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57473312 No.57473312 [Reply] [Original]

I just applied to a job that is WFH. 120k salary. The hiring manager said that there were 2,000 applications, and I was in the top 10 percentile, but that he could only hire one person.

Think about this. You have to beat thousands of applicants. You can be in the top 99 percentile. But one other person will get the job instead. It becomes impossible to get a job. Basically a game of roulette. It's shitcoins or nothing.

>> No.57473354

At this point it is best to work with recruiters. It's historically a bad word but having good relationship with 1-2 good recruiters gives me consistent inflow of opportunities. Having said that...they are STRUGGLINg even worse.

>> No.57473360

Most applications are pajeets and retards, espc with wfh. Its not hard at all to get a job but you have to get out of your house fatass (oh no!)

>> No.57473385

90% of wfh applicants are third worldler anon, at least

>> No.57473396

Suck my fucking dick you dork faggot pencil neck/pencil dick bitch. I hope you all fucking die.

I will never be able get a remote job (that isn’t pathetic teaching English dog shit) that allows me to leave America, yet that’s all I want to do. I will never be able to work from my laptop in Thailand and fuck 19 year old hookers whenever I want.

Instead, every two years I have to quit my job so I can go overseas for 6+ months while not working, and then pray that I’ll be able to come back to America and quickly find some shit job like security or forklift garbage before I burn through my 6 month emergency fund.

I live a life of quiet desperation and anguish for years at a time in America all because I’m not some dork faggot loser that spent his youth facefuckjng his C+ workbook in college.

My entire life in America is just biding my time literally waiting to go back to Thailand so I can enjoy my life. Meanwhile, those who are the most undeserving of such a life can access it at any time because their dork faggots.

I hope you never get your wfh job you fucking loser bitch. How DARE you think you have the right to complain.

Fucking dork faggot rodent. Go debug the swift code do my iPhone runs more smoothly you fucking bitch.


>> No.57473405
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the germanic dark age never ended, you were just born in the eye of the storm, the world is nothing but a den for parasites, feed for a suckle, enjoy your stay

or close youe eyes and dream about rome

>> No.57473407

I'll pay you £15,000 to suck my BWC

>> No.57473423
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or reminisce about spains golden age and the harems of fertile fawn, strings of the spanish guitar echoing off the veranda, complimenting the sounds of the waves from the Mediterranean sea hitting the sun beaten coast

>> No.57473436

What type of job was it?

>> No.57473442

Just learn a skill and get a real job you lazy bum, it's all your fault

>> No.57473443

You're the pathetic garbage here, a worthless degenerate retard that doesn't contribute to anything. The world will move on and could care less if you died tomorrow.

>> No.57473480

>just learn a skill!
No you fucking faggot. I’m 33 and stuck in my ways. I spent college creating memories and fucking tight college teens and I don’t regret it. I’ll never wish I was some fucking dork faggot loser building my gay faggot portfolio of dorker projects so I could have zero sex with a high salary.

Every time I see a thread like this I will unleash a long tirade to remind you fucking cocksucker swaggerless dork faggot losers that you have no right to EVER complain when you essentially have the world in your brittle little bitch hands.

How dare you fucking complain about struggling to be in a position where you can travel the world and get paid to do it. The kind of sacrifices I have to make to allot for myself even 6 months of bliss and joy in Thailand is something most people would simply refuse to do.

I get my little day in the sun and then I’m plunged back into working class misery for at least a year with no pussy, no joy, just a paupers existence so I can save what’s required to repeat the cycle.

That fuckin swift code isn’t gonna debug itself you fucking dork bitch get to clacking that keyboard so I can enjoy my devices you piece of shit

>> No.57473511

Bahahah what a fucking loser you are

>> No.57473527

t. pencil necked swaggerless meek dork faggot loser bitch who’s never lived life or experienced sexually satisfying any woman especially during hs and college


>> No.57473529

I already believe I'm better than practically everyone so this doesn't seem like a problem to me.

>> No.57473607

I'll explain what you did wrong and how to fix your shit and get exactly what you want.
But first I need a break, I'm WFH in Thailand so it's naptime right about now.

Hang in there champ I'll get back to you.

>> No.57473639

>a 6 figure work from home job got a lot of applicants, how could this happen?
You're retarded, right? A normal job is not only lower demand (literally everyone wants to work from home) but has its potential labor pool restricted to people living nearby. You're only competing against your neighbors. A remote job has you competing against the entire country.

