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57478570 No.57478570 [Reply] [Original]

when AI takes over them and how to profit from this?

>> No.57478846

I work for a large bank. I'm demoralised on the daily by the hiring practices, where literally 25% of the staff roles have been offshored and every project takes twice as long to deliver by jeet retards, and onshore I had a morning where the first 5 people I talked to were all Indian too. All it takes is one Indian dev team leader and the whole team turns exclusively brown, and the company eats it up because it scores well on diversity metrics.
Any time we can automate away Full Time Equivalents, we do. That's a major part of my job. If we could halve the number of employees required to process our products, of course we would.
I'll happily automate away 90% of roles if it means I stop seeing my nation's money and opportunities flowing into other nations. Banks are vile, but they pay well.

>> No.57478857

place the biggest short of your life on the west

>> No.57478864

they will replace white coders

>> No.57478886

Putting on a retarded Jew thinking hat:
How to profit from it: facilitate their relocation to countries with the demand for population replacement. Travel, visas, any methods to bring family over, housing. Identify deals you could pull by working in human bulk.
There's apartment buildings in western nations where 80% of the apartments are sold off the plan to Chinese investors before any construction starts.

>> No.57478888

So we buy more crypto?

>> No.57478950


>> No.57479436

purchase private equity in kebab shops and construction companies that specialize in building mosques

>> No.57481181
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Unironically the countries where those jeet coders are coming from are where the alpha is.

>middle/upper-middle class housing development
>trash pickup services
>private security
>financial/microfinancial infrastructure
>private schooling
>basic groceries
>mass market electronics

Et cetera. All that remittance money is going somewhere, might as well soak some of it up.

>> No.57481249

Now this is an interesting take.

What countries? India? Pakistan?