two consenting adults
>18 is old enough to fight in a war, buy a car, drive a truck, own a weapon, buy alcohol, buy a house, but if you date someone around age 30 you are doing something very wrong!

is this how your brain works?

>> No.57486056
File: 1.60 MB, 343x495, 1600882129667.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never be a man

>> No.57486057

i doubt shes that hot dude so i dont think so
again if she was she wouldnt have to degrade herself

>> No.57486062

How is she degrading herself?

>> No.57486067

no im not, and i have nothing against age gaps, but lets be real an 18 yo girl matching and gladly fucking some 33 yo? you just know shes mentally deranged and a poor girl and probably ugly

i dont know why anyone protects this must be old incels keeping their hope of fucking their waifu lpl

>> No.57486076

anon 18 year old models don't use Tinder, they just open their IG dms and literally pick and choose

>> No.57486078

Fascinating how someone just wants this to not be true. There is just absolutely zero way where you would think: "Hmmmm I guess it could be possible, maybe I should try so myself!". You just hope, and insist, that there is just zero possibility lmao.

I'm in awe.

>> No.57486082

Mine doesnt use IG.

>> No.57486083

again no sane 18yo girl gets the idea ot go on tinder to match and get fucked by some 33yo incel humble bragger

>> No.57486091

this basically
ive seen the garbage that tinder is
and there are hot girls on there but lets be honest the chance of the hottest 18yo there matching with this niggerincel is about 0,00000001% or basically winning lotto

>> No.57486092

Also ex model. She doesnt do it anymore she had some gigs when she was younger but I knew her since after 18.

>They must be mentally ill!! I am sure I have read this on a screenshot somewhere on /pol/ somewhere. So ha! You see!! It just cant be!

toppest of keks

>> No.57486105

Go to coffee shop and make some small talk. Go to a club and literally just ask the bitch what her name is, tell her she's pretty and say you want to dance with her. Go to the gym and ask if you can use the squat rack together.

>> No.57486106

ive tried myself , i know what is on tinder and i def knwo who matches with your kind lol

i wouldnt be surprised if at least one of you is tatted

>> No.57486108

A model girl doesn't use IG, but she uses Tinder? lmao

>> No.57486117

I got an old tattoo, she doesnt.


It's kinda funny how you just all picture to be clones of whatever image you have established inside your brain.

>> No.57486119
File: 180 KB, 400x801, 716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> bro bro its totally normal for 18 yo girls to loginto fuck sex apps to get fucked by 33 yos
> it happens all the time models only i swear bor

>> No.57486128

Fascinating, but getting more boring.

You still haven't explained your reasoning. I wanna deduct all the steps that you took and calculated to make you come to this conclusion and then I want to hear the psychological reasoning why you want this to be fact so bad.

Hurry up, you are repeating yourself

>> No.57486136

post a pic or stfu incel

>> No.57486138

Read >>57486007

>> No.57486151

If I posted a pic of her, you would just say it's a pic of someone else so I did it for nothing.

I dont care if you believe me or not, there isn't a way to 100% absolutely proof without doxing anyway.

What I do care about is to know WHY you people want it to not be true so bad. And why it doesn't give you hope to better yourself so you have a better chance at archiving this yourself too.

Is that so much to ask?

>> No.57486162

post a pic or stfu incel
its very obvious if you take it from some girls insta or not
you could also post her hand after i mean its ur gf right

>> No.57486172

>Hey babe, I know this is weird but can I take a picture of your hand?
>Well there's these guys on a mongolian basket weaving board that..

top kek, even if she was here (she doesnt live with me) i'm not gonna talk about 4chan

and no its not very obvious, you could find a good pic or a bad pic on google just as fast

>> No.57486180

>WHY you people want it to not be true
It's not about wanting, it's about what sounds probable or not. Quite simple.