Rather than lamenting that you'll never be able to get the best job available, you should be more realistic about your worth and apply to jobs you can actually have a chance of achieving. You are the equivalent of the 35 year old single mother who refuses to settle for anything less than a 6 foot millionaire.

>> No.57473642

>The hiring manager said that there were 2,000 applications
Just stop letting fucking indians apply for fuck's sake.

>> No.57473686

>I will never be able get a remote job
TLDR - sucks to be you. Not my problem.

>> No.57473701

Why? Boomers love supressing wages with brownoids.

>> No.57473753

Bwahahahaha cope and seethe cuck. You have no idea who I am, my accomplishments or trajectory. I can however tell by your gay little rant that you are a developmentally stunted, self appointed victim who projects his inadequacy and uses a mongolian basket weaving forum to vent his frustration, caused by his unwillingness into take action in his own life.

>> No.57473757

Based nap time enjoyer, I literally work from my bed and that work is just some emails or chores.
Then nap whenever i want

>> No.57473769

My employer is wfh but we lie on the ads when hiring because we had thousands of applications from Indians and the ones we hired are mostly terrible

10 years of "experience" and didn't deliver shit and was constantly breaking things, absolute liar and caught him asking the most basic things in some tg and discords

After that our manager said we are in-office but thats just so we filter them out

>> No.57473770

you sound like a looser breh. didn't read past half the first line either.

>> No.57473784

Here's your (You), jew.

>> No.57473838

>Hiring jeets in the first place

Having said that I'm trying to fill a role and HR are making it as difficult as possible and insist that they pre-screen everyone before they even get to me. They're constantly presenting me with brownoids because "we can't just hire a white male". They've literally presented me with a fresh of the boat Nigerian with zero experience.

>> No.57473889

step 1, focus on the job application and task and not post it on fucking tiktok

If i see that zoomer candidates have tiktok, I instantly reject them

t. 37 year old IT boomer manager

>> No.57473900

Cause our HR roastie is indian.

But yeah we now say we need to be in office (although I just go like once a week cause its 20m train) .. Spent all summer in Italy at a cheapo beach flat and didn't need permission

>> No.57473926 [DELETED] 

You bros have no idea how bad it is and how much worse it’s going to be. I have to speak in generalities to not dox myself but I’m management in a Fortune 500 and I work closely with HR. There are directives from our C-suite executives that the majority of all future promotions and hires need to be “promoting the spirit of DEI”
It’s only been a few months and already I’ve seen countless retarded women and pooskins get promoted to positions they cannot handle and essentially passing the hiring screen is impossible if you’re a straight white male. HR hiring committee will take a female panjeet with a tenuous grasp of English and a 2/10 skill set over an experienced white guy with an 8/10 skill set nearly every time. The only case that this isn’t true is for extremely technical niche roles that have skill requirements which can’t be covered by nepotism and googling the answer.

>> No.57474074

Why can’t you learn to live within your means and go learn skills that would help you have a business that lets you have time and money to your degeneracy?

This is a really fucking petty post.

>> No.57474078

The dark age for Germanics*

>> No.57474167

you are posting this shit like the proofs we wuz kangz are using

>> No.57474184

bro i get the job but never a start date.

are wagies afraid to deny me or is this a joke?

>> No.57474188

>I spent college creating memories and fucking tight college teens and I don’t regret it.
>all that other shit
seems like you regret it a tiny bit lol

>> No.57475816


>> No.57475847
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its over

>> No.57475879

>I’m 33 and stuck in my ways. I spent college creating memories and fucking tight college teens and I don’t regret it.
Imgine if you actually tried in college. You might not have to be a wagie for the rest of your life! Have fun! Security cuck

>> No.57476026


>> No.57476085
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It's the tinderfication of jobs.

>> No.57476106

Stop posting essays you narcissistic faggot

>> No.57476173

Get her on record saying that, then fuck her sideways for discrimination.

>> No.57476266

Los of people switch careers at that age, some even older

>> No.57476293

>2,000 people apply to a remote 6 figure job
What did you expect?
>you have to beat thousands of applicants
90% of them aren't even qualified, it's just so low effort to apply that anyone can do it.
It also can't be impossible to get a job if someone is literally being hired for that job.

