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57472367 No.57472367 [Reply] [Original]

I'm an insider. I was asked recently by someone who browses /biz/ why Link is performing so craptastically, so let me repeat. You all aren't understanding my thread from years ago

>Sergey lead droves of og link marines off a cliff with Celsius, Bancor, BlockFi, etc.
>Not enough? Sergey purposely had Linkpool rug more og marines
>He pulls your trust in with Smartcon, letting people that were total actors sucker you in, giving your tokens to centralized entities that went against the entire ethos of what crypto is supposed to be
>From a guy in crypto since Bitcoin was less than a Costco hot dog
>From a guy that signs SN in morse code
>From a guy who rubs shoulders with the most powerful bankers in the Western AND Eastern Hemisphere

So this is where you come in. Hold onto what you have. Link to $100? $300? No no no no no. You're not understanding. When it's time? Link is going to astronomical numbers higher than Bitcoin. If you hold a couple Link, people will think you're full of shit. The entire time, this thing has been a few cups of coffee. Shortly, it will cost your entire life's work and your grandchildren's to afford a few Link. It's going to power the global economy. One Bitcoin was $65000 and people lost their mind. One Link will be high six figures. This will start a new programming in media, 10000x bigger than bored apes or memes.

>You own a whole Link?
>Meet the man who lost $340,000,000 to Bancor years ago
>Nations stockpiling 'universal gas token' in new financial war

>> No.57472393

why don't we try breaking $20 first buddy

>> No.57472400

I should end by saying yes, it was fucked up. Sergey had no choice. The people on that roof top wouldn't have it any other way. If you saw who was forcing him to do this, you'd get it. Eventually, one Link will cost $1-5 million. This is why they are fucking you up. Mental war games. Delaying on top of delaying. Gaslighting. Making fun of you through your own memes. 7 figure Link is not a joke. I've said enough. Good luck marines. More of you will be lost in the fray but hold tight for God's sake

>> No.57472453
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>it's all a part of le secret plan! 52d chess!!
Yeah no. Sergey is not Satoshi, all this breadcrumb larp garbage was made up by ico flippers. They embellished the link mythos story so that they could dump their ico bags on you, as they've done with many previous coins.
Trust me if link was as big as it was supposed to be all these Greedy bankers and insiders would have front ran it years ago.
The "they don't want you to hold" is a total cope, it's a fantasy bagholders tell themselves to feel better about the crushing cold reality.

>> No.57472464


Ummm. Nice manifesto. I have no doubt you are just bored of your regular jeet fud.

The only faggots who lost money on that scam shit (Celsius, Bancor, LPL, etc.) were absolute retards who didn't understand NEVER SELL.

I'm never selling kikes.


t. 75k LINK since day 1. 3 fully staked wallets. 45k LINK locked up for eternity.

>> No.57472467

>roof top

You mean “Larry fink”? Turned out to be a lookalike, and all sorts of other cope. If the swift shit was close to being put into fruition, we’d already be priced out. No way it ever gets to $100. Swift is priced in already and owned by member banks so it’s not worth all that much

>> No.57472468

ESL nigger has entered the chat.

No. I don't think I will trust you nigger.

Never selling.

>> No.57472474

Whats your point nerd

>> No.57472490

i didn't read any of that shit but i'm holding even if LINK goes to 0$

suck my dick niggers!

>> No.57472571

we've all been conditioned to hold by ludicrous tales and stockholm syndrome. i don't believe any of it anymore. it goes to zero or infinity, it doesn't matter. we aren't selling. que sera, sera.

>> No.57472578

Who are you calling esl?
I'm whiter than you, and I own more link

>> No.57472583

I wonder if I’ll ever be hunted for my Link if what you say is true. It’s certainly possible for Link to reach a similar price to Bitcoin if it does accomplish what it aims to do. Big if though.

>> No.57472608

You spend your time fudding your own bags? And you have more than 75k LINK?

Doubt nigger.

>> No.57472618

>>From a guy that signs SN in morse code
On lex friedman? That video was altered. He didnt sign shit. Nice larp...

>> No.57472627

>Eventually, one Link will cost $1-5 million.
But also at that time, one loaf of bread will be 1 million.... So you know...