I mean you can now also state that you won a 500 million jackpot. Is it possible? Sure, but not very probable. And it would seem less and less probable if you also tried to convince other 4chan anons how you are a 500 million jackpot winner in 20 different posts one after another, I'm sure you're aware. Same exact thing with this situation

>> No.57486183

>Fuck me even finding a job stacking shelves in a super market was a humiliating experience back then with how picky the market could be and all the hoops they forced people to jump through.
kek even in 2011 it took me hundreds of applications and dozens of interviews at every entry level job I could find and the best I could get was bagging groceries for $9/hr
and that was better than most of my friends, who couldn't get hired anywhere if they didn't have some kind of connection
zoomers have no idea how easy they have it - and as much as they complain about wages not tracking with cost of living, they're still waltzing into jobs that pay more than double the piece of shit jobs my friends and I were stuck with at their age while doing 10% of the work and making life miserable for everyone else. like nigger, you're not supposed to be financially comfortable in your first job put the vape down and shut the fuck up

>> No.57486187

nigger we all know who matches with a retard like yourself
there are barely any hot girls on tinder at all and none of them will match you . let alone your fantasy 18 yo waifu
post proof or literlly shut up

>> No.57486198

Such massive copes bro.
I'm 30 and I met a cute 19 year old a few months back through work. She would have been down to fuck but I'm married so I didn't pursue it. I have also recently met a 23 year old through work but same story. It is more interesting the power you feel over these women because you can tell they are disappointed by men their age.
At 30+ you have the ability to bag them as long as you take care of yourself physically and have a good personality to keep them coming back.

>> No.57486206




>> No.57486208

30 yo in a job meeting a 19yo is different from 18 yo tinder with 33 yo
the 19 yo didnt even know your age

>> No.57486214

>I'm married

aaaaah now it explains it at least a little from you

>> No.57486219

stop projecting incel
weve been on tinder we know whats there
your story is like me saying im donald trump
do you think i am donald trump?

>> No.57486221

>You keep spouting assumptions your autistic brain does as facts, do your ealize this?

>> No.57486226

>My personal experience was this, therefor everything everywhere!

>talks about trump out of nowhere

Nuclear autism, have sex incel

>> No.57486236

Their brains have been rotted by social media. These vids of day in the life of the diversity roasty hire being paid 26 billion a month and doing nothing all day but eating snacks and pretending to work.

That’s literally their barometer.

>> No.57486242

its not assumptions you are clearly too retarded for statistics
there are no model girls matching with you let alone 18yo
maybe fat models with mental illness
if its so easy why have you been an incel all this time
none of it matches up too bad

>> No.57486252

>These vids of day in the life of the diversity roasty hire being paid 26 billion a month and doing nothing all day but eating snacks and pretending to work.
this has taken a toll on me unironically tho

>> No.57486255

ex model as already stated 3 times

I know the possibilities are slim and there was probably also a sheer dose of luck involved. But at least its possible if you have even a little game.

The fact that you, based on purely your own personal experience and incel memes you see on 4chan, must conclude there is absolutely no way is absolutely shocking

>> No.57486257

>the huge stigmata
hoo boy

anyway I didn't respond precisely because of the huge stigmatata but for some reason when I was on dating apps I suddenly started getting a lot of matches from 18-19 year olds when I turned 29
I did not act on it, because I would rather just buy a 19 year old prostitute, but that's my data point

>> No.57486261

None of the situations you described is comparable to what the other anon is stating, which is that his gf is an 18 year old model who doesn't use Instagram, but she does somehow use Tinder and she matched with him there.

An 18 year old model having to use Tinder while not using Instagram and seeking for 33 year old men there. Even you have to agree that doesn't add up

>> No.57486264

>falls for incel demoralization

aah okay now that explains it for you too

3gV/xalR is mad he is married to an old hag and 3xuKanE5 is absolutely assburgers that spends too much time on 4chan

>> No.57486270

its not no way like we said but its about as realistic as winning the lotto or me being donald trump as we said
hence post pic or stuf

>> No.57486271

Yeah don't use dating apps they are trash. Meet people in real life. The 19 year old did know my age. I never hid my age or marital status because I'm not a liar.

