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57437478 No.57437478 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of mindset/beliefs will increase my luck? Law of Assumption? I believe it is a skill one can develop to improve the odds of making it

>> No.57437616

It definitely is a skill to keep a positive mindset and it’s an extremely valuable one to have in life. There’s tons books and videos online that will help you.
Neville Goddard, Joseph Murphy, and Anthony Norvell are some of my favorite authors for getting in the mindset

>> No.57437631

Any books or videos you recommend in particular? Also, do you have any opinion on people like Alan Watts or Taoism/Daoism?

>> No.57437707

Two big ones. First, never pull a punch. The better you get at shit the lonelier it will be. In order to fit in, which is a very human drive, you will start pulling your punches. Out of sympathy for others, you will pull your punches. Don't pull your punches.

At a certain point in your life there will be a time where your association with other people becomes your biggest obstacles. Sometimes this is easy and it's just a friend that has become an irredeemable loser. Sometimes it's a family member. Sometimes it's a girlfriend.

If you grow, you will outgrow and in order to continue to having these people in your life, you will self-sabotage and impair yourself. You need to not do this. Get rid of them and recognize that if the shoe were on the other foot 99% of the time the people you are getting rid of wouldn't have even thought twice about it.

Recognize you aren't killing those people. You aren't stealing their organs or giving them AIDS. You're simply removing your association with them. If you're on your way up, that obviously means you're sort of kicking them out of paradise, but you can't have paradise with them in it unless they can earn it themselves.

These are the two big ones and a lot of your education should be dedicated to figuring out how to handle this shit when the time comes because they go against your nature, they will be massively unpleasant to overcome, but if you fail to overcome them then you are almost certainly fucked. Never pull your punches and overhaul your contacts.

>> No.57437718

Taoism is cool. It’s been awhile since I read the Tao but it’s one of the most laid back philosophies out there. I do love Alan Watts and he has massive amounts of audio available for free online.

>> No.57437737

>toxic advice
If you have so many problems in your relationships. Maybe it’s you and not everyone else

>> No.57437743

believing in shit like synchronicity, manifestation, jungian archetypal analysis, etc. Basically believing "magic" in a sense is real, and every thought and action and connection make you make radiates out into the universe and infinitely changes it, chaos theory etc etc. String theory is real, everything at the most fundamental level is just strings, and these strings are all connected in an infinitely complex matric such that if one string is "pulled", it branches out and pulls/pushes on all other strings of matter in the universe (this must be the case) according to this logic your own thoughts quite literally will change reality (thoughts are neuronal impulses, not just empty "air"."

Also, dream tracking and trying to identify meaningful symbols that appear in your fantasies, imagination dreams etc, getting in tune with the subconsciouss

Real jung, evola's introduction to magic etc

>> No.57437748

this is very important

>> No.57437755

Believe whatever you want and good luck to you. I am basically telling you "be careful walking off that cliff." You either will listen and that's cool, I'll see you back at the camp or you'll go "THAT'S TOXIC ADVICE MAAAAN!" and walk over the edge and you're not my problem. Everything I said there is as serious as cancer though so you either take it strongly into consideration to it or you will with almost 100% certainty get fucked very badly at some point. There are edge cases where what I said there doesn't come into play and those people are genuinely blessed, but almost no one here is going to be that edge case.

>> No.57437765
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basically dont be an objectivist scientism redditor nihilist, EVERYTHING matters, everything is infinitely connected, magic is (probably) real, the afterlife is real and its metaphors and symbols suffuse our fantasies and mythologies, every thought and belief you have will ooze into your reality like a blessing or a cancer

>> No.57437773

Everything you said makes it sound like you have issues setting boundaries
If you have to cut people out of your life often it’s a sign that you have issues

>> No.57437775

Fortune favors the bold is my biggest problem

>> No.57437794
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>> No.57437822

>There are edge cases where what I said there doesn't come into play and those people are genuinely blessed, but almost no one here is going to be that edge case.
Have you experienced these 'edge cases'?

>> No.57437844

If you truly 100% without doubt believe you will do something then it will happen. Think about what you want to happen, make it the central thought in your head 24/7, believe it unquestionably. You have to autistically hyperfocus on it to the point of near insanity. I do this for anything I want in life and it’s never failed me.

>> No.57437941

Life is pure random chaos, trying to get your monkey brain to make sense of it doesn't work, you can follow a philosopher at best or be a religion fag at worst. Either way, they don't have the answer, because there isn't one.
>t. 40 years old and tried everything above and everything that will be mentioned below

>> No.57437952

Lmao my first thought

>> No.57438258

>I’ve tried it all and it all sucks
Pleas go back

>> No.57438266


>> No.57438938

Ok doomer