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File: 790 KB, 1890x2677, jeff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57436030 No.57436030 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he so hated again? He seems like a decent guy.

>> No.57436049

Idk but what's with him and elon being in a competition to make the most phallic looking rockets in history?

>> No.57436223

Leftoids hate everyone who's successful, and since he's not openly a chud, the right isn't defending him. Situations like this are why Machiavelli warns against neutrality.

>> No.57436264

Me thinks the elites fear him running for office so they preemptively started a smear campaign against him to make all the young stupid people hate him without ever hearing him speak a single word

>> No.57436372

he grew up on a farm, raised by his grandpa. His mom was 17 when he was born. Overall, seems like a decent guy. Nothing wrong with him.

>> No.57436384

He's exploiting the workers and destroying small businesses.

>> No.57436392

what the fuck is wrong with his eye?

>> No.57436397

yuropoors hate anyone with money

>> No.57436441

>destroying small businesses.
He lets tons of small businesses sell through Amazon. He's actually an improvement compared to places like Walmart.

>> No.57436524

He a really smart business man but the public hates him because he's rich and kinda reminds people of Lexington Luther, he just not likeable, but basically ruined the corporate structure to make billions. Now all corps just try to grow while having razor thin margins.

>> No.57436537

He's the best businessman of the 21st century imo

>> No.57436552

He is hated because he made it way above and beyond making it. And he changed the world by doing so. People resent such success. People are envious at heart by human nature.

>> No.57436589

Thats true.

>> No.57436595

It's that he's a little *too* happy being the richest man in the world, with a company that's seemingly unstoppable in engulfing every industry in reality
Elon at least gives his little money doesn't buy happiness sob story about being an insatiable workaholic, Jeff is on vacation 25/7

>> No.57436610

Deservedly so. Who the fuck wouldn't? 'Giving back to the community' is a meme for retards.

>> No.57436625

this was meant for (you) - i misclicked.

>> No.57436728

Feminazis don't realize that rockets and penis have the same optimal shape for the same reasons.

>> No.57436735

Nobody succeeds to the level that he did without a ruthless, single-minded focus on profit at all costs. People look at this guy and think, how many more billions do you really need after the first couple? It's not normal and people pick up on that.

Plus he just looks like an asshole. Sometimes you can just look at someone and tell.

>> No.57436743

It's called freedom Anon.

>> No.57436805

Yeah it's America he's free to do whatever. Spend billions on retarded vanity projects while his employees piss in jugs because they will be fired for taking too many bathroom breaks. Monopolize the entire retail industry and decide who is allowed to make money or not. Whatever.

The question wasn't whether he should be allowed to do this. The question was why most people don't like him, and I think it's obvious.

>> No.57436870

It simply is none of your business what others do with their money. Why is it that every poorfag on the planet thinks he should get to dictate what billionaires spend on?

>> No.57437625

He's also a heterosexual white male. He's basically the template for the sort of people the Cultural Marxist/DEI types despise.

>> No.57437645

He's ugly and short.

>> No.57437655

people hate and envy success

people hating on bezos says more about them than it does about him

>> No.57437662

what a loser mentality, no wonder you'll never make anything of yourself

>> No.57438375

he jeff'd elasticsearch

>> No.57438383
File: 101 KB, 460x729, lawd of de rings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He fucked up the Lord of the Rings with nigger dwarves, nigger hobbits, and shitskin elves. For this there is no forgiveness.

>> No.57438411

Lauren poked it with her cock.

>> No.57438412

Bezos is a Chadzilla for all the reasons listed above. I'm actually glad he's giving the corporate world the finger and enjoying his life. Insane mansions in paradise like Maui, a fiancee who looks like a literal living real doll, unloading the uggo nag wife.

Bezos is one of those guys who likely figured out winning big at life has diminishing returns and there's no special prize waiting when you're dead. Just eternal mindless oblivion. Contrast this with guys who Trump who really should have quit when they were ahead.

