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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 108 KB, 1260x709, algolol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57451400 No.57451400 [Reply] [Original]

Is there more of a middle bell curve midwit magnet than Algorand? All the holders (the 10 of them who are left) think it's going to be used to run the whole world's finance

>> No.57451685


Should do well this next bull run.

>> No.57451793

I am one of the ten
I’m retarded
This coin is dead
I hate trannies
I’m holding out of spite

>> No.57451930

We found 2/10 retards so far!

>> No.57453380

I have almost 1m of this shitcoin. Fucking kill me.

>> No.57453763

holy shit, I have 100k and I feel bad already
it's crazy to read that, even though I agree it's a retarded hold (at least for now?), the tech is really great though. What alternatives (both secure & usable) do the TradFi world has really?

>> No.57453780

100k here

>> No.57453809
File: 51 KB, 582x803, IMG_1388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m from the future. This is ALGOs fate until mid Feb. I won’t give you the rest of the graph because I want to see your face melt

>> No.57454399

kek? have you just taken late 2020 price chart?

>> No.57454570

Are you at ten yet? I’m one of them, though I only have about 10k. My bags are btc, eth, and link…in that order.

>> No.57454591
File: 240 KB, 319x270, IMG_1296.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this retarded
lol, lmao even
Try to find this action then retard, I had a flash drive up my foreskin to bring back charts from every coin this entire cycle

>> No.57454967

So ALGO is supposed to retake a spot in the top 20 in like 2 weeks?

>> No.57455113 [DELETED] 

Short to pay for my university re-admission fees, just lost job, i don't have any way left to manage, I try my best. Can anyone bring a helping hand towards me? Any help will be appraciated.

I really want to continue my educational career

>> No.57455246

Sell now before its too late!
Price bad = no chance.

>> No.57455344

You need to move on from this narrative for Algorand if you're still hoping

>> No.57455369

algoy's are the biggest fucking retards in crypto. the coin got massively diluted by VC who are still staking their free money, and will dump the token forever.


>> No.57455387

I bought at 0.10 and sold at 0.16 :( paper hands
I bough again at 0.17 last week this time gonna hold
Any other gems?

>> No.57455410

what else is there? tokenization of everything is the only narrative

>> No.57455478

There is no narrative. Algo does what every chain does just better, safer and more reliable.

Its just technical superior, dont buy now because of the price!!!! Wait till it goes 2-3x and enter than!

>> No.57455510

You're cringe af

>> No.57455527

That settles it! Just sold 30k algorand and 3mil yieldly. Wont get fooled again no no no!

>> No.57455544

>what else is there?
If you're looking at anything other than VCs, tokenomics, hype, and price action, you're NGMI. Tokenization and all that other fundamental blah blah blah is a midwit trap

>> No.57455611

K mate, algo will overtake eth for sure, there is no way around. Dapps will come that are not possible on other chains. Until than Solana or Polka might be better for the moment, but as soon as the first killer dapps come, its over.

Onbording an infinity number of python dapps, and also solidity will be usable in around 3-6 months. So lets see.

>> No.57455633


bruhhhh. if you still think ALGO is an ETH killer then you aren't even middle bell curve, you're far left. you'll learn your lesson just like all the other morons before you

>> No.57455975

Big if true

>> No.57456175

Its the way it is :X

If what is true?

>> No.57457565
File: 105 KB, 1000x571, IMG_1146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sui will continue its march upwards to be in the top 20 by March but then the supply gets flooded and the price drops 60% in April back to 1.20.
Solana will reach 250 in September and peak at 450 in mid Jan 2025
Hbar gets cucked to 0.12 for the whole year
Link barely reaches 24 by September and fizzles out down to 5$ because Sergei dies almost at the end of the year from a heart attack.
Eth will reach 3300 at its peak this cycle. Solana will flip it in November
Xrp has a weird spike and crash to 1.20 and cucked back to .75 in October but the March is slow upwards from here
Ada doesn’t really do much, hits 1.50 but then slow bleeds after August
Dot follows Ada almost to an exact %
Sei stays hot and breaks $3
Icp breaks 40$ then is involved in a major news story that kills the price forever back to <3$
I can go on but everything more or less follows the market trend of btc this cycle. Nothing really has standout explosions besides a few meme coins but those are all rugged horribly with poor liquidity
This cycle is tremendously boring bc btc just grasps 75k by September and at its peak next Jan at 114k before tumbling back to the 40’s where it’s cucked till 2028.