Yeah I am happily married so I'm not going to fuck the 19 year old women. Now if I wasn't married? Yeah I would be. Am I going to talk to them still? Of course men like attention from women (and vice versa)any that say they don't are coping to virtue signal. But I don't think with my dick so I just enjoy the conversation.
>Verification not required

>> No.57486277

Everyone is ganging up on him.
I think “model” is the problematic word. Remember, anyone an be a “freelance model” these days

My mate married an 18 year old he met on tinder when he was 31. They married when she turned 19.

She is not good looking imo.

>> No.57486279

spoken like a retard in his 20's

>> No.57486282



>> No.57486294
File: 4 KB, 265x190, Download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger these jobs and roasties stories are still more realistic then your story

>> No.57486296

Can't a model work outside Instagram?

>> No.57486297

You are literally brainrotten by 4chan culture/incelshit/memes.

>> No.57486301

post pic and stop projecting buddy

>> No.57486306

It's not about "game", but that your entire setup sounds ridiculous.

18 year old model who doesn't use IG but uses Tinder doesn't sign up there and then pick to choose men with the age range to 40.

>> No.57486308

so he's a perv for dating an 18 year old, you're not a perv for wanting to see an 18 year old pics
good retard logic
obvious roastie go flap your used up beef flaps somewhere else
get used to seeing millenials dating 18-21 year olds

>> No.57486310

Nice cope response man

>> No.57486311

yea but hes implying shes pretty which shes very probably clearly not, we know what trash dating apps attracts and what kind of 18 yo needs to get fucked by 33yo to desperately go on tinder
its not healthy pretty sane models thats for sure>>57486282

>> No.57486313

As soon as I post a pic you are gonna tell her it's someone else.

You will do ANYTHING. Anything to tell yourself it just can't be. You want nothing more than that.

I am trying to help you see this, so you realize it's only your own brain holding you back.

>> No.57486314

The thing is we never had to deal with that shit back around 2008. Social media was not like that.

These people existed back then too though, they just did their faggy status chasing and desperate status signalling in their own little privileged bubbles with the other office roasties in the same buildings or whatever.

Zoomers cant handle social media or judge it properly, so they get manipulated by it. To be fair, probably older people do as well but whatever. Its cancer

>> No.57486320

im not i was on tinder and i saw what is there, simple as
you can humble brag on a nigerian boat forum all you want wont change reality, incel

>> No.57486328

Of course she can, but a model girl in 2024 who refuses to use Instagram surely won't then choose to use Tinder instead and then also put the age range 33+, do you understand how ridiculous that sounds?

>> No.57486332

hes preying as an old incel and hmuble bragging about it on 4chan i know his type
and im still a man
i know his incel type
hes a low life who attracts other low lifes

>> No.57486339

>Work yourself in being 'chad'
>Have a good profile
>Good pics
>Good funny catcha tinder bio where girls just cant help but not reply to
>Set a baseline and get alot of matches
>Pay if you aren't a 3rd world poorfag so you get the boost shit during rush hours
>Increase your matches tenfold if not more
>Swipe only the realistic looking girls to not fuck up your elo score
>Ignore obvious bots, ignore instagram thots
>Swipe with just down to earth looking girls
>Match with all sorts of girls
>Start conversations
>Get phone number
>If you are experienced with this it shouldnt be a problem
>Meet up at a place close to your home
>Take them home
>fuck them
>gf them

wow that was hard, somewhere along the line you will probably slip up tho

>> No.57486347

post it lets see
if you lie youre even more pathetic and you will know anyways

>> No.57486348

>catcha tinder bio

>My own personal experience was
ive already told you how stupid this is 5 times

>> No.57486357

I dont have a tinder profile anymore since I gf'd her

>> No.57486364

I know im not lying, I dont care if you believe me or not. I am only interested in knowing why you want it to be false so bad.