>> No.57476304

Warehouses, construction sites, factories are still hiring

>> No.57476354

>work for literal peanuts while the housing market and inflation make everything more and more expensive
Slave job.

>> No.57476374


That's what you get for being a slavebrain. If you don't like it, fuck off into the endless wilderness, pitch a tent and pick berries.

>> No.57476414

>I live a life of quiet desperation and anguish for years at a time in America all because I’m not some dork faggot loser that spent his youth facefuckjng his C+ workbook in college.
HAHAHA so you wasted your youth on chasing whores instead of learning a skill? Im going to Chang Mai for 3 months while I work remote this year. You are totally useless. The one thing, The ONE THING a man has to do is find a way to provide utility. You haven't and blame others because you chose to live life like a fucking woman. Remember to double check there is a round in the chamber before you pull the trigger.

>> No.57476508

>It's impossible [for me] to get [a comfy wfh job]
Have you considered McDonald's?

>> No.57476520

Walmart is always hiring

>> No.57476586
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>bro just be the best npc with the best resume

>> No.57476650
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>I get my little day in the sun and then I’m plunged back into working class misery for at least a year with no pussy, no joy, just a paupers existence so I can save what’s required to repeat the cycle.
Ever considered that this is the problem, you fucking dipshit? If you keep quitting your job with no backup income every few years, you're the one making this cycle for yourself. Adapt and overcome, or just stay in Thailand and starve to death.

>> No.57476671

You think Walmart gets the best applicants? They can barely get highly qualified store managers that pay six figures

>> No.57476682

>used to have to go places in person to apply whenever jobs were hiring
>filled out a physical application and would often interview with the manager the same day
>this was true both pre and post 2008 financial meltdown
>only a few places let you apply online and it was a secondary option
>now just about everywhere wants you to apply online, and some companies will only scout people through social media or only take applicants through job recruitment sites

You know, as much as the world has changed since then, I can still tell you one thing. Every job I've ever gotten as an adult worth having was gotten by leveraging personal connections to get the insider scoop on when they were hiring, who they were hiring, and what they were looking for. That has always been the case.

>> No.57476697

I have a comfy WFH job with a 200k salary. You're not wrong though - our company isn't hiring. Basically it's impossible to find a "good" job like this until people's perception of the economy improves, which could take a few years.

>> No.57476699

t. 90IQ niggerogre

>> No.57476799

He's right though. I am currently a manager who has done the hiring for our company's branch where I work. Almost none of the applicants are actually qualified. A good percentage of them (like 40%) have resumes that aren't even remotely related to the position, and then another 50% have relevant resumes but are just under-qualified. There's like 10% that are actually worth interviewing, and then half of those interviews are just unimpressive. By "unimpressive" I mean that when I ask the applicant about past projects they've worked on, they give me vague answers and can't recall any details. Then if I ask about any challenges involved in their past work, they say things like "well communication was difficult on that project. We had to overcome communication difficulties with our team. We did that by having regular meetings and discussing the project in more detail." So basically the most generic, vague, made-up whatever story you could give.

Good applicants have a clear understanding of past things they've worked on, even as students, and can communicate details from those projects clearly. Assuming you're already in the top 10% of applicants, which OP says he is, you have a decent enough chance to actually be interviewed, maybe 50%, so apply to a large range of companies and at least 1 or 2 will interview you. I still think it's exceptionally difficult to be hired, but possible.

>> No.57476831
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lol, the 5'2" 80lb "man" is upset.
lol, lmao

>> No.57476839

This "just learn a skill" cope tricked me for a few yers. Now that I'm in the working sector and can see other wagies, they're all fucking incompetent retards. They're actually so bad at everything that its mind blowing. I used to think as a neet that I was a loser who couldn't do anything, but even as a neet I was ten times smarter, better at critical thinking, problem solving, communication, etc. These people have no fucking skills, they literally get the job because their family members hook them up. They literally say this to your face and still believe they earned their success. They really don't know what its like to live on hard mode.

>> No.57476855

honestly some days I think I'm overpaid at my comfy WFH tech job, but then I get on a call with some people and realize I'm pretty smart.

>> No.57476859

Finding out your coworkers are mostly retards is a blackpill after they made you run the gauntlet doing interviews as if they were looking for the next Einstein.

