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File: 12 KB, 401x401, raiblocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5744105 No.5744105 [Reply] [Original]

So is blockchain basically garbage now?

DAG seems to be better in every way.

I see no reason to own bitcoin now. The lightning network will be shit compared to any DAG coin.

>> No.5744231

Well, bitcoin I think will always hold weight... but..

I think we're at a really nice point in XRB timeline.

IF XRB replaces bitcoin... considering market caps.. if you own 133~ XRB.. you become one of at maximum only one million people in the world to have that wealth.

That's 4.1k which isn't too high to all In for smaller accounts, and to diversify into for larger accounts.

133 coins and you are literally ticket to extremely wealthy.

>> No.5744313

>thinks this literal DAGshit is gonna replace the king.

>> No.5744518

What is a DAG?
Sorry for asking, cant find a description on google and im tired

>> No.5744534

>using “king” unironically when talking about btc
Back to r/bitcoin faggot. Corecucks are waiting for you.

>> No.5744542

Directed acyclic graph.

transactions have to confirm other transactions to go through.

>> No.5744585

I bought some XRB at $10 and smoe at $17, should I get some more? Thought abuot it at $23 today and didn't while I watched it climb to $33 lol

>> No.5744622

Only until the market cap becomes large enough for a large scale attack to become lucrative, and attackers realize how vulnerable these networks are. The eventual consistency of IOTA makes it vulnerable to sybil attacks, and the low work nature of XRB makes it vulnerable to DDoS AND sybil.

>> No.5744626
File: 16 KB, 525x525, 5467345677771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should start to take profit.
>inb4 u just butthurt because you missed pajeet moon train blabla
last warning.

>> No.5744638

XBY is a better buy, will have a similar raiblocks run and only at 140m market cap

>> No.5744651

why the fuck is it called raiblocks if it's not a blockchain

>> No.5744680

So like IOTA?
That's the thing that dosent seem to close in my head
How can this work while being truly decentralized?

>> No.5744692

nice larp

>> No.5744709

any other DAG coins?

>> No.5744774

>How can this work while being truly decentralized?

Largely doesn't. Also the big issue with Raiblocks is that there's zero incentive for people to actually run a node given there's no creation of new coins or transaction fee rewards

>> No.5744804

byteballs. i dont currently know of any other. im going to shift some of my xrb into byteballs due to the success of xrb.

>> No.5744820

And that's why I'm excited about LINK

>> No.5744850

Yeah what I thought
Ty man, its going to be ibteresting when it gets on binance ^ v

>> No.5744921

OP's post is misleading.

It still uses blockchain for distributed ledger. The ledger is just managed differently with what they call account chains

>> No.5745133
File: 145 KB, 645x729, 1508182195238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone good at maffs tell me what price raiblocks would be if it got to BTCs market cap?

I know it's unlikely but i want to know the best case scenario

>> No.5745144
File: 2.51 MB, 600x338, XRB superiority.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5745275


Tell me how Raiblocks specifically will be good for a currency coin given there's no incentive for running a node as well as it being even more deflationary than Bitcoin given there's no new coins ever created?

>> No.5745495

Your nitpicking at minuscule issues normies don't care about. Price speaks for itself.

>> No.5745541

Nodes require minimal resources to run. The POW is minimal and only done by sender and receiver of a transaction. A rasp pi will run a node. If you have any stake in the coin you should run a node for the good of the network.

>> No.5745552


Watch out anon. Now that this has gotten everyone's attention, people will try to find flaws in the software. When that news hits, you immediately sell of course.

No FUD, 30% of my portfolio is XRB, but just a friendly reminder that especially it's security has still to be proven.

>> No.5745629

IoT Chain is the chinese DAG, only $100 mill marketcap

>> No.5745701

Tell me what is securing these DAGs. Nothing any DAG has to offer can compare with the security of bitcoin's PoW much less a DAG that relies on charity to secure it instead of proper incentivization.

>> No.5745730

>Can anyone good at maffs tell me what price raiblocks would be if it got to BTCs market cap?

Dude, you must be fucking retarded.

>> No.5745768

>IoT Chain
hash cash

>> No.5745779

Anyway it would be $1707.

>> No.5745786

I dont give a shit how many tx/s your shitcoin can output unless it is provably secure.

>> No.5745858

>If you have any stake in the coin you should run a node for the good of the network.

Still not the most assuring thing. Something like Bittorrent works because you gain something while you're seeding (downloading the file you want). Also incentives like coin generation would be good because it would avoid the super deflation that would occur using a coin with its set amount of coins forever already set

>> No.5746024


>> No.5746037

Should I buy now or will there be a dip?

>> No.5746171


Nobody can know, and if anyone tells you they know they're bullshitting you. Raiblocks seems like a good coin, but it hasn't had any corrections and is only on two small shitty exchanges right now. Could go either way honestly

>> No.5746228

do you know when its hitting kucoin? im assuming itll hit that before binance

>> No.5746320

>Still not the most assuring thing. Something like Bittorrent works because you gain something while you're seeding (downloading the file you want). Also incentives like coin generation would be good because it would avoid the super deflation that would occur using a coin with its set amount of coins forever already set

Anyone who runs an exchange or a business that uses Raiblocks will have to run a node.

>> No.5746678

this is why you will not make it. research it bro, its not too late