>> No.57472640

>>The only faggots who lost money on that scam shit (Celsius, Bancor, LPL, etc.) were absolute retards who didn't understand NEVER SELL.
No, they just didnt understand that these high yields cant go on forever and the potential sceneraio of these scams crashing was well known. And then it happend. What is this today? biz is full of retards

>> No.57472654
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link marines will be like:

>> No.57472677

The only scenario im hoping to see happen is that by some miracle link in short term shoots up and comes to top 5. Maybe that it stays there for a longer preiod of time.
Also my question... If link actually becomes the defacto protocol for global finance or whatever, then 1.4quadrillion of derivatives will just be up for link marines to cash out? Seems unlikely...

>> No.57472717

you mean the guy whose claim to being a "link cofounder" was actually just helping design the original website which has since been redone 4 times over, and never actually touched any actual code relating to link's functionality?
and then he made a "competitor" which was rejected by fuckin ADA who went with link instead? THAT kushti? the eternally assblasted one?

fuck off, FUD troon

>> No.57472719

I think that it could be expected to hit at least 100-250$ in the new bullrun. Now if were lucky and stars aline, a bullish news or 2, good usecases... Maybe we get to 500-1000$. It means no more hiding strategy.

>> No.57472820


The thing with these LARPs is, you'd get ton of engagement if you just used semi-rational numbers $1M-$5M literally doesn't make any sense. I guess maybe in a world where everything has inflated 50,000%. In order for something to be "worth" something, it typically has to "earn" something (i know, i know, not in crypto). a $1M link with 25 P/E you'd expect 40K a year. 40K vs the current 45,000,000 community pool would be $1.8T in fees. The pool could be 500M in several years, so you'd be talking about $18+T. Sergey's own slides were in the 50-100B range (he did say conservatively). ridiculous. these a low key demoralization thread btw.

>> No.57472884

Never respond to redditors

>> No.57472938

>Satoshi was working on a random shitcoin (NXT) that rugpulled bro
Satoshi wouldn't need to crowdfund icos for his projects, Satoshi wouldn't need to dump his token every week for funding his HR roastie harem.
All of this is just common sense but modern link marines have severely low iq.
Sergey was 15 when Satoshi was working on bitcoin.
I only want the truth, while most of you fags want pleasant lies.
What happened to the 1k eoy guaranteed in 2017?

>> No.57472949
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are we gonna let link's current price get us down?

>> No.57472956

>he doesn't know

>> No.57472964

>the fudcuck just abandons that angle entirely because he knows i'm right, and awkwardly pivots to some other part of his script
sloppy job
now go check the pool (closed) and remember how fast it filled up - its like the thousands of hours you've spent shitting this place up amounted to absolutely nothing lmao

>> No.57472988

Everything he said except ICP

>> No.57473003

dude shut up
im still accumulating
we all know ICP is the real link

>> No.57473024

Soon we'll be able to buy more link and icp for around $7.77 that will be the last chance to load up

>> No.57473109
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Status Update
Real world usage: zero
Token: not needed
Rug: pulled
Linkies: roped
It's: over

>> No.57473240
File: 10 KB, 192x192, 1706772729239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire point is that Sergey is not Satoshi, you terminal retard. Is english not your primary language or something?

>> No.57473304

Why is it pumping so much?

>> No.57473357

>pumping so much
-70% from ATH

>> No.57473484

Absolutely seething

>> No.57473496

>-70% from ATH
so what you're saying is that its still a good buy? I like you anon, I like you a lot..... *xoxo gossip girl*

>> No.57473515

I actually want to not believe you
But with this Transak thing today, there are whispers of old threads that are tying together in my mind
The morse code thing is bullshit though

>> No.57473528

ok let's say you are right
which year are we talking about ? we speak at least about one or two decades
when will link hit triple digits? when will we hit 1k ? this are the first real boundaries that have to be broken

>> No.57473565

What I like about stink is that it's the scam that keeps on giving. People normally give up on ico garbage which rugs its holders like stink did back in 2018, but somehow stinkers have kept the memes going for 6 years, wow!

>> No.57473573

>when I'm 105 I'll finally get a 19yo generation theta girlfriend and my real life will begin

>> No.57474331

>What happened to the 1k eoy
Its just january faggot

>> No.57474351
File: 18 KB, 280x400, 1604514444476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm an insider
The only thing you're inside of is your own ass

>> No.57474352

Kek fpbp

>> No.57474396

Youre down $2.7M because of a cult

>> No.57474403

>sergey nazarov has entered the chat

Man I bet you hate seeing that kushti interview as it exposes you for the snake you are. Heres the thing —- tons of us have it saved.

