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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57475289 No.57475289 [Reply] [Original]

29 years old. Only $300K NW.

I fucking hate going online and seeing people younger than me already at a million…

How the fuck do these young lads do it? Seeing that shit i’m aware i’m just average now.

>> No.57475303

daddies money all my rich friends are just using daddy and mommy money and inherited shit they got the easy way out

>> No.57475304

>average is bad
Fuck off mutt
> 300k is average

>> No.57475368

300k is average given he is 29 and autistic. My dad works with a lot of autistic IT people and knows a lot of them who have a mil saved up by the time they are 25. You tell him to fuck off for being a mutt yet you lump yourself into the same basket as niggers and latinx and call it average. You aren't. You're below average. That's something you need to face and something you need to fix.

>> No.57475382

Only a zygote and 3 trillion net worth
woe is me

>> No.57475397

Almost 30
>living in hyperinflation
Trying to save money to open a kebab kiosk
Read if you have time
If this is not a LARP cheer the fuck up man

>> No.57475484

>mogged by a pajeet


>> No.57475548

Almost no one has a mil saved by 25. This board is shit. Just larps and lying all the time

>> No.57475581

If you have been making 6 figures since you were 20 and you're 25 and autistic it probably means you save 100k+ per year and your investments likely doubled or more in the past 5 years. Easy 1 mil. Autists live cheap.

>> No.57475622

>anime the reddit poster
you deserve to be poor

>> No.57475638

$300k nw at 29 makes you firmly above average
unless you're an ameriburger software engineering wagecuck, in which case i'd have to agree that's pretty sad

>> No.57475639

When I was in my mid 20s I lived in a van and made less than $20,000/year. Best days of my life, honestly.

Now I’m 40 and a millionaire.

If you are so concerned with money right now you are wasting away your prime years on something meaningless which will never bring you joy. Sorry, anon.

>> No.57475685

she's just like me fr fr

>> No.57475697

im only $160k NW at 34. but im adding $45k a year.

>> No.57475751

is that all there is on this board now? retarded demoralization shills and bots? No one has a mill saved up by 25 unless you inherited, that's so fking stupid

>> No.57475822

there are hundreds of millions of people in your age group. average person is incredibly resourceful, don't believe the people are stupid narrative. average person is very cunning, has close to no ethical values and greedy. they are lucky as they keep pressing every possible thing. not surprising to see some struck gold time to time.

>> No.57475871

I have a mil and a half saved up by 21 and it's thanks to crypto dog tokens

>> No.57475896
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that sounds like a really shitty deal crypto is the future for sure don't give up hope bro

>> No.57475918
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>Saving 100k a year
Nigga that is literally impossible unless you live at home, work in a state with no income tax, and WITH FED TAXES you'd still need to be making 250k a year to do that.

>> No.57475929


Bullshit. Average person acts like buying a house is a momentuous achievement.

>> No.57475998

I had that much at 23. Do better

>> No.57476036

>29 years old
are you also 4ever29 ? I've refused to celebrate a birthday after 29 because I don't want to be old.

>> No.57476108

buy a cheap house in the midwest for 75k and it's basically the same price as living at home except you add that house to your net worth

>> No.57476111

I don't believe you, but yes that's another way you can get to a mill before 25: Get lucky on a crypto shitcoin.

>> No.57476201

Damn and I thought I was bad only being me a 22 year old with only 600k net worth

>> No.57476223

27 years old, 350k net worth

Is that even impressive? Entry level jobs start at $90,000 these days

>> No.57476232

>le demoralization thread
every fucking time. at this point its probably chatgpt threads rather than kikes hiring poos to make them

>> No.57476233

That what i’m saying.

>> No.57476249

That’s a pathetic net worth at that age. Most have a million at 25 already

>> No.57476378
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>muh luck
Yes. Seethe.