I want you to come to the realization this mental barricade you have put up for yourself

>> No.57486367

tinder is universal weve all seen the trash on there buddy we know who goes there to match with a 33yo like you
there are some golddiggers from 3rd world countries going for rich guys but thats a different story than pretending it was 'attraction'

>> No.57486374

so post pic then or stfu

>> No.57486378

Look at how many times you are posting your own experience as facts. Almost 10 times. And I already explained why its stupid 5 times or more.

I lost count.

You are absolute, extremely, 4chan brainrotten. Like one of the worst cases. Im not gonna keep repeating myself.

This mental barricade you have, your delusional worldview, it is nuclear. I cant cure it from here.

>> No.57486382

Do you lack basic reading comprehension?

No one is saying a 33 year old man can't find a young girl on Tinder, but that it's ridiculous to say that 18 year old models who don't use Instagram do use Tinder and then to also input 33+ year as their matching age range.

>> No.57486386

most zoomer girls like to go for men 2-3 years older. im 20 and just now it is becoming super easy to slay 18yo pussy. when i was 18, 15 year olds were wanting me. when i was 15, i was still an incel. a girl i know siad she was hit om by an older guy in the train. he was a typical rich, decent looking dude. she was extremely put off by him
im sure it was like this with prior generations too
nice trips though

>> No.57486387

>Daddy issues dont exist.

Look how fucking stupid you are.

>> No.57486388

lol man they are facts everyone knows how garbage dating apps are
and youre clearly not gigachad let alone chad either

>> No.57486393



>> No.57486406

yes they are everyone knows how garbage dating apps are for men. even for women probably

its not hidden secret knowledge and not jsut my experience

>> No.57486422


Imagine never having had a good steak and therefor being absolutely 100% certain good steak does not exist.

This is exactly, 100% how fucking stupid you are.

>its not just my experience

no shit, you are 4chan brainrotten. You have literally confessed early how you fall for retarded incel demoralization tiktok webms. And now you keep repeating how absolutely impossible it must be for a good looking 30yr old to fuck a 18yr old. You are beyond help.

>> No.57486432

uh no? i can literally even go on the apps as chad with model pics even these guys are barely getting shit

>> No.57486434

Source: my favorite /pol/ circlejerk posted some graphs how much the west has fallen

>> No.57486437

Yes daddy issues exist even with models, that's why models fuck the rich old producers, older rich men in general.

Young models do not sign up for Tinder and then try to find older 33+ year old men on Tinder, especially young models who DON'T use instagram. Everything you're saying sounds absolutely ridiculous.

>> No.57486439

Who knows. I mean would a model girl really date someone their own age though when she could date someone older? I could believe that. Most men her age probably haven't accomplished much compared to a 30+

>> No.57486443

source i tried it myself nigger
there are way less girls than gys 'trying to fuck' online its hardly surprising sherlock
besides the trash that decides to go there to do this by random foreign men, let alone men 10+ years older, you just know
its literally 1+1=2

>> No.57486452

I look exclusively for people who have no mention about IG anywhere.

Not everyone uses IG. Not everyone uses Apple. You see memes as being reality.

Ah your own personal experience, no matter how shitty your pics are, is of course the baseline for the literal millions of profiles out there on this planet.

>> No.57486458
File: 688 KB, 220x237, 1674171212012713.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea this guy has accomplished so much not humble bragging incel for sure

>> No.57486470

ive literally opened it with models pics too i got, the hot girls still didnt match let alone if i made my profile to 33 lol

post a pic or stfu you incel

>> No.57486484

You probably have a fucked up elo score. Do you even know how it works?

Anyway, as already explained a 1049329048 times but your nuclear autistic delusional, pol meme poisened monkey brain just refuses to understand it, is that your personal experience, is absolutely 100% insignificant.

>> No.57486485

>I look exclusively for people who have no mention about IG anywhere.
>Not everyone uses IG. Not everyone uses Apple
Yes, but people who choose to not use IG rarely also choose to use apps like Tinder, ESPECIALLY if they are also 18 year old models.

