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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57465977 No.57465977 [Reply] [Original]

Someone explain how a coin goes to 170 Million MC in a day

>> No.57466001

what is insider trading anon

>> No.57466098

How is Market Cap calculated?

>> No.57466256

The creator of this is one of the biggest scammers in the space. He stole millions of dollars. It's fascinating to see how quickly people forget and start riding on his mini dick again

>> No.57466329

I bought at 50m yesterday and have held since. Idgaf who is behind this. The majority of shit posted here are either scams or failed projects. Make money and move on to the next one. Someone cashed out 90k just now and it keeps going up. As long as the momentum is there, I’m riding this up.

>> No.57466349

It’s not insider trading. I first saw this on biz at 40m and faded it until around 50m. What I find interesting is the lack of threads on this. Meanwhile shit like linu and hokk flood the catalog. Imagine that

>> No.57466355

Who is it? Pauly?

>> No.57466456

Yep. One of the biggest pieces of shit in crypto. The day this asshole is in jail will be a glorious day for this space

>> No.57466633

>I first saw this on biz at 40m
Meanwhile he posted the CA on his own twitter much earlier
This board is fucking trash with endless chainshit and dogshit inu threads

Just another jew

>> No.57466656

Ahaha people will fall for this shit time and time again. “ohhh numbers go up” and they don’t even look past the dex screen into the contract and developers behind it. Going to be hilarious a week from now when there’s pink pork wojaks REEEING about this

>> No.57466674

people who buy these CT pnds at 100000000000000 million mcap deserve to lose all of their money, their house, their car and their cat

>> No.57466850

What makes this different than Pepe, bonk, or any other piece of shit that mooned and made anons lots of money? Is this cope?

>> No.57466864

I’ll tell you why

Get out when you can if you bag hold you’ll be dumped on shortly

>> No.57466886

Someone explain to me how the fuck do these people buy early. I mean 5 minutes launch early.

>> No.57466901

These fags hold like 30+% of the supply
Domp et
with juice you lose

>> No.57467012

I haven't bought and will not buy.

>> No.57467045
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>> No.57467059



>> No.57467060
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we are so back!!!

>> No.57467244

What are his previous tokens that he’s rugged before? I don’t follow the guy or know much about him so I’m genuinely curious.

>> No.57467263


>> No.57467287

It doesn't, retard. Marketcap is naively calculated with price * number of coins but this is retarded for small caps because literally all trading is fake&gay.

>> No.57467371

Ok that’s fucking stupid, but in terms of his previous rugged projects, which ones were they? The other tokens that hit 1b had the same issue of wallets holding a large %

>SEC warned him
I mean, is that really illegal? The guy made it clear that no one would get anything in return. How does that not classify as a gift or donation?

>> No.57467491


>> No.57467758

What’s the likelyhood that this gets listed on any of the big exchanges?

>> No.57468511

Did p3pco1n or Pepl get listed on any major exchanges?

>> No.57468674

Pep3coin didn’t even though it broke 100m. CEX listings don’t make sense to me. I keep hearing conflicting info on the requirements for it.

>> No.57468721

Bunch of faggots that Hope no one else buys because they need to accumulate more before this reaches 22b mc

>> No.57468843

$PEPE hit resistance at $1 billion dollars.
Is this your wallet?

>> No.57468872

Pepl was actually listed on a smaller exchange, but the cex requirements don't matter as much as the team. There's a trend with some of these coins where they pump fantasticly, the devs start promising new software or cex listibgs etc...then they just bleed them out. After the peak they might do some contests or show manufactured proofs regarding their software to keep people bag holding while they dump on them, they might even repump it a few times to give hope, but in the end, it's usually around 10 days before the suck it below 50%, then a few more weeks while they pick at the bones. It's no wonder this one is at 200mil already. They have the capital from their last coin to pump it that high themselves. It will follow the exact same routine as they've used with their prior coins.

>> No.57468882

Kek, I mean anything is possible I guess. One things for sure though. This is about to blow past Pepe.

