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57449356 No.57449356 [Reply] [Original]

These are the only people worthy of respect. If you've graduated high school and you aren't either one of these or on track to become one of these then you're an objective low IQ failure and you should just end it. No self-respecting white man would sit in mommy's basement all day instead of holding an honorable, well-paying job that actually contributes to society.

>> No.57449386

yea right, especially after covid "trust the experts" fiasco
you can't be serious
only one worth of respect

>> No.57449406

lawyers are jewish psychopaths
need to be killed

>> No.57449408

My advice for is let people be, it's less weight on your heart and being. Success comes in many forms, either in career, or if you're generally just a good person to those around you

>> No.57449411
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It depends on the lawyer.

>> No.57449491
File: 131 KB, 1000x844, FLlHDDMVEAEqNM4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never became a real engineer, I'm just a stupid programmer (ie software engineer). Why do they even call it software engineering? Where is the engine?

>> No.57449520

>honorable, well-paying job that actually contributes to society
None of those jobs are well paying, honorable or contribute to society in a positive way.

>> No.57449657

Big Pharma slave, don't hit positive net worth til 40
Big Law slave or broke af public defender routinely protecting thieves and murderers
Isolated and antisocial desk jockeys doomed to make $50k for 20 years unless top 10%

>> No.57449689

>or if you're generally just a good person to those around you
how many of them are good people

>> No.57449719
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issa CPU dummy.

>> No.57449742

NEET and WFH are the only people worthy of respect. What's more, if you graduated from high school you're an objective low IQ failure and you should end it. No self-respecting man would work for pennies for mr Sheckelberg all day instead of holding an honorable, well paying neetbux that actually contributes to flipping shitcoins

>> No.57449830
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>a book and entire thread devoted to indian culture

>> No.57449837
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nice diversity on the front cover i like it

>> No.57449852


>> No.57449855

NEETs unironically are a valuable asset to the shitcoin economy

>> No.57449865

Be a professional nigger-wrangler

>> No.57449873

I was in top engineering school and blew it now I wanna kms after working construction for a few years. Am retarded

>> No.57449886

damn so youre a faggot too pussy to treat mens wounded in a war and look at yeast women vaginas in current year
damn so youre defending literally child rapists and murderers good catch
damn so youre contributing to social engineering more than renaissance level architecture

going to hell is my career too

>> No.57449912

>I was in top engineering school and blew it
Same. It's terrible when you know that the retards in high school that did a literal tenth the work you did are your roomates, coworkers, customers, etc. It's hell, I just want to live inawoods already

>> No.57449927

anyone who respects those people have an IQ hardcap of 110.

>> No.57449937

engineers make like 50K in canada because of indians


>> No.57449943

As a doctor I thank you anon. You deserve free annual visits

>> No.57449982

all that matters is money. *prestige* has gone out the window.

>> No.57449986

>only 3 careers paths are viable
C'mon now you silly goose, you don't actually believe this

>> No.57449997

Interesting hypothesis OP. Which one of those are you?

>> No.57450030

you forgot accountant.

>> No.57450035

I am an engineer and most are not worthy of respect.

>> No.57450047

>50k for 20 years
105k after 5 years.

>> No.57450051

Move to America. That’s what I did.

>> No.57450163

Where you from originally

>> No.57450171

Americans don't count

>> No.57450535

Nova Scotia, bud. Best move I ever made.

>> No.57450550

Only software engineering is worthy of respect now. Other engineering fields pay way too low. It should be Doctor-Lawyer-Banker.

>> No.57450747

I’m a Christian lawyer. I’ll sue someone’s insurance for you :) (most my client are black)

>> No.57450779

high stress and declining conditions over recent decades, better land a good specialty
generally not high pay or high status like people think, also high stress
only certain engineering fields are good, career ceiling and layoffs over time.

There are basically no more good careers as a whole, you have to pick the right field and avoid pitfalls like student debt and subpar jobs within the field.

>> No.57450883

Shouldn't other jobs like nurse, programmer, accountant, CDL driver be on there?

