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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57448674 No.57448674 [Reply] [Original]

Airdrop tomorrow sirs.

What do you think Motoko will be trading at after the drop? The coin and the NFT.

I'm thinking 40 ICP per NFT and the coin will settle around 45. So I think motokos are fairly valued currently.

>> No.57448692

i just bought one of these niggas for 75 pees
i probably got scammed but we'll find out

>> No.57448697

I think it will trade at 0. Your a loser

>> No.57448718

Probably a good hold long term you have to own one if you're a believer in ICP.

I have 5. I will sell the drop but hold the nft.

>> No.57448811

that was one of my determining factors in buying one since i'm already all-in on ICP
i'm just poor so i don't have much to start with

>> No.57448879 [DELETED] 
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>> No.57449212

Pump and dump scam by that faggot accumulating and his buddies. The NFTs will crash back to 50 floor and the tokens will be a <1M mcap shitcoin in a month. Recommend selling ASAP on the first gullible retard pump.

>> No.57449227

literally 10-25 icp

at 50icp some chads are gonna make out like bandits

>> No.57449234
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>Your a loser

>> No.57449265 [DELETED] 

Both might dump desu but i’ll hold both until btc get new ath and icp goes over 50$, by then im pretty sure both will be in the green. I bought sns1 when it was 25 icp and took some profit around 300 i believe motoko coin could do something similar since it has the same supply and will be one of the main icp meme coins

>> No.57449280

Both might dump desu but i’ll hold both until btc get new ath and icp goes over 50$, by then im pretty sure both will be in the green. I bought sns1 when it was 25 icp and took some profit around 300 i believe motoko coin could do something similar since it has the same supply and will be one of the main icp meme coins, it could get even higher than that if devs hype up the token properly

>> No.57449335
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This is the easiest 10x on icp right now and its not even close. 76k mcap as I type this.











>> No.57449336

Also it seems poked studio will be releasing a game or some kind of metaverse so these nfts and the token might have something to play in all that, im holding 2 bots and 2 motoko, soon 2 motoko tokens, will not sell until icp start to pick up some momentum. Might buy more in the coming dip (4-8$ range)

>> No.57449438

It's not gonna dip that low again you had two years. $10 is the floor but it's more likely to go to $20 instead.

SNS-1 was pretty solid around 45 ICP which is what I think this intends to replace since that got taken over by the neopets guy. Plus there's probably 5x the users on ICP compared to then. Also I doubt more than 6k of these tokens get claimed into circulation.

>> No.57449482

What do you guys think the ICPSwap tokens will be worth each? I think I'm getting like 600

>> No.57449510

How do you get them?

I think Sonic will probably end up the dominant exchange personally.

>> No.57449537

You had to have used it apparently, idk

>> No.57449626

Sonics team are pajeets. if they can't fix their professionalism on all their socials they going to get sweeped real quick once some serious devs come around. one being helix. sonic about to be btfo

>> No.57449817

I thought they were western devs and ICP swap is chinks.

>> No.57450493

pretty sure it would be listed on sonic first since they're doing the airdrop

>> No.57450986

anon's talking about something else. ICPSwap is airdropping their own token soon or something, they did a screencap already.

>> No.57451514

oh huh alright, did they include regular users that just swapped/provided liquidity in the screenshot?

>> No.57451535

someone in OpenChat posted a Google Docs link with details, I found my address in it. all i did was buy some shitcoins on ICPswap.

>> No.57451556

do you remember when the snapshot was? i've been using ICPswap since the beginning of december

>> No.57451604

i've only been using since then, so i think you'd be fine. it was posted in the OpenChat Windoge98 General by Shill Gates.

>> No.57451623

I used to work with the sonic dev team back when they were running Memecake. They are 100000% jeets and cakemaker is the jeet of the jeet. Guy has deep seeded psychological anger (probably small peen) and it shows on how he communicates with his team and his supporters

>> No.57451691

what was your position with the team?

>> No.57451725


Where claim sers

>> No.57452217

even the chinks at icpswap are more professional.
seriously? thats a name for an nft marketplace nowadays?
built by psychedelic but sold to a jeet dev team who made 0 improvement since the sale which was almost 2 years ago now.

>> No.57452424

SNEED already replaced SNS-1. Nobody who cares about motokos is going to be buying a worthless coin. They're going to buy motokos. Everyone else will move on to better coins or chase the newest microcap PND launch. Coin will die after launch hype, simple as.

>> No.57453444

>used ICPswap in january 2023, Used the ICP Wrapper too
> not in any list for the airdrop
>somehow wallets with 0.00000000001 volume made it to the list , but not mine

>> No.57453766

the current sonic is a team of jeets (memecake) and not the original sonic team (psychedelic)

$motoko is their next grift desperately trying to get some kind of liquidity to their shit platform