>> No.57474419

>good buy

Yeah just like IOTA and Vechain

>> No.57474704

>The morse code thing is bullshit though

Anon, there was piling up evidence of him either being or having ties to Satoshi. Hence why Friedman asked the question in the first place.

>> No.57474785

insider here. as an insider i can tell that OP is, indeed, another insider.

>> No.57474818

>Yeah just like IOTA and Vechain
kek I held both Iota and Vechain for a while in 2017 they helped me get a juicy link stack, so did groestlecoin, lost some on confido and modum tho

>> No.57474834

If chainlink is so valuable why is Sergey dumping hundreds of millions of it each year?

Cmon dude, these larps worked up until 2022, now OG marines know the fatty retarded and you’re astroturfing your own posts with multiple different IDs kek

>> No.57474911

If Chainlink is so worthless why is the price going up, and why are so many institutions interested in it? And why do you ignore what's literally in the whitepaper about selling tokens to pay for development?
You're really shit at this, you know. That fud is so old now.

>> No.57474915

fuck off CLG

>> No.57474923


>> No.57474937


>> No.57475052

>If Chainlink is so worthless why is the price going up
Wasn’t link $50 a few years ago? You say the price is going up after it dumped 95%. Who you trying to fool my nigga?

>why are so many institutions interested in it
If they’re so interested in it why don’t they buy link kek

Any company or person could’ve bought 50% of the supply during 2023 with less than 3 billion dollars and they didn’t? How come? Why didn’t they do it if one single link is going to be worth a gorillion dollars? Get better larps dude

>why do you ignore what's literally in the whitepaper about selling tokens to pay for development?
Institutions are so interested in link but they won’t subsidize its development and Sergey has to continuously dump link due to this


Look, I like link but these retarded larps won’t work anymore, get better material.

Chainlink is a series B startup that can still fail, don’t sell me dreams little boy I know more about link than you.

>> No.57475066
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link is the future bro it's a blue chip that's going to go up so much it's just a temporary dip and the price will never go down because of institutions and because they are so interested in link you're a fudster spreading lies about the whitepaper you just can't handle the genius of link bro it's a series b startup you're gonna be sad when you miss out on the link pump little man

>> No.57475101

Lmao, perfectly captured the essence of desperate linkers. Poetry.

>> No.57475111

kek u swapped ID and thinks no one will notice you fucking turd

>> No.57475117
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we'll never miss out on the link pump because it's never going to happen

>> No.57475176


Yeah, the network has game theoretical incentives that prevent the token from suddenly going up in price. These incentives are called Sergey dumping.

I’m bullish on smartcontract as a company and look forward to investing in them once/if they IPO. Also bullish on node operators and the chainlink network, not bullish at all on the link token as the network can generate billions in fees without the token mooning.

>> No.57475204

>Link will have a marketcap in the high hundreds of trillions
Holy Kek, maybe if bread costs $1000 a loaf sure.

>> No.57475223

I love the "dump" narrative. The only txs that anyone can point to that can reasonably be considered dumps are the ones leading up to the ATH back in 2020, when CLL literally announced that they were going to be selling tokens to raise capital for expansion. Can anyone point to and txs since then? Are these "dumps" in the room with us right now?

>> No.57475295

>selling tokens to raise capital for expansion
Why do they need to dump tokens? Why aren’t institutions that are so very much interested in chainlink subsidizing the development of the chainlink network?

>Can anyone point to and txs since then? Are these "dumps" in the room with us right now?

Sure. Sergey dumped 11 million tokens about 30 days ago. You can check yourself here:

What now?

>> No.57475315

>Why aren’t institutions that are so very much interested in chainlink subsidizing the development of the chainlink network?
anyone can do that... by buying the dumped LINK
it's like a reverse stock buyback (lol)

>> No.57475321

>The only txs that anyone can point to that can reasonably be considered dumps are the ones leading up to the ATH back in 2020
101 million tokens have been dumped between 2022 and today. That’s 10% of the supply.

