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57453580 No.57453580 [Reply] [Original]

I can’t describe in words a worse fate than growing up in an upper middle class environment, a safe neighborhood, rich school district, with daddy’s Amex gold card, only to have your fucking loser father fumble during the 08 crisis, go into survival mode, and throw you under the bus.

I was supposed to have my college degree paid for, with connections at the end to keep me in the upper class. Instead, I was forced to pay for my student loans, became demoralized, depressed, and now I’m 33 and I’ve never had a non-working class job.

I’m this beautiful, west alpinid, smooth skinned, aristocratic looking white guy, and yet I’ve worked in warehouses with niggers and ugly working class white loser faggots that blast breaking Benjamin on their speakers while they load the trucks.

It’s like being in hell. I was supposed to be a lawyer who just got off work and read Marcel Proust and get drunk in dimly lit bars at lunch hour in downtown Washington DC.

Instead I’m an overnight security guard at an airport.

>> No.57453594
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guess you better kill yourself

>> No.57453604

lol lmao

>> No.57453612
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Equality can only exist between equals. Civilization implies division of labor, division of labor implies subordination and subordination implies injustice and inequality.

>> No.57453613

No. I’ve fucked 50 girls and 170 Thai hookers. I also have many classics I have to finish. Especially Marcel prousts “remembrance of things past.

>> No.57453618

amusing read, thanks anon

>> No.57453621

Well I’m a high tier corporate wagie and I’d rather be a security guard. Also just lol at a fucking AMEX Gold being a status symbol in your mind. Bruh almost anyone can get qualified for that thing and the annual fee is like $250

>> No.57453650

You were never upper class. You were upper middle class. You're right, it's probably a special circle of hell, because you think you're rich but you're actually still just paycheck to paycheck. Your parents will have no wealth to pass down to you and keep you going, they can only sustain the lifestyle as long as they're working. You're basically icarus.

>> No.57453661

No dingo, the implication was in the heydays of my youth my dad gave me an Amex gold card with no spending limit. I usually racked up 2-3k a month on bottles of liquor and eating at restaurants

>> No.57453683

>I was supposed to have my college degree paid for, with connections at the end to keep me in the upper class.
Don't know if it helps, but I got all that and I already have more money than I will ever need and yet I'm still a kissless virgin loser posting on 4chan, so there's that.

>> No.57453687

You were middle class debt golems and got rext by the 08 deflationary event. Consoomers never learn. You can't borrow your way to wealth.

>> No.57453698

Not weighing up to your class if you cant work yourself back up. I made myself upper middle class by learning skills and starting my own business.

Being white is more than just the skin. You need to live it.

>> No.57453700

This happened to me too so I just joined the army for a couple of years and now I'm comfortably middle class again. I make about $190k a year wfh in a flyover state

>> No.57453713

These are pretty based answers and I have to tip my hat to you gentlemen.

>> No.57453724

Move to another country. The American dream is dead, fag. College and healthcare are "free" in the rest of the world. Maybe it's not too late to start over in Mexico or another worse shithole and going to college in there. Unless you want to die as a security guard (in an airport at least, doesn't sound that bad imo opinion) Also, you know how to be upper middle class, have rich culture, and tastes. I made it in crypto but I will always be a poorfag with money, I don't know how to spend it, I'm a minimalist stoic fag. thanks for reading my blog, I guess

>> No.57453748

I think the word you're looking for is "dingus". You don't seem to be as well read as you're boasting. Before you blame autocorrect, only idiots don't know how to turn that off.

>> No.57453753

if this isn't a larp you're a pathetic faggot retard. i grew up rural white trash and managed to secure a comfortable living with a moderate amount of effort.

>> No.57453758

I don’t have any delusions about the American dream, but I literally made 70k last year as a security guard by just taking all available overtime. there is nowhere else in the entire world that is possible except American liberal cities.

My life plan is to just work for 1-2 years and then quit and go cooming for 6 months, rinse, and repeat to soften the blow of the horror of being an American citizen. I’ve also thought of maybe working on a boat so I can just grind for 6 months and then fuck off and it’s “normal”to have that kind of intermittent work schedule. Also free room and board.

