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57477947 No.57477947 [Reply] [Original]

Please wait 300 hours before making a thread.

>> No.57479546
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>"we should improve our economic system a bit"
>"yet you participate in our economic system!! i am very intelligent"

>> No.57479814

>the improvement is about living in a pseudo-dictatorship where only a class of wealthy families with friends in the government is allowed to prosper

>> No.57479821

kys kike

>> No.57479834

>dey forced me to buy the mcdonalds!!!!
kill yourself

>> No.57479843

>inb4 in order to improve the economy we need to steal from others
no, you're just a useless subhuman who deserves to starve

>> No.57479865

>>"we should improve our economic system a bit"

I want to burn every thing to the fucking ground so that i can be top king.
I will never trust you soi fagg0ts, useless cunts in doing anything right.

As brownoid, I will let KKK come back before cooomoooonist have any real power.
retarded faggots can't understand corruption is human, equality is a pipe dream.
the economic system right now is the best you deserve STFU.

>> No.57479903

you mean permit it?

>> No.57479962

imagine being such a morbidly obese normalgroid you think going to starbucks daily with your iphone and mac are base requirements for participation in the system
i'm not even against capitalism yet i own/do none of these things

>> No.57480017

low iq post, have sex

>> No.57480037

kys commie dog

>> No.57480075

They don't just participate in it. They revel in it. Everything they do and everything they believe is a product of it. They are the system's most ardent defenders and would kill to keep it going. When they say "I hate capitalism" they don't actually criticize any part of the capitalist system, they only have a problem with them not getting more freebies serving as the minions of the managerial elite.

>> No.57480083

Holy fucking based

>> No.57480177

I have sex you fucking commie. I am married and have children you monkey nigger.

Why can't you fucks procreate, instead of pontificating, whether it is bad to force a women to forgo their CAREEER.
all you tards do is work as wagie, goon and infest reddit groups and discord wondering about revolution. I wish you fucks would mass suicide.

>> No.57480185


>> No.57480539

On biz, only trannies can make as many threads about KDA, Coinmetro, feelings in male vagina and boipussy as they want.

>> No.57480568

>>"we should improve our economic system a bit"
How is economic slavery an improvement?

>> No.57482440

Now listen here, cunt. That faggot on the pic is not saying " I want to improve our economic system a little bit". It's saying "I want to impose the mores and power structures designed to destroy the west". It's (false) purported reasoning is "because the monetary system has created inequality". But the cancerous faggot in the picture actually is championing another type of more brutal inequality, in which the leftist globalists get to exterminate the autochtonous workers. fuck you.

>> No.57482732

Concise and cogent

>> No.57483041

>As brownoid
Next time, put this in the beginning of your reply so I can immediately know I can ignore it.

>> No.57483054

>is married with kids
>still shitposting on a chinese basket weaving board
You must have a sad pathetic life for you to want to be in company of retards and terminally online people like me.

>> No.57483204

>just opt out of capitalism, bro

>> No.57483229

nothing is stopping you from living the commie life, just go the woods and starve like the good subhuman you are deserves to

>> No.57483295

kys fuck commie, die a loser.
>> You must have a sad pathetic life for you to want to be in company of retards and terminally online people like me.
nice projecting fucko, I am a bizanon, I will never grow out this board. This place has literally made made a millionaire.
Why don't you parasites mass cull yourself.

MUH LIVING CONDITIONS, I wish you get born in streets of bombay in your next life. you softie fuck.
I know for a fact that you spent 2 hours daily listening to your favorite streamer daddy and vicariously live through him.
There are literal 90 iq fuckers getting rich off of solana scams, while you argue with me.

>> No.57483564


Literally nothing is stopping a group of communists from buying up 1,000 acres of land and building their own little community with homes, farm animals, gardens and whatever else they want.

The point is, they aren't self-sufficient or intelligent enough to do so. The whole point of leftist thinking is taking from the productive people in society and giving it to the unproductive through coercion and violence. It's antithetical to Darwinism and the natural order of things,which is why it always fails.

>No, it only works if 100% of the population is forced into it!!! Reeeee!!!

So you admit it doesn't work.

>> No.57483582

Communism is SUPPOSED TO DRAW FTOM CAPITALIST GOODNESS. Capitalism turns into socialism in a historical process toward

The tards that dont understand Marx at all is astounding. When they read up a minimal amount of proper Marx they usually convert to MAGA communists/tankies

The anarcho-capitalist/libertardian->conservative communist pipelne is real

>> No.57483658

Sounds like current capitalism you rothchild bootlicker

>> No.57483700

Or maybe you don't understand shit about the dialectic process and don't know socialism is supposed to become capitalism due to contraddictions between classes. Which is already a bullshit olistic prediction with no evidence to support it except stating repeatedly that wagies are mad and will somehow find a way in 150 more years.