>> No.57438414
File: 34 KB, 446x559, 1704382301802939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention stupid nigger. Try reading my post again, slowly this time.

>> No.57438418

hes destroyed two of my small business stores. have fun buying cheap chinese shit that breaks!

>> No.57438440

Amazon revenue by year ($ billion):

1998: 0.6
2002: 3.9
2006: 10.7
2010: 24.5
2014: 89
2018: 232.9
2022: 514

>> No.57438443

he pays the lowest wagies like shit

>> No.57438459

>He lets tons of small businesses sell through Amazon
if he sees one of your product is very successful he will just copy it and and sell it for cheaper, barring you from the platform

>> No.57438472
File: 3.72 MB, 608x1080, 1703828797440875.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bezos is awesome


because he's not an insecure faggot sending cars into space for attention and other dumb shit like buying a social media platform so you can moderate it

he's just fucking and sucking his way to death and enjoying his money

god bless you jeff, you fuck that horsed faced bitch if thats what you're into (also kindles are very cool)

personally I would have given billions and bought off salma

>> No.57438507

>because he's not an insecure faggot sending cars into space
That's because he can't. Bezos can't get it up (to orbit)

>> No.57438521

nobody likes you Elon, not even your own children, go do some fentanyl and cry on twitter bitch

>> No.57438547

>Spend billions on retarded vanity projects
So? How is that any of your business chud?

>> No.57438564

Doesn't change the fact that Bezos can't get it up so theres no way he even could send a car to space.

>> No.57438608

built for wc

>> No.57438647

idk but it's funny that normalfags think he's still the CEO of amazon even though he stepped down 3 years ago

>> No.57438659

Why does everyone bring up employees? If you where born in the states and CHOOSE to work in shit conditions that's completely your choice and you deserve the shitty conditions. The majority of his employees are immigrants who came from even shittier conditions so it's a step up. Even they can apply at better company too but you all chose Amazon. It's not amazons fault you can only do entry level shit work.

>> No.57438691
File: 45 KB, 474x711, 1687379095904155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sending cars into space for attention
He is trying to send up rockets, but he keeps failing. In your mind this is cooler somehow?

>other dumb shit like buying a social media platform so you can moderate it
Nigger did you forget that Bezos bought The Washington Post?

This Lex Luther motherfucker is the furthest thing from cool that I can possibly imagine, aside from the zuck.

>> No.57438755
File: 606 KB, 680x472, 1680007932609641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can pay a bum to chew glass shards for my amusement. Since it is voluntary and legal, you are NOT allowed to have an opinion on it or judge me in any way.
Anon were you born this stupid or did you have to work at it? I said like 4 times already, this is not about what he is allowed to do with his companies. It's about why people think he's an asshole.

>> No.57438792

>rich puppet for global elite
>why do you hate him?
Same reason I hate you.

>> No.57438845

>4/10 looks
>big titty latina wife

>> No.57438872
File: 268 KB, 704x747, SmartSelect_20240128_162825_Google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His "wife" is so ugly, I can't even tell what race it is. Or gender for that matter.

>> No.57439227

>create uncopyrighted product
>people copy it

>> No.57439338


Huge titties and ass, not well depicted in that image. Exactly the kind of hourglass magazine model shit he probably jerked off to as a nerd teenager.

One day it finally dawned on him that he now has more than enough money to hack formerly inaccessible women, and the rest was history.

>> No.57439360

He basically destroyed the middle class, also he sells all of his cloud data to the CIA

>> No.57439372


Forgot to mention Bezos has a Cuban stepfather and was probably exposed to lesser girls like her as a young man. But hot young Cubanas naturally wanted nothing to do with a geeky white guy. Not doubt it left some weird fetish for latina women he is now fulfilling later in life to the max.

Not a lot of mystery to Jeff Bezos if you know his bio.

>> No.57439440

>Sometimes you can tell if people are assholes by looking at them
I agree with that 100% but Jeff Bezos doesn't look like that to me at all.

>> No.57440577

only autismos like joe satriani