>> No.57451159

Engineering is a goddamn hellscape man. fiefs and their fiefdoms everywhere you look.
pays good tho, sometimes

>> No.57451182

This. Being a dancer, a fighter, a lover, even a Hbarbarian, all is well in the eyes of the universe, as long as you stayed true to your soul.

>> No.57451190

>only one worth of respect
You're clearly not an Engineer. They let retards graduate.

>> No.57451192


They're literal (((parasites))), on par with land lords.

>> No.57451198

Success for me is not being bothered or hungover for weeks.

>> No.57451209

No, but maybe a software engineer.
Don't make me laugh. You may as well have said "data entry analyst".
>CDL driver
A fucking truck driver? What? Not sure what country you're from but in the US truck drivers are considered very, very low people. Just above fast food cooks, if that.

>> No.57451219

Based and awake pulled

Keep it up brothers

Also, this is a useless shitpost with the intention of making someone feel bad. Everything you set in motion will come back to you

>> No.57451223

He's referring to the author being Indian , as those are all careers they saturate.

>> No.57451226

Nurses make 50/hr
You cannot engineer software
CPA accountants make 50/hr
CDL drivers make 100/hr

>> No.57451234

Nursing is more of a service industry job now than a medical one. It's awful wageslavery unless you're a travel nurse and the education isn't what it should be

>> No.57451240
File: 128 KB, 814x1000, 1698047904047516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish we lived in DnD world where women would spec into being 'dancers' and you could just bang them with your barbarian dick and it would be all okay because pregnancy and stds can be healed with magic, instead of women being whores and gross.

>> No.57451245

>CDL drivers make 100/hr
By that logic, prostitutes make 250/hr
How much do they make per year?

>> No.57451253

Dancer isnt a D&D class.

>> No.57451293

In my version of DnD where you can cure STDS and pregnancy, it is.

Doesn't matter because they make more than you, lawcuck.

>> No.57451305

You can cure STDS and pregnancy in published editions of D&D. Weeb mindrot.

>> No.57451324

>can't engineer software
if you're talking web dev at some shitty tech company you are right. if you make medical devices or shit that would kill people if you fuck up, it's probably valid to call it engineering
>Nurses make 50/hr
travel nurses or in california, sure
>CDL makes 100/hr
sure, 100/hr gross pay as an owner-operator, lucky to take home 40-50% of that.
>CPA makes 50/hr
this one is much more reasonable actually

>> No.57451391

where are trades who control million investors' mind?

>> No.57451507

6-8 years of cram medical school. Upwards of 200k in debt. Struggling to keep the lights on fighting insurance companies and no-show patients. Many patients are difficult: rude, don't adhere to their medication, etc. You will constantly witness traumatic events from resuscitation of criminals, family drama, the death of loved ones and even newborn babies. You are expected to be stoic through all of this.
Same gist. 8 years of school. Upwards 300k in debt if you chose a top school. Difficult to get into due to the prestige, oversaturated. You will have to defend obviously guilty criminals in clean conscience, over cases such as murder and pedophilia. You must also retain composure despite years of this.
The seemingly reasonable career with a standard 4 year and 40k in debt, except it's oversaturated so you're likely going to flip burgers and sit on that debt for a while until something picks up. Minimum wait time: 2 years. Either your coworkers are retards, or you're the retard designing shit blue collar people can't actually build because you're too smug to see you failed to place physical access points to your schematics.

I don't know whether or a not to feel a great respect for people who do these jobs, or distain for normalizing college debt, extreme studying + work hours, and shit pay relative to the abuse they take that it has fucked up the landscape for everyone else.