>> No.57475325

You are delusional sir. Link is a scam token not needed

>> No.57475327

when you say "dump", do you mean he released tokens from the dev wallet for usage in the network? because all i see is a circulating supply increase, not some tx from the dev wallet to binance or something.

do you think we never expected the uncirculating supply to be released?

>> No.57475346

>anyone can do that... by buying the dumped LINK it's like a reverse stock buyback (lol)
Sure, show me the assets sheets of these institutions that own millions of link. I’ll wait.

Or do I have to take your word for it Mr. Insider? Kek

>> No.57475355

1k link was always the suicide stack

t. 2017 fag

>> No.57475360

>usage in the network
sirs, what usage IN the network do you believe is being facilitated through dumping LINK tokens on spot market?

>> No.57475363

not him retard
just saying that it could mechanistically work like that
idk anything more about it or what you're even arguing about

>> No.57475414

>not some tx from the dev wallet to binance or something.
Lmao, here you go, here’s a transfer from the dev wallet to binance from a month ago:

Let me know if you need more transaction, I’ll gladly share them with you.

Are you a new advocate or something? You suck at your job.

>> No.57475418

Derivative market is how much retard?

>> No.57475432

>just saying that it could mechanistically work like that
But it doesn’t

>idk anything
Yeah I figured

>> No.57475524

Derivatives’ total addressable market is 1.5 quadrillion dollars. In average you pay $20 per million transacted, so that’s 30 billion in fees.

In the end these fees will end up in the hands of node operators and won’t result in the price appreciation of the link token.

What’s the point of asking the size of the derivatives market?

Mongoloid anons, your response?

>> No.57475565

hrm, well i just found out market.link shut down, but you used to be able to see exactly how much each of the node operators was pulling in. That network usage.

ah, thanks. so 8MM tokens over the last year, at an average of probably $6/LINK? Only the last token move took place since LINK tripled, so around $50-60MM? And they have, what 500 employees, probably averaging $100k/year, so $50MM in payroll, maybe another $10MM in operations? That sounds completely reasonable.

Now let's see, roughly 3MM in 24hr volume on Coinbase alone. So that 8MM over the course of the last YEAR probably had a pretty insignificant effect on the price. the idea that these "dumps", each one separated by MONTHS, are somehow hurting LINK holders is right in line with the reasoning of the rest of you perma-fudders.

>> No.57475589

>won't result in price appreciation of the link token
nice logical leap you made there. too bad it's not a sound one

>> No.57475618

Nice try. Trying to redirect the main point of discussion.

I’ll steer us back into the original discussion. Why is Sergey dumping link tokens to keep his company afloat when so many institutions are supposedly interested in chainlink?

Surely some of these institutions would be willing to subsidize the development of the extremely valuable chainlink network?

If that’s the case, please show us the asset disclosure sheets of said institutions.


>> No.57475634

source for institutions buying? Surely you can produce this given le heckin BLOCKCHAIN

>Le Secret
pick one

>> No.57475674

anything that ends up in the hands of node operators is likely to not be sold but rather staked in their node. buy pressure without opposing sell pressure

>> No.57475688

the painful truth...these stupid ass cryptic posts don't work anymore

bro stop, its so disingenuous

Isn't it insane how they gaslight on stuff where it's so easily disprovable

pure fantasy

>> No.57475689

>why would an organization trying to become the literal manifestation of the God protocol want to keep both actual as well as the appearance of conflicts of interest away from the organization?
>checkmate, avacados!
maybe because taking funding from someone just about ALWAYS comes with strings attached, and they want to remain untethered?

>> No.57475710

says you...it would be insane to expect people not to take profits

>> No.57475724

>maybe because taking funding from someone just about ALWAYS comes with strings attached,

except when you fleece retail on a legal technicality eh

>> No.57475741

>bro stop, its so disingenuous
your inability to read sincerity makes you a good negative indicator.

>> No.57475754

>here, let me just move those goalposts a little bit
oh wow, you're right!

>> No.57475773

You say it’s not a sound one yet provide no reasoning as to why it is not so. My guess is you want to be spoonfed and you’re afraid of having made a bad investment. Well, tough luck. There’s a reason Sergey always talks about virtuous cycles for fees and not price.

For chainlink to even break into the derivatives market they’d have to offer a substantial improvement of the way things are handled. 10x improvements are the norm for revolutionary technologies. That’d mean something like 90% savings over regular settling methods.

