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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57481984 No.57481984 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone else feel it? People are suffering badly.

Mass layoffs, large numbers of unexplained health issues, high prices for everything, extreme hopelessness among the youth. Things are rapidly declining out there, I don’t know how much longer things can go until something breaks.

>> No.57482000

this is ur brain on /biz/

>> No.57482006
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>> No.57482026
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They said it would take 10+ years to recover from the pandemic. We're almost halfway there so that's good. So long as I have meat, hot water, a grill, and neighbors that leave me alone I'm happy.

>> No.57482059

Then do the opposite. Be healthy, live frugally, be hopeful. Fuck everyone else if it all breaks go wait it out in a rv in the forest or something

>> No.57482131

I went in for a colonoscopy after a few months of blood and mucus in my stools. It took that long for a colonoscopy because the first doctors I saw told me to eat more veggies and stop with the fiber supplements. While performing the colonoscopy, at the farthest point in my large intestine, a pre-cancerous, 15mm sessile serrated polyp was discovered. This was completely unrelated to my symptoms but I'm relieved it was found. Doctor says I would not have made it to the usual screening age without a cancer diagnosis. Bowel cancer is preventable, but only through routine screening.
/diary; sharing here because I haven't told anyone IRL

>> No.57482221

Just watched that video. Rough

>> No.57482254

The doctors out for the evening. Maybe you can do my bowel screening tonight big bro?

>> No.57482257

vaccine deaths are ramping up big time

>> No.57482259

i personally feel things are looking up for me. 2020-2023 were terrible for me. absolute darkness.

>> No.57482326
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read a story on the recent increase in colon cancer. author blamed it on microplastics and forever chemicals though, not the vax

>> No.57482375
File: 193 KB, 840x1384, PP_2024.1.25_biden-economy_2-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>US life expectancy trending down
>trust in US institutions at all time record lows
>public unhappiness at all time record highs
>"Everything is great, chud!!"
>t. literal government shills
Joe Biden and his merry band of glowniggers are speedrunning the collapse of the Soviet Union. It's unlikely that the United States will exist after 2030.

>> No.57482447

doesn't matter
if they stole 1 election they can steal another
if they allowed the country to burn over a dead drug dealer they can do it again
if they managed to shut down society for 2-3 years with majority popular support over a glorified flu they can do far worse

people are cattle and they deserve everything
hope biden wins again and ruins as many golem lives as possible, not that a trump victory would be any different

>> No.57482449

Have you considered that Mr Joe Alzheimers is a fall guy put in place to facilitate the direction of the 4th turning with a narrative they can control? This is why they so desperately fear Trump.

>> No.57482494

Showed up on my feed just a while age.

>> No.57482502

>normie problems
don't care, doesn't matter

>> No.57482769

None of that shit matters anymore. We have AI now.

>> No.57483026

>that pic

Ooof, shouldn’t of taken the vaxxx. Lmao

>> No.57483044

Shut up faggot, you had a camera shoved up your ass.

>> No.57483152

My dad got a similar diagnosis a few years ago. I don't know what was going on in his head but he did not cry or complain once. I don't think I could be that strong.

Cancer sucks. Amazing the medical industry managed to cure the fag virus but not the one that takes out good, decent people.

>> No.57483165

I guess they really gaslighted herd immunity out of peoples minds didn’t they

Propaganda is akin to insulting you to your face and watching you accept it

>> No.57483166

You just have to drink your urine to cure any illness. Preventable how? Doing poison chemo and radiation just to have your immune system destroyed?

>> No.57483180

Normies unironically want the kill themselves more than the 4chan NEET does. They subconsciously want to die and that is why they are taking the vax. Normies know just like 4chan NEETS know that the world is fucked up. They know it’s degenerate, pozzed, and unnatural way of living. Deep down they don’t really enjoy Fantasy Football. At least 4chan NEETS have a proper way to vent. Look at all the broken people, broken families, people in debt up to their eyeballs, alimony, 3rd world immigration. They want out just like the Hale-Bopp comet mass suiciders wanted out.

My dad is in his late 60’s granted he’s older, but he was always a pit bull and critical thinker and would often piece together things growing up and figure things out in ways that I couldn’t believe. Never took any shit at all. And he just lined up for the jab like they were offering flavored shaved ice on a summer day. Why wouldn’t he though? Kids are all gone, he’s divorced, his parents are gone and the best years are behind you. And a lot of younger people realize their shit is fucked before it even got started. No 80’s and 90’s comfiness for them

>> No.57483222
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Same guy just 2 years ago. Damn the disease is fucking him up. I thought he was in his 40s from the OP image but actually appears to be late 20s or early 30s. Poor chap.

