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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57447831 No.57447831[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why aren't you having children?!!!

>> No.57447839

shut the fuck up bitch

>> No.57447855
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no woman deserves me

>> No.57447856

I have 3 and haven’t slept in 2 days

>> No.57447960

I don't have a wife

>> No.57448010

can't afford them. I would never bring kids into the world as a poorfag, poor people creating more wage slave cattle is what's wrong with this planet.

>> No.57448019


>> No.57448039

Been there, done that. Got the restraining orders and child support payments to prove it.

>> No.57448053

shits expensive as fuck, especially living in a city

>> No.57448094

I can't afford a house, you want me to have kids? Lmao

>> No.57448097

Do you really want the strange and honest truth? So far in my life every woman I've met who would open her legs up and let me put a child in her has been a woman I wouldn't want to have children with.

>> No.57448105


>> No.57448109
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ugly gang ww@

>> No.57448113

im stone cold haven't been with a woman in a decade

>> No.57448117

I would but I can't get a girl. hypergamy as priced me out of being able to breed

>> No.57448142

same, I have no clue why this board glorifies this nightmare so much

>> No.57448143

>priced me out
>able to breed

right, im sure it has nothing to do with your choice of words

>> No.57448154

I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.57448178

Honest, non-memey answer: raising children is an intensely resource-intensive activity.
You need affordable housing, food, clothing, education, transportation and plenty of uninterrupted free time.
You can't have population growth during times of extreme scarcity like we have today.

>> No.57448199

The environment is not conducive towards reproduction. It's easier for governments to import foreigners than to give more tax breaks to families and make housing cheaper.

>> No.57448210
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Based king

>> No.57448262


Can we stop talking about people like they’re cargo? It’s cringe. Thanks