Say, in the past it was $20 per million to settle derivatives. In 2040 it’s $2 per million with the use of the chainlink network.

>Derivatives’ total addressable market is 1.5 quadrillion dollars. In average you pay $20 per million transacted, so that’s 30 billion in fees.


>Derivatives’ total addressable market is 1.5 quadrillion dollars. In average you pay $2 per million transacted, so that’s 3 billion in fees (WITH CHAINLINK)

3 billion dollars in fees per year IF chainlink takes over 100% of the derivatives market. With 1 billion link in circulation that’d mean $3 per link staked.

Traditional valuation methods would value each link token at 5% of the total yearly return, so that’s $60 per token.

There you go, link will be $60 once they take over 100% of the derivatives market in 2050. Which is great for Sergey because he has millions of link tokens minted out of thin air.

You’re welcome.

>> No.57475823
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Lol why would you buy link when you have ICP. Oracles arent needed

>> No.57475830

I was fudding for fun but now I’m scared for real

>> No.57475842

biggest nonsense I've seen for months
congratulations for having no knowledge about chainlinks usage

>> No.57475886

agreed that DLT would have to offer significant improvements over tradfi to be able to actually overtake it. i do think LINK would eventually capture the entire market share of the oracle service, but who know what percentage of the fees associated with the transactions would be captured by those services. very probably less than 100%, but can't say for certain.

what your analysis lacks is the taking into account of the removal of LINK from the circulating supply of everything staked, and the fact that users will need to purchase LINK to use the network (or have what they pay converted to LINK at a premium). so your calculations are basically worthless without making some pretty wild assumptions about the amount of LINK removed from circulating supply coupled and the demand for the remaining tokens that will have to be bought on the open market in order to keep business going.

i don't have any faith in my ability to put accurate numbers to these assumptions, so i don't even try. what i do know, qualitatively, is that LINK represents a paradigm shift so great that no one alive -- even the CLL big brains themselves -- actually appreciate the scope of the change it could bring about.

>> No.57475889
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ICP stands for I Can't Pump

>> No.57475890

Y-yeah you tell him! Can you please post some math to destroy his bullshit claims?

>> No.57475909

>fudding for fun
>reads a middle-school-tier analysis and gets scared
checks out

>> No.57475914

not spoon feeding you fudcucks after all this years
but how about starting with this >>57475886 informations
also who told you that only CCIP exists as link service ?

>> No.57475925
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ah yes, the delusional bulltard larp is my favorite FUD


>> No.57475963

yeah, it's pretty gay. i find it fun, though, like imagining what you'd do if you won the lottery. i'm mega-bullish on LINK long-term (obviously), but my expectations get tempered by the suspicion that if any asset were ever to be worth that much, and it was in the hands of so many people with little-to-no OPSEC, then you'd end up with cartel-style kidnapping and wrench attacks as the norm, which my brain just can't admit could be possible.

>> No.57475964
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haha what a delusional bulltard larp

right on bro you are spitting facts hey did you hear how big my cock is

>> No.57476010

>ah yes, the delusional bulltard larp is my favorite FUD
stfu no one cares about you
take your meds
>hear how big my cock is
yes I still have your cock crust deep in my ear canal

>> No.57476024

>i do think LINK would eventually capture the entire market share of the oracle service, but who know what percentage of the fees associated with the transactions would be captured by those services. very probably less than 100%, but can't say for certain.
I can for sure tell you that the derivatives market is the biggest market in the world. Even global GDP is just 100 trillion per year while derivatives is 1.5 quadrillion.

Want to add hopium math? Fine, let’s say chainlink takes over one hundred percent of the oracle, api, and whatever other bullshit hopium markets there are. These markets added together are still way less than the derivatives market.

Double the derivatives market, that’s still only $120 per link in 2040, which is great for Sergey and tradfi. Not so much for you with your chump change.

>what your analysis lacks is the taking into account of the removal of LINK from the circulating supply of everything staked, and the fact that users will need to purchase LINK to use the network (or have what they pay converted to LINK at a premium). so your calculations are basically worthless
No. Any sane company won’t pay over 10% of the APY generated per year. Why would I pay $100 for a link token if I can only get $3 per year with it? You think market players will be forced to buy your shitcoin instead of investing somewhere else, that’s retarded.