>> No.57451516

doctors just follow some protocol that they apply half assedly, they don't investigate deeper to increase life quality

my mom has chronic sinnusitis, so all they do is some basic allergy tests, negative, so they give her some salt solution or some shit and that's all. similarly, for thyroid we are just on t4 and have the dose adjusted every x months. there isn't a follow up date anymore, you just go whenever. in the past they used to do more follow up testing. and the testing is so basic. they dont even test for vitamin d anymore. and most doctors don't know you need to test both vitamin d oh25 and 1,25 metabolites. just an example.

i don't doubt doctors have to study a ton to get the paper, but most once they get it, they don't bother that much, at least the ones i've seen.

>> No.57451517

You're a beta incel posting beta incel shit

>> No.57451678

Farmer mogs all these nerds.

>> No.57452118

lmao I mean a JD is nice if you want to be an executive, but most people wind up making mid money doing shitty work

>> No.57452378

>If you've graduated high school
i haven't

>> No.57452395

You really trust doctors after Covid lmao. Also lawyers do their best to protect minorities. And anyone can be an engineer, the ones I know are mostly retards

>> No.57452604

idk I know some pretty retarded engineers
>t. engineering student
I will be one of them

>> No.57452621

no respecting white man should be reading money grab books by jeets

>> No.57452628

>8 years of college to take on more debt to open a clinic
>7 years of college to work a partnership
>4 years of college to check the math of creative people

>> No.57453017

but he doesn't. but these are literally the only 3 jobs indians are allowed to have without bringing eternal shame upon their families. the book advises you to not participate in this spiel and forge your own path

>> No.57453218


>> No.57453457

What about something like a physical therapist? You genuinely help people and if you have your own practice can make a shit ton of money.

>> No.57453970

wrong. wrong. wrong.

entrepreneur. a man who goes his own way.
a free man living under the bridge.

Doctors. yes men. remember that kid in class who was kind of smart but by no means anywhere near being a genius and just did what was told. exactly, he did what was told. still does. flowcharts tell him. a nice son in law. know why? because it's safe and he does what's told. patagonia decked hikes on a Sunday morning anyone?

Lawyer. usually smarter and more interesting than doctors but this isn't to kill a mockingbird, nobody is proud to say their parents are lawyers. npc girls are proud to say it though and that pretty much tells you everything. Almost a leader of men, with some type of charisma, but usually just doesn't cut the mustard. Ever seen one in a changing room of a sports team? exactly, they know their place.

engineer. smartest of the three, still no genius, that kid who was top 5 smart in the class but still couldn't understand how the prodigy just took it all in his stride without ever doing his homework. what's more, the engineer just can't socialise. he's like a philosopher without the spark.

>> No.57454023

it's supposed to be a lower stress career with lots of jobs available, but pay is relatively low for the amount of education. Starting your own practice is risky and it's like saying any lawyer can just start their own practice.
The field is also dominated by women, you can interpret that however you want

>> No.57454024

all three ARE respectable professions.
but they aren't the only three respectable professions and they are by no means the most respectable.

>> No.57455151

I graduated as an engineer but now I prefer what I earn via blogging and monetizing through Adsense and Hydro online

>> No.57455213

somewhat agree.
most lawyers are retarded and make shit money.
most engineers suck and make garbage products, especially codetrannies.

>> No.57455216

You're an idiot. Not everyone is capable of doing those things. Everyone needs to contribute by playing their roll. We need garbage collectors, teachers , etc. look at it this way what you listed are big rocks. Put those rocks in a glass and it is not full unless you add small pebbles. For the world to work we need big rocks and small pebbles.

>> No.57455314

I think I'll prefer Hydro online since it won't need me to display ads on my website

>> No.57455425

There’s no doubt some of these professions have genuinely great people in them who do positives. But they also have a lot of bad people who are just in it for money and prestige, and end up servicing evil. They’re overrated if you don’t covet societies opinion on everything.

>> No.57455504

Carpenters are underrated wood is eternal beauty and structurally sound you won't get it from shitty plastic
I.e vocational graduated autistic carpenter

Good luck with your garbage plastic and smelly jew lawyers and estrogen filled doctors

>> No.57455933

Doctors are negligent midwits that run a glorified bandaid mill

>> No.57456453

CDL truckers are paid by the mile, not by the hour.