>> No.57476868
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lol what a stupid 4chan user they are so dumb and they are probably ugly and short as well with tiny feet that's so cringe

>> No.57476870

It doesn't matter how many are not qualified, that's still 2000 resumes the employer has to look at and eliminate. Those websites that automatically weed out resumes don't help either. People simply LIE. You have 2000 people who have years of experience on your computer and you still have to weed out the jeets. Its a problem of overpopulation.

>> No.57476892

nigger you arent special what makes you think you can demand the best when you yourself couldnt even answer your own question with anything impressive either

>> No.57476914

How did you not realize this in high school / university? No one is learning anything

>> No.57477002

I'm just telling you how it works. I have interviewed candidates that answered questions in a very impressive way and made me think "wow that person was incredibly smart and communicated very well", and I've interviewed people that responded like I said in my last post.

Again, like every fucking poster on this website, you're pulling the
>That's not right. What makes you think you deserve shit from me?
argument or some variation of "the system is broken". And I'm saying once again that regardless of whether it's "right" or "wrong", this is how the system currently is and this is how people succeed in it.

>> No.57477015


Most jobs are full of tards. STEM jobs aren't. They get weeded out. I remember working retail and telling adults to not climb those pallet racks. They'd literally kill themselves for corporate money

>> No.57477025

Those were all from Greek colonies idiot
Just because the whole Levant spoke Greek doesn't mean they were all white

>> No.57477031

You’ve been posting this shit for two years now, you could have learned to code 4 times over by now retard

>> No.57477041
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wow totally based i remember my time as an intern for ibm we had a strict coding curriculum and people who just got by in college or cheated their way through couldn't handle it they didn't get a return offer unlike me i remember my superior calling me a retard because i messed up my presentation on the assembly language but i deserved it because i was a retard stem is for people who truly have it all figured out and those normies working those retail jobs are a bunch of idiots

>> No.57477067

Yeah. Learning a skill isn't a meme. If you actually learned a skill to the point you're competent at it then you'll be getting better jobs

>> No.57477083

you are an npc redditor impressed with le super hero marvel stories. you realise people lie in interviews especially psychopath to get jobs right?

also why are you no hero yourself what makes you think you deserve your job and judge others?

also its normal to have on experience, if you dont get hired how do you think people get experienced if you only hire experience? you are a true npc redditor

>> No.57477106

Alright faggot I don't know where your projection is coming from. OP asked how to get a comfy WFH job. I make 200k working from home so I told him how to do it.
>You realize people lie in interviews right?
Don't care, just telling OP how to get the job
>What makes you think you deserve your job?
I don't and didn't say that I did you illiterate nigger faggot. I was just telling OP how to get the job.
>If you don't get hired how do you think people get experienced if you only hire experienced?
If you're applying for a 6-figure position I'm assuming you have some experience. That's what OP was asking about. If you don't have any experience, apply for an appropriate position retard.

>> No.57477216

kys lol useless swine

>> No.57477227

Stay mad nigger

>> No.57477247

I could answer your questions about past projects and challenges, but it's something I'd have to prep for. The shit I've worked on is boring, so I don't recall it easily, and the #1 difficulty I've had is working with braindead jeets, which is a problem that's difficult to dress up on the spot. There's also the issue of making sure you don't leak any sensitive information, since the interviewer knows which company you work for.

Do you ask questions that actually test a candidate's skills or are you only looking at how well they can pretend to be a normie?

>> No.57477323

>It's something I'd have to prep for
Make 3 clear stories in your head or write them down before your interviews. One that involves a lot of data and/or technical skills, one that involves you working/communicating with a team, and one that involves you solving some sort of group conflict. This is probably the best prep you can do for any interview at any level.

Almost any question the interviewers ask can be answered by one of those stories cleverly worded on the spot to sound like it was a perfect fit for the question. As long as you can recall specific details from those stories with some modicum of passion in your voice AND from anything on your resume, you will sound very competent.

>> No.57477370

You can prep at least 3 stories in your head and practice them so you don't leak anything. ALso
>I've only worked with braindead jeets
Then lie out the ass but be detailed in your story. As long as you can explain details you're fine. If your resume mentions some coding language, be able to explain something from it in detail.