>i don't have any faith in my ability to put accurate numbers
So 1: you don’t know shit about the markets, 2: you’re investing blindly and bought chainlink because of the memes coming from a coordinated group called delphi

Got it, very nice and gay.

>> No.57476030

imagination is to be medicated away? anon, are you okay?

>> No.57476052

good keep it up

>> No.57476058
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there is no try; there is only doodoo

>> No.57476062

Someone ban this guy for fucks sake

>> No.57476098

lol, you misunderstood most of my post, but that's okay. the first paragraph of my post was about how i think the transactions fees captured by LINK in the derivatives market could be LESS than what you posted. the second paragraph was about how you can't simply divide the fees by the total supply to get a fair value or P/E multiple because the total supply will include the locked supply, which (my crystal balls says) will be the majority of the total supply. and this is where you're misunderstanding just about everything: nobody is going to buy the token to get an APY. they're going to be buying it to either stake it so they can collateralize the oracle services they're planning to provide, or they're going to USE the token to pay oracles to provide services they need. UTILITY token.

again, you're placing numbers to assumptions stacked on assumptions stacked on assumptions about something that's trying to change the nature of human commerce. everything but qualitative analysis is just about worthless.

>> No.57476117
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This is the valuation model I'm using. I have an MBA from Stanford, an MPA from Harvard, and I've worked as a senior investor at Alibaba and Goldman Sachs for decades and basically I think LINK should be about $5700 today. Let me know what you think!


>> No.57476124

Pathetic. Post math or get out.

>> No.57476150

>Post math
Imagine saying this unironically in a market where XRP and ADA are absolute top alts.

>> No.57476153

you must be young. rigor is admirable, though. it's just futile in this case

>> No.57476165

>le epic pseudo intellectual condescending retort
imagine moving the goalposts that much every time someone calls you out

>> No.57476189

XRP has corrupt government officials working for them and it’s one of the oldest cryptocurrencies in the market, older than ethereum. Cardano was started by one of ethereum’s co founders and has a massive following by plebbit retards and normies.

What does chainlink have besides people like you that can’t even paint a bullish scenario for the token price? You have nothing.

>it's just futile in this case
Yeah I know, you’re too retarded to post, much less understand any intelligent words

>> No.57476209

>What does chainlink have
You as a holder.

>> No.57476210

>literally every LINK thread in the catalogue is a shill thread instead of a FUD one
there's your short signal /biz/bros

>> No.57476251

This guy REALLLLLY doesn’t want me to buy Chainlink for some reason.

>> No.57476271

I sold 90% of my link at $40. Now my portfolio is 10% link, 20% tao and 70% fideum.

I will sell link at $30, tao at $1700 and fideum at $1.2.

I keep it simple. I keep it real.

>> No.57476272

>link pumping when everything else dumping
>oMg WhY iS eVeRyOnE eXcItEd AbOuT LiNk?!?!?!

do you know what moving the goalposts means?

the behavior you're exhibiting is called hubris.

>> No.57476279

>I sold 90% of my link
Yet you're still 100% emotionally invested, three years later.

>> No.57476291

who fucking cares? the price of the token only goes up during bull markets.

>> No.57476316

>the behavior you're exhibiting is called hubris.
Are you a faggot or just Swedish? Already told you, post math or get out.

>Yet you're still 100% emotionally invested, three years later.
Financially invested, yes. Emotionally? Not so. I will invest a significant money if they IPO in the future. Smartcontract stock will be safe.

For now, we sell at $30.

>> No.57476323

>Emotionally? Not so.
You argue about link every day for years.

>> No.57476330

>who fucking cares?
You do, apparently. I see no other reason for posting a reply.

>> No.57476347

>You argue about link every day for years.
And will continue to do so if chainlink’s IPO is successful

>> No.57476350

>im an insider.
Since you like spilling the beans show us the pot.

>> No.57476366

HAHAHAHAH now you outed yourself you discordcuck BAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA every single time you fail to stick to the script

>> No.57476383

>Sergey had no choice

im done with this, you are no insider

>> No.57476388

while there's certainly organization on both sides of the debate, don't fall prey to your desire to strawman your opponent because of a commonly-used turn of phrase.

>> No.57476407

Damn bro are you ok?