Absolutely makes zero sense whatsoever, in fact it sounds laughably ridiculous

>> No.57486489

shut the fuck up incel

>> No.57486501

lel I'm literally 30 you fucking retards, enjoy looking back on life at 80 and realising you threw away your life because you weren't in an age bracket that you romanticised

>> No.57486505

>Yes, but people who choose to not use IG rarely also choose to use apps like Tinder, ESPECIALLY if they are also 18 year old models.

Do you have any scientific data to back this claim up?

Because this is again a stupid assumption made by a delusional retard.

MAYBE, just maybe, some people are interested in meeting people through online dating, but are not interested to share their life on social media with all the online drama that social media comes with?

Huh? Maybe? Is possible?

How many guys are here that use tinder, but not uses instagram?

You dense motherfucker literally have a projected image of every girl is the same everytime

>> No.57486507

Models do date older guys, but they definitely do not use Tinder to meet to those older guys, especially an 18 yo model who also supposedly doesn't use IG, I'm sure you would agree

>> No.57486517

>They definiately do not


>> No.57486520
File: 99 KB, 700x693, 1678488613521027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude nobody needs data to know that 18yo models dont go on tinder to fuck foreign 33 yo incels

>> No.57486526

>Science bad, incel demoralization I see on 4chan reality!

>> No.57486536

yea totally healthy 18yo models will match 33 yo incels like yourself bro happens all the time bro

>> No.57486539

I will forever remember how lucky I am to not turn out like you

>> No.57486550

science does not say this either buddy
if anything science says age gaps bad

>> No.57486555

>are not interested to share their life on social media
Yeah bro, an 18 year old model who is not interested in sharing her life on social media also chooses to use Tinder and then share her images and life with complete total strangers online at the same time from 18 till 40 years of age, sound logic my man not at all beyond ridiculous fucking LMAO

>> No.57486558

you already turned out like garbage haing to cope and humble brag on the internet about groom fucking some mentally deranged ugloid poor teenager from tinder
but feel free to keep coping

>> No.57486567


If you had even the slightest clue how to use tinder, even the slightest clue how to make a good picture or how to talk to women, you would know this situation is, even though rare and taking alot of effort, something that is definitely plausible.

It's clear you have zero game, because even someone with little game would know that he could improve himself to get there. You don't even consider the possibility which means you are ngmi.

Keep coping, this all must be fake so you arent such a loser afterall

>> No.57486584

post pic or shut up you coping humble bragging incel

>> No.57486596
File: 342 KB, 812x827, 1705816884989198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im too handsome to use dating apps. Seriously, why not just go to a club or chat up women in a Cafe?

>> No.57486599

>that is definitely plausible.
also i never denied its not plausible
lol its just the kind of girl who does this is a not a sane pretty girl its more like garbage tier

>> No.57486606

You can have the best Tinder profile and best game on the planet, that won't magically make an 18 year old model who hates social media suddenly want to use Tinder while also putting a 33+ age range there, are you even listening to how retarded you sound lmao

>> No.57486609

I mean I have met some young women that are very shy and unconfident in real life but appear more bold online or through text messaging so in person interaction may be lacking. The 19 year old I knew met a guy at work that she was gushing about later on and I asked why she didn't ask for his number she would have gotten it but she stated something along the lines of how she could never. That could also be chalked up to how they expect men to do that work but I'm sure if they had met in an online space she would have been more bold

>> No.57486661

>but appear more bold online or through text messaging
Yes. Now imagine that same young girl hating social media, but also somehow chooses to use Tinder. Oh and she is
also an 18 yo model kek

>> No.57486674

Guys guys can’t we just quit all the fighting and make love? I hope anons story is true, 28 and just broke up with my gf of 2 years I thought I was gonna marry. I figure I have to go younger at this point if I don’t want to immediately start having kids a year or two into the relationship (though I will not be going on tinder)