>> No.57483254

Also this is a great opportunity to criticize the UK health system and the oh-so-great socialized medicine. This guy here >>57481984 just found out he had cancer the day before making that video. How long did he have to wait to get to the doctor? How long did he have to wait to get into a specialist and find the cause of his illness? He found out he had cancer the day before, but he's already stage 4 and looks like he's on deaths door. Wouldn't surprise me if he first tried getting medical assistance months ago and it took them this long to figure out the poor bastard has cancer. In this US with insurance he probably would have been diagnosed and receiving treatment months ago. You don't just wake up one day and think, "huh i've been feeling like shit for months now and i've aged 10 years. maybe i should go get checked out today."

Anyone who advocates for that 3rd world socialized bullshit can kiss my cancer free asshole.

>> No.57483298
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>hitting the gym 3 or 4 times per week
>traveling multiple times per year
>hanging out with friends every other week
>making 6 figs at a comfy job
>portfolio climbing to 7 figs
Is anybody else THRIVING? We can't let the doomer zoomers ruin the vibe.

>> No.57483484

I was having gastrointestinal problems, got an endoscope and colonoscopy pretty fast, I can't eat gluten anymore

>> No.57483558

>Preventable how
If it's caught early, the pre-cancerous portions of the colon can be resected before cancer develops.

It won't be the last time ;)

>> No.57483613

I looked up vid and donated. IDC.
His face breaks my heart. God rest his soul. Glad he's trending.

>> No.57483662

Why this bullshite site always jums from maximum comfy life to extremely catastrphic predictions?

>> No.57483665

>being human and compassionate
Why are you here? Save you soul and stay away.

>> No.57484074

>a few months of blood and mucus in my stool
a few fucking months??

>> No.57484117

Because cancer isnt a virus or disease. It is a failure of your own cells to reproduce themselves properly, usually due to the tachymeres in the DNA being worn out, which is caused by aging or damage. Cancer cant be cured because curing it would require making aging impossible.

>> No.57484149

Enough with the fearmongering, there's nothing wrong with safeing and effectiveing yourself.

>> No.57484174

unexplained health issues
Btw, booster time vaxxie...


>> No.57484203
File: 225 KB, 1169x1255, BD180387-A40F-4071-ABC7-A8947BDAC102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can anyone else feel it
Nigger, I've been feeling it for the past 2 years

>> No.57484221

I'm in great shape but this thread is making me think I should stop eating fast food.

>> No.57484272

If an early preventable death is the price I have to pay to not have anyone put anything up my butthole then that's fine by me.

>> No.57484277

>People are suffering badly.
That's a good thing?

>> No.57484579

One of my relatives was diagnosed with terminal cancer that was misdiagnosed as shoulder pain. For two years they did physical therapy and never got scans. It was getting worse. Doctors never did checks even though this is referred pain. It can happen anywhere. (this was in the US). However the UK system does seem worse. I live here currently but I still have my insurance back in the US just in case. They don't take you serious because they don't get funding anymore. The entire UK healthcare system and dental system is in bad shape by design. I will say I get seen quickly like within a day or two when I call but they are so limited these days. You really have to advocate for yourself and stretch the truth to get real help.

>> No.57485333

You came here begging for a donation? Fuck you

>> No.57485350

>people demoralized
>market ATH
and you simply sell when people are no longer as demoralized

>> No.57485638

>Mass layoffs, large numbers of unexplained health issues, high prices for everything, extreme hopelessness among the youth
I don't see any of this in real life, only mentioned on 4chan and reddit.
Really makes you think.

>> No.57486739
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leaf here. I've been on a waitlist for 2 YEARS just to be assigned a family doctor, still no end in sight. All doctors in my city just outright refuse to see new patients. To go to a walk-in clinic you need to be on the patient list. Shit is beyond fucked

>> No.57486862

> 2 YEARS just to be assigned a family doctor
how is it even possible. do you live in buttfuck nowhere?

>> No.57486903

Thunder Bay, about 100k people

>> No.57487033

In the US you delay it because you know you'll go bankrupt on hospital bills so it's even worse.

>> No.57487074
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Delete this.

>> No.57487093

Everything is fine, retail investor, just keep buying :)

>> No.57487095

Actually Chud the headlines say the economy is doing great.

>> No.57487162

i once had the this weird jesus freak doctor shove a camera in my ass, i remember i thought he had it all the way in and he told me to take a deep breath, and as I was inhaling he shoved the rest in. i am still thoroughly traumatized.

>> No.57487193

What’s wrong with the fiber supplement?