>Do you ask questions that actually test a candidate's skills
In my job, yes. We have to provide a short math quiz as part of the interview and then there's another interview with a case study and data analysis/coding. But everything I've said about resumes being selected assumes you're already qualified for the job so you should have no problem passing those tests. They're meant to be very easy for anyone who would actually be able to do the job. The part where people mess up is the regular old interview that I'm advising about, every single time, never the math or case study tests.

>> No.57477376

you ltierally just had an easy mode life shitting on other people who dont, get fucked by god in the afterlife, nigger

>> No.57477438

I spent about a year nearly homeless, not as a student or anything, after graduating, just taking professional cert exams when I could afford it and trying to learn how to interview. Then I applied for jobs for another 9 months or so, just waking up every day and applying, before finally getting this job. And the starting pay I got was 70k.

What fucking easy mode you nigger? I gave good advice in this thread, take it or leave it.

>> No.57477504

>working from home
who are you fooling? You're not working

>> No.57477674
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>Fucking dork faggot rodent
That you, Jordan Peterson?

>> No.57477850

lol enjoy getting blacklisted from the industry while she faces zero (0) consequences.

>> No.57477887

everybody wants the easy "make work" work from home jobs in which you only do a couple hours work a day. You may have to settle and get a low status nigger job

>> No.57478105

>Cause our HR roastie is indian.
Indians compete with Jews as the most nepotistic parasites, Indians in the workforce are an absolute cancer

>"we can't just hire a white male"
I sure love the Civil Rights Act

>> No.57478412

Lmao I know this guy is enjoying his trolling

>> No.57478518


>> No.57478540

Same but barely. Something about the eyes is off..

>> No.57478599

she is just trying to make le expressions

>> No.57478647

Kek, this guy >>57476414 is right, you sound like a fucking woman. I knew this girl from school who after graduation who moved to Hawaii, ran out of money, came back to work some food service jobs for months, went back to Hawaii, and ran out of money again. She would post extensively on social media about her excitement for moving there and her lamentation at having to return every time. Dont go on Facebook anymore so for all I know this cycle may still be ongoing.

>> No.57478924

Damn i hope this nigger is still here so I can mogg on him

>I’m 33 and stuck in my ways.
at 31 I went from being wagie cashier floor-sweeper bum to WFH comfy corporate finance six figgies. No tech bullshit, no coding, not even a college degree

>I spent college creating memories and fucking tight college teens and I don’t regret it
Post college I worked as a hired dick for a porn company. There's a 100% chance you've squirted off to a girl that's had her tongue in my hairy anus. The pay sucked, but now I have a global network of 10/10 mega-sluts on call to become a disposable fleshlight simply for the fun of it.

>The kind of sacrifices I have to make to allot for myself even 6 months of bliss and joy in Thailand is something most people would simply refuse to do
If you skipped a couple of those 6month coomer-fests, you could get a wfh job that changes your life and makes you happy, forever.

>I get my little day in the sun and then I’m plunged back into working class misery for at least a year with no pussy, no joy, just a paupers existence so I can save what’s required to repeat the cycle.
Hmmm, sad. Sisyphean almost. Because I'm kind, I'll tell you exactly what the 'secret sauce' was for being able to have this amazing life.

Be born a genius! Yes, that's right, as long as you have the innate ability to learn PhD-level cutting-edge science in an afternoon, and then be able to vet and value that science like a 10 year industry veteran, and basically be an indispensable charismatic genius to the richest people in society, you too can weasel your way into a cushy VC job! Good luck!!!

>Captcha: N008

>> No.57480052

With numbers like this you wonder why they wouldn't just make job creation easier.

>> No.57480896

Starting my new job. After dozens of applications everyday and 4 interviews. Unemployed for 2 months. I bombed the first 2 interviews kind of but I figured out what to say.

>> No.57480909

Luckily I was interviewed by a chill white dude. The other ones were middle aged women.

>> No.57481571

>honestly some days I think I'm overpaid at my comfy WFH tech job, but then I get on a call with some people and realize I'm pretty smart.
This. Then I look at job listings and it all seems like they are asking for the most genius and highly skilled people in the world.
Aaaaaaaaah which is it.

>> No.57481621

How much does it cost to go to Thailand and enjoy those hookers

>> No.57481624

And the person they end up hiring could likely command a salary of much more then what they offer.

Unless it's to fill an affirmative action position