>> No.57476430

>an insider larp thread
>a chainlink mathematical valuation thread
>a chainlink "iz going to da fucking moon" thread by a known tripfag shillfaggot
>oMg OrGaNiC eXcItMeNt FoR mUh LiNk!1
>do you know what moving the goalposts means?
yeah I was mostly referring to the other post I quoted, you fucking idiot shill avocado

>> No.57476439

im not the one bull posting about a token that only goes down.
>inb4 but 16$ its going up right now
yes its going up in a bull market not because of fundamentals

>> No.57476461

its $16 you uneducated fool way to out yourself you're not getting anyone to sell their linkies now you better switch ID and try again or go to another thread to get that sell action going

>> No.57476475

You're a bad actor trying to get people to baghold forever while you get out at $25 or $50. Get fucked.

>> No.57476491
File: 136 KB, 1600x1600, 71fC1LZ9V3L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek these exact same threads about Link were on here four years ago.
Time has stood still.
It's like everyone has been preserved in amber.
How is Link not just the new XRP?
When you ask Ripple cultists why they hold their bags they ramble incoherently about the New World Order.
But why do link holders have faith?
What exactly is the key thing about Link that justifies their faith?

>> No.57476502

nah, i actually think these threads are made by LINK perma-bears to try and simultaneously raise the hopes of nulinkers as well as to have threads/screencaps to post later on when the larp doesn't come to pass.

you're just as retarded as all the anti-fudders that think all fud is organized. but i wouldn't expect you to realize that.

>> No.57476504

yeah dude, popo is such an organic and based poster
go fuck yourself

>> No.57476557
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>> No.57476596

i think the oracle problem is where all the value is, and i don't see any other project with nearly with expertise, track record, and connections that CLL has. plus, when i watch Sergey talk, i don't get the vibes i usually do when someone's being disingenuous. and between the qualitative type of analysis i've already posted in this thread, the limited quantitative analysis that's possible, and my gut (i.e., that unconscious decision-maker inside all of us), this is the project i have the most confidence in.

maybe the XRP tards would say the same thing. i realize i could be wrong. i just don't think i am.

one thing i don't do, though, is take posts like OP and base my decisions on them.

>> No.57476604

ok sirgay
now kys

2 morre weeks

>> No.57476793

Tokenised derivatives isn’t about usurping clearing house fees you moron.
It’s about replacing the entire current server-based financial infrastructure with a blockchain-based one that incurs L1 fees and oracle fees every step of the way upstream from the clearing house, allll the way to the very creation of the tokenized asset.

What you’re saying is cars will only replace the cost of horseshoes.

>> No.57476930

not to mentions silod systems being able to connect to other siloed systems in a trustless way. Link brics interacting with swift and vice versa

>> No.57476954

>Are you a faggot or just Swedish?
blivit pumpad och dumpad av en Svensk eller? hahahahaha

>> No.57477065

So /biz/ just so happened to find link. We weren't supposed to find this gem so soon. Sergay did not intend for biz to accumulate link so aggressively. Sergay has been doing everything to fud his own token. In sergay's mind we weren't supposed to be the winners.

>> No.57477099
File: 314 KB, 1050x700, 35DBD31D-4BD0-43C6-9008-F66BC78F7847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

false it was sergey himself who shilled the token here and created this meme

>> No.57477389

I’m up 0.66c this shit is ez
Idk wtf you all are doing

>> No.57477465
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Jeet math lmao.

I'm actually up $1MM or a 100x from when I bought jeet.

I'm up around $100k since yesterday. How does that make you feel?


>> No.57477548

you're down the $2.7M from '21. You WERE up back in '20. Since then your performance has been beyond horrendous while the rest of the market 10x'd. In the investing world, performance every year counts, cmon rook stay with us

Current price as a % of ATH
Link @ 30%
Btc @ 60%
Eth @ 52%
Bnb @ 51%
Xrp @ 36%

THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.57477563

>It’s about replacing the entire current server-based financial infrastructure with a blockchain-based one that incurs L1 fees and oracle fees every step of the way upstream from the clearing house, allll the way to the very creation of the tokenized asset.

Sure, sure. Now tell me what’s the total addressable market able to be captured by the chainlink network?

You won’t because you’re retarded and are trying to distract everyone from the fact that it’s under 3 quadrillion. Even if the link network cornered the whole market its fair value would be under $120.

Like I said, post math or get out. I don’t care about your jeety word salad silly benchod.