>> No.57483775

>Starbucks fat fuck drink
>troon consooming these things

Yes. I hate capitalism.

>> No.57483794

>let's regulate the market
>it's capatalism's fault if it doesn't work

>> No.57483825

you can't regulate the upper echelon of capital in capitalism bootlicker

complete lack of accountability - thats why you get the baby torture cannibal parties

When you look at anti-communism arguments the low-brow capitalist gives, they are all projections

>> No.57483831

Selling for a profit motive to redistribute among a collective is labor aristocracy and inefficient and requires a profit and exploitation of others to achieve that end. Socialism requires a centrally planned economy where production is done to fit the needs and long term goals of the dictatorship of the proletariat. Moreover the state, operated by oppenents of such a collective, would tax and antagonize it out of existence. Finally, socialism arises through class antagonism and it's development is material not utopian. The proletariat cannot simply band together and make such an arrangement as that requires capital and they can only aquire enough through wages to subsist. Marxism is darwinian and repudiates altruism and philanthropy, a Marxists incentive in such a situation would be to simply rule that collective as a business and take as much profit out of it for themselves.

>> No.57483833

>socialism is supposed to become capitalism
lol, no

the line of thought is coherent and is getting proved as history unrolls. Especially during current times.

>> No.57483835

Yeah what the fuck is this shit


I didnt have time to wait this long so I just asked my questions in other people their threads now

>> No.57483837
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>> No.57483864
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>the line of thought is coherent and is getting proved as history unrolls. Especially during current times.
I clearly inverted it because i just woke up, jesus christ. I meant capitalism it's supposed to become communism.
>the line of thought is coherent and is getting proved as history unrolls.
The only thing history proved is the failure of the socialist experiment and how pedantic

>> No.57483894



>> No.57483900

WTF capitalism made BBC?

>> No.57483912

More like commies crave for sucking black cocks.

>> No.57483920

based shitskin

>> No.57483965

so much projections lmao.

>> No.57484019
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>we can't band together because we would exploit each others and get taxed by the state
>it's not like that we can't compete it's more that we need to destroy our competitors by violence before doing that
>a marxist is basically no better than a capitalist
Imagine calling yourself not utopian and darwinistic.

>> No.57484034

fuck you transphobic fashist

>> No.57484288

Flattery will get you nowhere.

>> No.57484468

All those products are made in China.

>> No.57484574
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>Improving on economy means hating capitalism, hating America, drinking starbucks, buying the latest Iphone/mac, having OF, buying collecting of dildos and soiing over the latest leftiest animated cartoon series

>> No.57485024
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"People" like you ruined my country once, only the shortbus brigade and cum guzzling faggots worship your false religion.

>> No.57485334

socialist cant be just implemented. When material conditions are sufficient for it to become reality, it will take hold. All former attempts WILL FAIL BEFORE THAT POINT.


>> No.57485341
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under communism, transpeople will hang

>> No.57485412
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- Industrialization: One of the most significant achievements of the Soviet Union was its rapid industrialization, especially in the 1930s under Joseph Stalin. The Soviet Union transformed from a primarily agrarian society to a major industrial power. This was measured in the massive growth of industrial output and the development of heavy industries.

- Space Exploration: The Soviet space program led the world in various achievements, including launching the first artificial satellite, Sputnik, in 1957, and sending the first human, Yuri Gagarin, into space in 1961. These milestones were crucial in advancing space technology and exploration.

- Education: The Soviet Union placed a strong emphasis on education, achieving nearly universal literacy rates. This was a significant improvement from the Russian Empire period, where literacy rates were much lower. The focus on education also led to significant advancements in science and technology.

- Healthcare: The Soviet Union established a universal healthcare system, which was free at the point of use. This led to improvements in public health, as measured by indicators such as life expectancy and infant mortality rates, which saw significant improvements during the Soviet era.

- Women's Rights: The Soviet government promoted gender equality and women's participation in the workforce and politics. This led to a higher percentage of women in professional fields and in higher education compared to many other countries at the time.

- Social Welfare Programs: The Soviet Union provided various social welfare programs, including pensions, paid maternity leave, and guaranteed employment.

- Economic Growth: the Soviet Union experienced significant economic growth, with increases in GDP and industrial production.

- Sports: The Soviet Union invested heavily in sports and physical education, resulting in numerous victories in international competitions, including the Olympic Games.

>> No.57485420
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>at some point, when gravity stops working, i will be able to jump off a bridge without killing myself
I love when you guys having no working model for a socialist economy or face why such economy is impossible due to the high level of specialization inside our industrial society and limited information flow suddenly resort to "it will happen when my dialectic say so".