I’m unwilling to learn to code. Absolutely no desire or drive to learn. I also have kind of a midwit IQ and mentally lazy (but not lazy in general)

>> No.57453770

out of curiosity, what job did you take in the army? i've been thinking about it a lot recently, and my ASVAB score is very, very high

>> No.57453776

I was adopted from Russia and now I work from home (own house) for F100 tech while raising my infant son
I'm 26yo
Sounds like OP took like for granted and didnt hustle
Watch out, Russians are everywhere :)

>> No.57453872

I had a high enough ASVAB to do whatever, but went in as a 68W out of family tradition. In hindsight I wish I did something a bit more useful as I work in tech now.

>> No.57453891

>upper middle class
>can't make it without daddy's money
>shit talking his father to strangers online
You deserve to struggle. You do not deserve success.

>> No.57453894

Did you ever consider law school instead of your crippling prostitute addiction? Just a quick thought

>> No.57453895

You choosed it

>> No.57453898

not your fathers fault, just yours. for getting a meme degree and do unskilled labour

>> No.57453917

I’m going to be honest. You’re on 4chan using the word “nigger” thinking you deserve something more than a warehouse job. You’re that guy in the movie working the warehouse job complaining about “niggers”, but you’re not a caricature, you’re really that guy.

Now think about that guy. Does he actually deserve more? Frankly, he probably deserves less, and often is the guy that gets beat down even further in the movie because that’s where he really belongs.

If you’re so great, go take out a loan and go to law school and prove the movie wrong. Student loans are easy to get because the rates suck.

>> No.57453948

You have a lower middle class mindset. Stop blaming your father and get your shit together you loser.

>> No.57453949

history is full of beautiful people getting crushed by happenstances so some ugly freak with a misshapen head that cannot properly speak can take their place.

there is no rhyme or reason to this evil world. I feel for you. I just hope you can manage to cultivate a somewhat bearable lifestyle.

>> No.57453963


Nonsense, lower middle class mindset is pure grinder energy. He has a welfare mindset, a lower class mindset.

>> No.57454022

equality of spirit, in that every spirit has the potential to be great

division of labour is done by a flawed society and therefore meaningless, only God can judge and you don't know God's mind

even if you don't believe I'm sure you've met people of great spirit who were assigned a lowly role by society and vice versa. So to yap on about division of labour is pointless.

>> No.57454025

>I was adopted from Russia
>OP took like for granted and didnt hustle
you're just like those tiktok zoomers who show their bling and shit around which was practically slid under them by their parents.
maybe try the same without being adopted and actually coming from russia, silverspoonfed little faggot

>> No.57454076

very sad outlook on life friend

>> No.57454118
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Working on a boat doesn't sound bad at all, then cooming and gooning the rest of the year to sweet futanari teen titans porn. Overwatch futa porn got old already. Forget about coding if you're not already a tech nerd, even if you were +130 IQ it takes a lot of time and there thousands of pajeets ready to code out there for 1 dollar

>> No.57454245

Built for bbc.

>> No.57454286

Yep. You gotta be coding from the womb as a turbo dorker to make any headway, the only reason I would into tech is to get a wfh job so I could get off work and creampie 19 year old Thai girls, but that’s not gonna happen so I gotta wait another 173 days until I can go back

>> No.57454431
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>You’re that guy in the movie
Sound advice; watch moar movies, op.

>> No.57454467

True. Thanks for the correction.

>> No.57454537
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>I was supposed to be a lawyer who just got off work and read Marcel Proust and get drunk in dimly lit bars at lunch hour in downtown Washington DC.

>> No.57454559

This. OP is not different from a nigger asking for gibs.

>> No.57454585

Why were you more harsh and descriptive when describing whites? Unless the word "Nigger" is actually sufficient for all their shortcomings.

>> No.57454611

Are your words meaningless since they are coming from the member of a flawed society?

>> No.57454612

This is somewhat correct but stop watching goyslop, fag

>> No.57454622

Ask me how I know you're black lmao

>> No.57454652

My situation isn’t as sad as yours and I still have some hope but I can relate.