>> No.57477647
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>jeet with 3 figure portfolio.

I love it. Keep seething while I win.

LINK is taking me to $100MM and I've known that since I went all in 2017. Why would I sell for a couple million?

Never selling dumbass nigger.

>> No.57478019


No it wasn't. I watched the original clip probably 50 times. He taps out SN in Morse code flawlessly while simulataneously being asked who Satoshi is and denying its him or he knows who it is.

Does this mean he is Satoshi or knows? Not really but you are just lying to suggest he didn't do it.

That being said its nearly impossible to find the clips showing that small part in his Lex Friedman interview with the Morse code chart in the same frame. There used to be tons of links that made it easy to see and hear what he was doing.

I won't be gaslight. Without a doubt he did it what it means exactly is speculation though.

Hell I remember when there was a thread about the IP address encryption finally being cracked from some of Satoshi's correspondence and there was tons of evidence it led back to Sergey. All of these crumbs were being discussed ad nauseum on /biz/ and the thread was no only deleted but ANYONE in the thread that replied received a 3 day ban minimum.

The reason for my ban was literally attempted "doxxing". I was fucking dumbfounded. Meanwhile during the same time there was 393957289357395398 threads at any given time about Craig Wright being Satoshi that would reach the 300 post limit. Why weren't those deleted for doxxing?

Sergey is almost definitely connected in some manner to whoever developed Bitcoin.

>> No.57478239

Well yeah, he was part of the satoshi group along with his friend Sergey Ivancheglo (co-founder of IOTA).

Fun fact, did you know the first POS coin NXT was developed by an anon developer called BCnext and Nazarov was a dev for NXT?

And did you know BCnext did not communicate to people directly? He only talked directly to Ivancheglo, whose alias was come_from_beyond at the time.

Ivancheglo revealed he was bcnext by signing from one of bcnext’s bitcoin wallets.

Now, the paper was co written by Bcnext, come_from_beyond and satoshi nakamoto himself.

come_from_beyond and bcnext are the same person…

I’ll let you make your own conclusions. The rabbit hole runs deep.

>> No.57478263

so we should buy qubic instead of chainlink, right?

>> No.57478321

It was pretty funny when he doxxed himself. Vitalik was in a pissing match with Sergey and he made Vitalik slink off with his tail between his legs.

>> No.57478359


I'll definitely take a look at this angle I haven't heard of this information before thanks for sharing.

>> No.57478370

No. Comes From Beyond is obviously a type 1 manic depressive. When he's deep in development, the stress sets him off and he derails projects. Before that happens, he's usually on to something great but you shouldn't trust anything he's lead on. He built IOTA and left it to collapse. He abandoned NXT when it stopped holding his obsession. He'll leave Qubic for similar reasons. He's great but unstable and hasn't found the right people to keep him even for the long haul.

SN understands this.

>> No.57478426

Maybe, extremely good tech but Ivancheglo is too autistic to market properly.

Yeah, cfb still brings the keks. The guy gets in twitter brawls with iota employees and random devs every week. He was the reason I bought into avax early since he correctly deducted team rocket was a group led by Emin Gun Sirer.

>> No.57478563

I remember the connections of him to satoshi, but lex friedman morse is BS. I remember those threads very well

>> No.57478777


You are gaslighting I watched it probably more than 50 times. He did it to a tee. You are simply wrong.

>> No.57478937
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thats bullshit but i believe it

>> No.57478971

Ok now that the m retards are out here are the real sell goals.

I will sell link at $80, tao at $1700 and fideum at $1.2.

Kek see you around faggots

>> No.57479050


>> No.57479082

trips of truth, cant argue now anymore. I guess ur right

>> No.57479184

I will sell Link never. I will sell your moms pussy for $1

>> No.57479251

FP just mogged all that bullshit OP typed.

>> No.57479269

>why don't you break $20

We are gonna do it today.

>> No.57481157


>> No.57481315

>In the end these fees will end up in the hands of node operators and won’t result in the price appreciation of the link token.
Node operators needs LINK to operate, they'll pay to have linkies stack on their nodes, probably a 50/50 kind of deal

>> No.57481551


>> No.57481578

triple 7s, you are forsaken

>> No.57481614


>> No.57481824

my dad is the chainlink janitor

>> No.57482332

mate stop fudding. you had 7 years to buy.

>> No.57482442