>> No.57468920

Kek enjoy your rugpull. Anyone with a brain looking at the distribution wouldn’t touch this unless they want an easy 2-8x which would be still be risky.

>> No.57468926

So whats your speculation on this. Will it hit 1b before it dumps? Or is there a chance they switch it up

>> No.57468935

Tell me you’re poor without telling me you’re poor

>> No.57468959

Tell me you’re brown without telling me you’re brown.

>> No.57469026

Tell me you chase pumps without telling me you chase pumps.

>> No.57469030

No idea what it will hit, but seeing as they've got a reputation, and they've got a bigger bag to play with now, they might just straight fuckin rug this as a finale lol. But if I had to guess: 200mil MC in a day is crazy so I'm thinking they're gonna push towards a billion and just follow the same routine. I'm not touching it. There's plenty of decent memes I could get rugged on with way more potential lol.

>> No.57469040

You’re both American. You’re not even white. You’re all dirtied up with Mexican blood or part African. There’s not one true white person in the US for 50 years.

>> No.57469055

> There's plenty of decent memes I could get rugged on with way more potential lol.
Kek I got hit with a couple of them in the last 2 weeks. All spare change of course, but yea, it’s all fucked

>> No.57469062

Kek I’m 100% English and German so suck my cock Jose.

>> No.57469091

I can trace my lineage 500 years, about the time your ancestors were getting skull fucked by Spaniards.

Montezuma's revenge scamming in crypto kek.

>> No.57469098

I lost like $400 or so on pepl, but since I was drinking their Kool aid at the time, I watched their Twitter accounts and bought pep3coin on the first day. That paid off for me bag holding, but I saw what was gonna happen right around Christmas when they started promising contests and shit, so I got out and made up for my first mistake. I have a bag of some other coin they made as well, but I'm not gonna name it until I see them resurrect it.

>> No.57469161

Here we go. The typical American “I’m 100% this” “I can trace my lineage back to 1 million years ago” niggers no you can’t and you’re not. Your faggot loser poor families have been born and dirtied up in America for a century. None of you have ever been to Europe and will never because you’re too poor. You’re both a joke and so is the US. Keep voting for your two party system that’s totally not the same party. How was it being the first 1st world country with a black head of state?

>> No.57469203

What's the story behind Pauly and PEPE? I saw him shit on PEPE in a video yesterday, saying they were scammers and con artists.

i hold a small bag of PEPE and wondering if it's actually dead with a scam team...

>> No.57469227

Kek you’re so fucking mad. Go eat a taco or have a baguette whatever the fuck. Enjoy this rugpull.

>> No.57469249

I bought of large bag of p3pecoin around $.002 but I ended swapping that for some other shit which ended up dumping. This was maybe 1 month before it pumped. I felt like roping but I recently remembered that I still have basedai, so I’ll hold and hope it recovers

>> No.57469324

Eh, idk about that one fren, but I hope it turns around for you. I sold most of mine at 14cents when I saw it pump initially. I never would've thought they'd hit 100mil mc. I sold the rest right after Christmas around 85 cents. Last I checked it was around 20cents. Im sure it will be less than a cent by the end of February.
That's just the way she goes Rick.

>> No.57469332

Oops Meant .02

>> No.57469347

Yea who knows. Maybe pepefork will help me cope as long as it doesn’t rug before I make good gains

>> No.57469414

Just realize what you're getting into. If you're looking for memes: Mochi has been paying off for me pretty well and it's a legit coin with a future. OGSM has been a nice hold too with seemingly little chances of rugging, plus part of the tax goes to the boy himself which I think will have strong reddit appeal in the bullrun. I bought hemule way too high on the initial pump, but if cat coins take off with mochi and Toshi, it might turn into a decent buy.
Best of luck.

>> No.57469964

Thanks fren, I’ll check those out

>> No.57470478

>One things for sure though. This is about to blow past Pepe.

>> No.57470571

It’s not far from it as it stands now, and the fact that the buy pressure is crushing any large sell offs. The momentum doesn’t seem to be slowing down