>> No.57485424

The point of communism is that there are inexorable laws of historical destiny. Since capitalism is characterized by a massive worldwide class exploitation, (bourgousie against proles), by virtue of reason itself, once workers become aware of this exploitation they will put an end to it. This will happen sooner or later. "There is a spectre haunting Europe blah blah blah...: This is called dialectical materialism. Commies don't give a shit about what "works," only about who "works" when they ship you to the gulag for a tenner.

>> No.57485440

>no working model for a socialist economy


>> No.57485465

They had a fuckton of help from capitalist societies stipulating contracts about constructions, delivery of machinery and personel for training. Also industrialization was already in process during the tsar rule.
I have no much else to say except that they ended up in debt to feed their own population while being capable to produce the food which already gives you an overview on how fucked their economy was and some story about healthcare with people forming long lines to just get anesthesia. lol

>> No.57485483
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It is, just because he flinged shit against anarchofags it doesn't mean he made realistic takes.

>> No.57485549

>by virtue of reason itself, once workers become aware of this exploitation they will put an end to it
Or just replace one ruling class with another and get even shittier results like what 99% of history teaches when a revolution is about the corner. For the rest without the support of upper classes in this pyramids a bunch of wagies with gay flags on the streets alone won't pull shit even in 1000 years.

>> No.57485578


>> No.57485596

I don't give a shit about "muh socialism is better than yours".

>> No.57485606
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MAGA communism PRIDE



>> No.57485615

It's time to go back in the basement and fap to furry gay porn, comraderina.

>> No.57485630

true communism despises liberal social policies. liberals and MARXists don't mix at all.

Be aware of rich bastards inflirtating communism and making it a bourgie ideology. Marxism is POPULIST to its core, and the populus HATES TRANNIES

>> No.57485665

They both share the same Oppression Olympics social justice rethoric that modern progressive took, guess it, from marxist thought.

So i don't drink it faggot, it's time to back in the bunkertroon corner.

>> No.57485702

Do zoomer communist women go on a lot of cruises? What does the ship represent?

>> No.57485728

instead that roughneck laborers are actually useful to the society and their plight is fundamental to the wellbeaing of us all.

You prefer that the hedgefund managers and tranny programmers get all substantial renumeration and the men that run the entire show at their fundamentals be wasted away in inhuman conditions

working class opression is true opression.

>> No.57485786
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>high finance should be abolished
this is the most important tenet of Marxism currently.

there is hardly anyone who would disagree this would improve everything substantially

>> No.57485788
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They take the risk, they take the money.

Make your own socialized cooperative and try to compete, nothing in a free market stops you to do so. Big corporations are already headless monsters and they still do fine if you don't take into account diseconomies of scale.

>> No.57485809

high finance people multiply capital using shitty financial instruments and sleep on bags of cash so they take no substantial risk, whatever they do

The trust fund kid is a stereotype for a reason. There is no error in his life that he can make that would result in his living conditions to deteriorate. He doesn't experience risk.

>> No.57485811

It will improve it by destabilizing prices like the ones in your local supermarket and leading to allocation disasters but i guess it's a standard for the sake of the revolution

>> No.57485830

go to the "game stop general" and tell them that. Derivatives are just another parasitic tool to profit off of regular economic activity

>> No.57485848

All of that sounds like not my problem, if they want to lend money for someone to manage it not only it creats jobs, but also helps fueling the economic with more liquidity.
it's their problem

Also this discussion is over, i leave you to your dilation until you go back where you belong.

>> No.57485856
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Ah you're a gme faggot, cool that explains a lot.

>> No.57485866

>everyone equally being a slave is an improvement

>> No.57485867

>gme baggie
kek, of course I should've expected this.

>> No.57485890


>> No.57485921

Not gonna lie, the MAGA gommunism thing made me spit my lungs.

>> No.57485956

tranny capitalism lover

go fellate a hedge fund manager

>> No.57485968

don't own any GME faggot, but fuck your $trilions in financial engineering faggotry not serving the economy in any shape or form

>> No.57486008

>The attitude of bourgeois society to homosexuality is based on the contradiction between:
>capitalism’s need for “cannon fodder” and a reserve army of labour (leading to repressive laws against homosexuality, which is regarded as a threat to birth rates);
>the ever-growing poverty of the masses under capitalism (leading to the collapse of the working-class family and an increase in homosexuality).

LGBT is the result of capitalism

When you start reading communist text, they are brilliant

>> No.57486844
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>> No.57486967

>bunch of jews decide to accelerate capitalism's influence over society
Now show me how many of jews are currently in the media, politics and high finance NOW in CAPITALISM

>> No.57486991

Also, porn is an exclusively jewish and capitalistic device

So eat dicks bootlicker

>> No.57487018
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this is now an anti-tranny MAGA/conservative communism thread