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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57464426 No.57464426 [Reply] [Original]

What is your opinion about this?

>> No.57464538

This just in Microsoft hires an army of troon rust devs!

>> No.57464592

What’s the point?

>> No.57464646

rust is peak tranny ywnbaw language.

>> No.57464678

Rust will kill windows.

>> No.57464966

i’m rusty with my programming but isn’t C and to a lesser extent C++ pretty much all you need for a good programming language?

>> No.57465027

rust is memory safe c
it's also a dog whistle on /g/ to rally anti-trans retards to hate food software because there's a lot of trannies that vocally support rust. there's also widespread industry support but that doesn't matter. it's the trannies that matter in my mind.

>> No.57465031

you glow

>> No.57465206

bag me in, im going to run oil rig

>> No.57465209

Isn't the tranny thing overstated? Even John Carmack has stated that coding in Rust feels "wholesome," and that Mozilla's greater legacy might turn out to be Rust, not Firefox.

>> No.57465384

You should buy gitlab instead.

>> No.57465489

We already knew this, brown people can`t use C++

>> No.57468220

>Isn't the tranny thing overstated?
Yes, obviously. Trannies and humans alike both like Rust. Everybody likes Rust. There's zero reason to dislike it if you're not a contrarian retard, which is why contrarian retards resort to non-arguments like that.

>> No.57468264

They probably get government money to hire trannies

>> No.57468295

>rust is memory safe c
No it isn’t, if it was there would be no reason to rewrite the world and could be introduced gradually.

C++ is memory safe C, at least in the last couples of standards it’s improving in that direction

>> No.57469832

Kaspa is hodl

>> No.57470157
File: 21 KB, 379x511, 1691440453588573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My thoughts are:
>Beoble and Biz convinced me that I should keep buying Kaspa
>Rust is simply better but their indian pajeet developers didn't know how to code with it because all they know is C#, C++, Python and Java, if that
So, good all around.

>> No.57470173

Better performance and stability.

Learn to code in relevant languages for today's standards. And stop moaning.
Rust is fast and efficient and that's it. Who fucking cares about fabricated /g/ drama that board's filled with literal autists.

>> No.57470178

yeah kinda weird hate towards a programming language. who cares lol

>> No.57470183

>pajeet developers
>know how to code

choose one

>> No.57470193

90% of devs are trannies/femboys/gay anyway. It's the same stereotype as all of them being autistic to a degree.

>> No.57470198
File: 30 KB, 640x640, 1690694910480413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have fun #hodling and #buidling for another 10 years bro. Godspeed.

>> No.57470204

if windows 11 starts running better after this then i welcome this change because god damn it's kinda hilarious they are still running code from the 90's to this very day.

>> No.57470213
File: 242 KB, 386x406, 049832489321421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you keep buying Kaspa you will end up taking my order at McDonalds

>> No.57470222
File: 10 KB, 286x110, Screenshot 2024-01-31 191006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I can tell. Stupid nigger.

>> No.57471399


>> No.57471461

Linux is too, and the bsds might even have legacy code older than that.

>> No.57471686

Fucking underrated

>> No.57471851

Unironically bought $5,500 worth of KAS just a few minutes ago. It could go down further, but I’d rather not risk it.

Also, I took a screenshot of your dumb comment, will be posting it in May, when the price is $0.50+.

>> No.57472245

The whole market is down over 8% today

>> No.57472288

>Rust is memory safe
Not how memory safety works. No, slapping an 'unsafe' keyword doesn't magically prevent memory corruption vulnerabilities. The real way to fix the problem of memory safety is to implement security measures at the processor architecture level. ARM and RISC-V are making huge strides in this. Things like pointer authentication and memory tagging have made memory exploitation exponentially more difficult (but still not impossible). x86 processors need to die in a fire already. Rust is a pointless exercise. It doesn't really hurt anything, but it doesn't really solve anything either. Also it's extremely lacking in features. Working with threads in rust just plain sucks compared to C++ for example.

>> No.57472603
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>> No.57473004

I used C++ for 20 years. its days are over.
I realized this when I was reading about "the universal reference and perfect forwarding"
C++ never recovered from C++11.
Rust is far better, especially for embedded. I've never seen a single trannie that used Rust. It's plainly the future

>> No.57473171

JavaScript is the future losers

>> No.57473179

I trust Satya, he was ahead of times with AI

>> No.57473525

What are you even talking about? That's not glow posting, retard.

>> No.57473531

If windows adopts a cloud model on the OS then the world will absolutely start to shift to other platforms.

>> No.57473590

> windows
only 40 and 50 year old boomers still use that shit everyone with half a brain moved to Linux+GNU flavors 15 years ago.

>> No.57473614

Um, actually what you are referring to is GNU/Linux, not Linux+GNU