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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 182 KB, 653x470, risks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57458985 No.57458985 [Reply] [Original]

Is this accurate?

>> No.57459001

185 IQ here
you should just follow maths

>> No.57459004

Yes. Im the one on the left. I keep selling but its the bottom every time. Im actually losing money during a bullrun. 3 cycles in and I cant learn to hold

>> No.57459009

Feel like this every time when I’m on Dplay, and every time I decide to take those risks, it always pays off kek

>> No.57459015

I only regret the things I didn't do.

>> No.57459026

shutup nerd
you gotta have money to count money

>> No.57459030

returns can not exist without risk

>> No.57459040

if a model works, you will make money even with a dollar

>> No.57459103

If your judgement is good: you plus up on gains.
If your judgement is bad: you plus up on experience, to improve your judgement.
Life does not end at rejection, bankruptcy, recession nor world war.

Simple as.

>> No.57459317


>> No.57459455

t. midwit

>> No.57461055

>i should wait for the perfect time
>oh no

>> No.57461089
File: 87 KB, 1272x714, 1693233021348423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more:

>> No.57461149

this guy is kinda right, im no genius but I love to learn and it feels pretty self defeating pretty often to learn how to spot trends when you don't even have the money to play

>> No.57462549

> takes months or years for bags to pump
> dumps 50% in 1 hour
this what put me off risk, still got bearmarket ptsd

>> No.57462881
File: 1.93 MB, 1174x1344, 38364377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>70IQ quits their job to start some trade, retires rich
>150IQ quits their high paying job to start some company, retires rich
>midwit stays wageslave forever

im biased as i recently quit a $200k job to learn how to start my own business but yes it is accurate

>> No.57462900

is it tho? How many 80 IQ and below individuals do you think have made it financially? Also from those that have, typically through winning the lottery or inheritance, they will blow through even very large amounts of money within a few years because that's just what stupid people do

>> No.57462902

130s here, I'm going to live in a trailer in the woods to save on rent

>> No.57462909

the 80IQ does not "make it" but he still takes the risk
"the risk" might be doing meth and getting in a high speed chase, but he still takes it

>> No.57462913

false dichotomy and you're going to blow up so fucking hard

>> No.57463156

I don't understand what point you're making. Your post was about taking risks and retiring rich. Obviously lower IQ more impulsive individuals will take more risks, my point is that this doesn't mean they make it.

>> No.57463166

you are right i shouldn't have said the 70IQ retires rich because that is very unlikely. in my reply to you i was more referencing OP image where the 70 and 150IQ both just say they take risks, it does not conclude they both end up rich

>> No.57463302

what specific math big brained anon?

>> No.57463311

Men suffer because we have to fuck something and we have to deal with dumb cunts.

>> No.57463346

too much risk is the main reason why people don't make it.

>> No.57463357

imagine developing the greatest investment model ever and then you turn your $1 into $3 lmao

>> No.57463363

>i recently quit a $200k job to learn how to start my own business

>> No.57463366

Yes. But the drooling buddy on the left doesn't know why he should pick a certain risky asset, whereas the hooded buddy on the right does.

>> No.57463387

Absolutely not true. Most people, like 99.5+% of people, "don't make it" because they take too few risks, not too many.

>> No.57463432

You should take more opportunities to take risk, not just risk more. Which is why I don’t think the graph is completely correct here. The retard will go all in on shiba or bonk at the top, or buy the wrong dog coin and get rugged. The 150 iq will find the 5 most promising dog coins and put in 100-1000$ each and win big on one, while the midwit will wait around for the perfect opportunity and never buy anything, or sell after +-10% because he got scared or to “take profit”

>> No.57463594


>> No.57463854

Can you elaborate or offer advice for anons stuck in 6 figure wageslave jobs?

My job pays the bills but completely drains me. I would love to start a business but so far my attempts to start up an e-commerce store have failed. What do you recommend starting with?

>> No.57463927

The low IQ take is to take risk on the market
The high IQ take is to take risk in career

>> No.57463948

>dumb cunts
That's you taking them seriously. Treat them like children or small minded creatures with pussies attached. Trick them out of their treasure and laugh at them.

>> No.57463959

No, this is the kind of meme chart that taylor-made for reddit

>> No.57466031

the ungodly majority of millionaires didnt get there with get rich quick methodology, so no this is retardedly inaccurate cope. theres a really strong confirmation bias loop in the meme coin gambling community because all you zoomer twinks that are addicted to it dont want to work/generate real wealth so risk "tolerance" is encouraged to unhealthy degrees in this little internet echo chambers

>> No.57466067

more dimwits than you would think are financially stable. making a million dollars is not hard, theres no secret to it. what surprises most people is that teachers (primary) consistently rank in the top profession of self-made millionaires. you idiots only make it hard because youre trying to cheat the system. some will make it, most will fail. u guys should just learn actual finances instead of hoping to step in shit with "muh next big rocket ship meme coin"

>> No.57466750

>Can you elaborate or offer advice for anons stuck in 6 figure wageslave jobs?
>My job pays the bills but completely drains me. I would love to start a business but so far my attempts to start up an e-commerce store have failed. What do you recommend starting with?
I only quit because im too lazy to put in any real effort at my own biz when im pulling in a salary. So far I've learned
>marketing SUPER fucking important
>start driving organic traffic to your site BEFORE you launch via youtube, blogs, twitter etc. to get SEO kickstarted
>dont obsess over little things or get your hopes diminished by stupid technical problems on the app itself because it wont matter if nobody ever sees it
I'm in the midst of writing and creating a bunch of content to spew all over social media to start driving organic traffic because my page has absolutely no ranking on google so nobody will ever see it otherwise,. but i can start to get ranked for more niche searches (like "dog underwear in san francisco") than i can for more generic core searches ("underwear') so that will help drive some traffic

the good thing about my business is its the kind of thing that my clients will share on their own sites and social, so i'll get an SEO boost from that once i start building a client base

tl;dr i don't have much wisdom to share, but every day since ive quit my full-time job i've learned a bunch of new shit that i'll need to know to make it, which I was just too lazy to try and figure out while i made a comfy salary.

>> No.57467558

Now this is the content I come to /biz/ for.

What's the status of your app? Have you launched?
Are you making any profit?
How much did you spend on marketing?
How much did you spend on development?
How much was your own money vs. external investment?
How did you obtain external investment?