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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57453408 No.57453408 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.57453476

Remember when this type of threads used to get replys in well under a minute

>> No.57453486

its sad that only bagholders/fudders are just wasting their time watching the LINK chart and posting whenever a 1% movement happens everyone else move on but them and the ones that left for sure have more LINK than them

>> No.57453983

nico antagonist girlfriend

>> No.57454092

How did you even get him to believe to give you retards that many coins? Is he honestly not realizing that crypto loans do not need to be paid back?

>> No.57454122

This moron is so afraid of death and jail that he doesn’t even realize that we don’t even care about anything except price action

>> No.57454142

We don’t care about your ideas, we just want money you retarded fat fuck

>> No.57454169

Is this dumbass even thinking that we care about ideas when this dumbfuck democracy idea somehow went from 2 cents to 43 thousand dollars?

>> No.57454196

what the fuck type of astroturfing is even this

>> No.57454226

We do not care about your ideas. All we want is a lot of spendable money. We are literally investing in a digital economy and you are not giving us enough money to pay for it.

>> No.57454256

It's a sad state of affairs when even these zealots can't muster the energy anymore...
...except for this yellow nutjob I guess - the last Linkie left standing.

>> No.57454263

Does he know how digital the economy would have been if he actually let us buy 86000 bitcoin at 2-3c like we wanted to? Dumbass actually sent people to steal our real money just to try to convince people to mine it.

>> No.57454277

Japan can’t even make a good game at all without music

>> No.57454315

>...except for this yellow nutjob I guess - the last Linkie left standing
fucking KEK

>> No.57454326

You’re supposed to just give us infinite money so we can actually just play video games and buy all your inventions, but instead, you actually think we care if it is secure. All we needed to begin with was you to invent face scanning lock technology so that dumbass Indian bitch doesn’t just steal our phones.

>> No.57454336

You’re supposed to just tell that retard satoshi that we do not actually want to do hard work, we just want infinite money.

>> No.57454358

If you can’t give us infinite spending money, then you really should consider actually sending bitcoin to be worth $0 because we are not kidding, the retard who wrote honkai star rail is honestly a better game creator than all of you

>> No.57454382

We just want money, that’s the only thing that matters in the USA and you made us waste our time on a worthless website game where all we did was prove to Jeff Bezos how to scam people without them realizing that you are scamming them

>> No.57454413

Your idea is so stupid Satoshi that we literally replaced you with a Russian guy so I don’t even know how you’re convincing people that it is worth that much. If you wanted it to actually be worth that much then maybe you should have paid us that much money to begin with

>> No.57454470

All you needed to do to send Bitcoin to infinity was to pay me 86000 bitcoin on coinbase but somehow these retards on coinbase actually can stop me from getting money from you guys even. And I am not even kidding when I say they are even not letting my dad deposit money into my real bank account, that’s how many bad actors there are on the internet and you somehow think we shouldn’t have that much money?

>> No.57454490

That guy just wrote the story, he is really stupid. But the game was better because you morons actually keep inventing automation and that always just kills the game.

>> No.57454542

Yeah, make it as good as honkai star rail or maybe start thinking about how to invent better gameplay than gambling because that Epic Seven game could’ve lasted forever if you didn’t add auto hunt.

>> No.57454846

We need welt to die for real

>> No.57454863

I can’t save you guys because this Welt guy somehow is invincible and yes I am referring to my dad

>> No.57454882

Why is he not dead if you guys tricked him into getting vaccinated?

>> No.57454888

You really were supposed to real lethally inject him but then he swaps the phone number with me just to get out of it

>> No.57454913

That’s why farmers should never have the ability to rise up

>> No.57454924

The only reason I am here is because he is dumb enough to keep doing drugs and alcohol and that moron didn’t even realize he was smoking opium

>> No.57454948

Take your meds link marine

>> No.57454951

Yes, he is really poisoning me the entire time. He keeps sending me out to take his death tests

>> No.57454992

Yes that guy really ruined my entire education by bringing alcohol home and no it is actually permanently damaged with no chance of recovery

>> No.57455010

And then that principal is even more evil and then we wonder why the fuck other men are even alive

>> No.57455030

No really, why are men other than me evil allowed to exist

>> No.57455038

No really, I am better than all of you because you actually weren’t even able to convince them to kill me and I have 5 years to actually keep fighting all of you

>> No.57455067

You couldn’t even convince a psychiatric prison hospital death camp to kill me during world war 3? When all I was doing was speaking your language the entire time?

>> No.57455109

No, I am really setting it to 1 v 999 quadrillion infinities

>> No.57455190

You might think you are infinity, but really, you are just 10 million years of life

>> No.57455575 [DELETED] 

Short to pay for my university re-admission fees, just lost job, i don't have any way left to manage, I try my best. Can anyone bring a helping hand towards me? Any help will be appraciated.

I really want to continue my educational career

>> No.57455597

Kill anyone who says education

>> No.57455629

English is a terrorist language

>> No.57455657

God is just Nathaniel Rothschild

>> No.57455693

Really, just stop the competition. I will always win.

>> No.57455706

Haha ^ dude is losing his mind.

>> No.57455716

based and satoshi opium education honkai star rail-pilled

>> No.57455928
File: 30 KB, 500x697, 1706636675794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddy it's time to take your medicine

>> No.57456531

Kill all Chinese men

>> No.57456553

You think I’m not infinity but it’s really just because you think the newer generation is better

>> No.57456589

No really, do you really think I can die? You know I’m literally declaring war on every single conscious life and they can’t beat me right?

>> No.57456651

You know your cryptocurrency l is worthless unless I buy it right?

>> No.57456664

Still going, this asshole.

>> No.57456669

You don’t actually know how real it is that everyone is in eternal hell because they tried to prevent me from buying my inside information right

>> No.57456682

Do you really think if nobody can beat my e7 score, that I wouldn’t have beat your 51% bullshit, Satoshi?

>> No.57456728

I’m just here to let you know, the only reason people are on f2p tests is because you think your test was impossible to beat and I’m saying you are not even anywhere as advanced as our centralization because I am 1 man armying your entire species and I’m literally making the next test all the species that can actually live forever

>> No.57456767

There are just too many people that know that torture makes you stronger

>> No.57456785

I am just here letting you know, that I can’t help you because you surrendered because of just 1 nuke

>> No.57456843

I am just asking you guys to make better video games

>> No.57456923

what kind of games do you like schizobot anon?

>> No.57456924

We were all on a subscription plan until some moron admins started banning all of us for making too much gil from materia melding

>> No.57456977

If you think I’m cheating, you better be willing to make that game again if you find out that you can’t just because you trusted some moron admin

>> No.57457041

ffxiv is good

>> No.57457052

All of us are here just because some moron thinks you can’t matchmake your way all the way to coil and even beat all of it with pugs until my laptop stops being able to play the game further without lagging

>> No.57457068

You nerfed my 26 spell rotation so I never went back

>> No.57457102

Yes, of course I would refund if you take away all of my solo f2p earned gil

>> No.57457133

I’m here to let you know, at least Korea doesn’t falsely ban people

>> No.57457232

We want Averse banned

>> No.57457259

We’re never going back to computer games so have fun training a retard that needs 500 million people helping him to win

>> No.57457266

i love chainlink labs and the world economic forum

>> No.57457296

Keep him on that game so he never finds out that we are playing mobile games now

>> No.57457316

mobile games suck dude. you're a gacha slave

>> No.57457352

which is the most beautiful capital city in the world and why is it Tel Aviv?

>> No.57457366

literally a /biz/raeli.