>Grew up going on ski trips, family having yacht club memberships and fancy sail boats and vacation homes
> to being a white collar tech wagie that feels poor (currently worth 500k, but most is in crypto and I still don’t own a home or have anything super fancy to make me feel like I’ve accomplished anything) only making around 55k in the midwest
>the life I grew up in seems so far out of reach to be able to provide for a family it doesn’t even seem worth it
>most of my cousins are married, living in McMansions with their families and have fancy job titles with big salaries (the gen X cousins anyways)

Add insult to injury my grandpa left none of his grandchildren a penny when he passed of the millions he inherited from his sister. Solid chance my dad will use most of it to fund his retirement and his new wife will swindle anything that could have gone to his kids. Crypto is my only hope. I don’t need billions but a few rental properties, a nice portfolio, and a nice big home off innawoods really doesn’t seem like asking for too much considering what I was raised around.

>> No.57454670

>Adopted from Russia
>b-but I'm Russian

>> No.57454700

You’re in pretty good shape but I do feel for you. You’re like an aristocrat marooned in a plebian purgatory. Stay strong for the peerage.

Death to parents they don’t give their kids any fucking money

>> No.57454704

>go to college
>become overnight security guard
How’d you manage that, faggot?

>> No.57454713

>He doesn't know

>> No.57454760
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>It's just like muh Hollywood movies!! You're the heckin evil racist guy Mr. Shekelberg warned me about!!!!!

>> No.57454765

What did you go to college for?
I grew up in a poor home in West Virginia with 4 sibelings. Went to a local community College at first then transfered to Michigan Tech to get a degree in mechanical Engineering. (I chose Michigan Tech because it was relatively cheap for tuition costs at the time)

Now I'm 30 years old and make six figures in an engineer job in North Carolina. (A real Engineering job, not software shit)

As far as looks? I'm a dysgenic ginger Irishman with one missing tooth and 2 visibly chipped teeth.

Also I don't work with any niggers, everyone in the office I work in is white (we have one jew in our IT department though)

>> No.57454779

I’ve broken down to my dad basically the WEF talking points about moving to subscription based economy where you own nothing and he said “geee glad I’ll be gone before that happens!” Their lack of empathy for their children’s struggles is weird to witness. At this point I just want out of the entire wagie cycle, I’m not gonna work a (((career))) my entire life to try to replicate my childhood. I want my piece of the pie and I’m opting out to pursue my passions in peace and solitude for the most part. It’s sad I used to want a family but not after what I’ve seen the past 4 years.

>> No.57454829

The only reply a nigger is capable of regardless of the topic of the thread. Truly 3 word vocabulary monkeys.

>> No.57454853
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>I’ve fucked 50 girls and 170 Thai hookers
I'm not super religious, but you need Jesus because it sounds like you're a man whore.

You probably have a porn addiction to, tetering on becoming a full blown homo.

>> No.57454877

He's not black, he's a nigger. The term 'black' implies a level of respect that these subhuman parasites have never earned during their existence.

>> No.57454893

You're on 4chan being offended by nigger.

>> No.57454896
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>You’re that guy in the movie

>> No.57454899

Hey, my folks told me they would pay for college too, and to get a degree in something I enjoyed.
Yeah, then the divorce happened, the loans are my responsibility, and mom used the alimony to go back to college.

>> No.57454981
File: 32 KB, 657x470, florida pepe 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all your parents fucked off to florida in the pandemic and bought my parents' bags
>they cash out refi'd and helped my sister and I with down payments
thanks for playing

>> No.57455175
File: 35 KB, 460x333, MPR5852ed_Hrabal01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are narcissistic retard. It takes retarded nigger to not be successful in this world. If you can't succeed you deserve your spot in life and did not deserve to prosper from your father's position. All is as it should be and Logos has done good for humanity - it has saved us from another nepobaby.¨
Find enjoyment in the fact that the world is always as it should be, become one with it and it will reward you, becouse the world cannot ever be wrong.

>> No.57455230 [DELETED] 

Short to pay for my university re-admission fees, just lost job, i don't have any way left to manage, I try my best but i failed. Any help will be appraciated.

I really want to continue my educational career. Can anyone bring a helping hand towards me to pay my fees?

>> No.57455402


>> No.57455415

I grew up middle and then poor cause of 08 and make more than you. Stop blaming your hard working father for being a loser. Do something about it paul bart mall cop

>> No.57455711

read A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett

>> No.57457329

that sounds miserable, I stand by my statement now more than before when it was just based on your faggy whining