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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57431305 No.57431305 [Reply] [Original]

What are your worst or best crypto decisions you've made?

>> No.57431363

Bought HOKK this morning at 200K Market Cap for 500$ didn't sell when it was at 1M despite thinking to myself I should. Watched it fall down and then sold when it was so low I only made 100$ profit only to watch it rise back up again.

I felt too embarrassed to get back in.

>> No.57431375

>using BTC as a currency in 2013-2014
>not buying ETH at ICO because I had a car to fix instead
>selling chainlink at $1
>spending $20k on a business idea right before COVID crash
I've been in and out since 2013-14 and have a net worth of $8k right now.

>> No.57431400

not that bad but I had like $400 of bat in a brave instance on laptop that completely bricked one day. didn’t have any backup or seed phrases or whatever.

>> No.57431418

>staking memes
>watching my bag went x20 in real time
>can't do anything but to think of painless way to die or wishing time machine were real

>> No.57431449

I bought a shitcoin which no joke dropped to nothing IMMEDIATELY after I bought, couldn't believe my eyes
I started believing in the power of the bogdanoffs right after that

>> No.57431464

all of you sound like you live the most pathetic excruciating lives imaginable. jump in front of a train you worthless sacks of shit

>> No.57431472

I bought GRT for 10c and sold for $3. Thinking I was a genius at picking new cryptos I figured I'd throw my profits into a new coin, and some ETH for good measure. ICP seemed like a promising token, moonman was a convincing larp. I dumped it all in at opening. I bought 3 ICP for 3kish. Saw it turn into $9.

>> No.57432534

Worst is selling BTC to pay off low interest debt.
Best is counter trading /biz/.

>> No.57432543

You unironically curse yourself with energy like this.

>> No.57433037

sold 300k eRSDL at $0.06 just a week before the run to $1.75

didn't buy POKT at $0.025

>> No.57433242

I was unemployed and down to my last $150 of covid money. Randomly watched a video by that blonde dogecoin guy, bought the hype/shilling and invested for the first time ever. Turned my $150 into $700. Took the $700 and bought XMR, aiming to start selling on p2p sites. Became quite profitable, built up thousands of trades, perfect feedback score and around $6,000 within a few months. Couldn't do it long term though because banks (and Cash App) don't seem to like it. Eventually quit. Also had a Nigerian guy fuck over my BoA account during this time which convinced me to quit faster. It's a decent way to make money though short term.

>> No.57433382
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>> No.57433510

I didn't sell shib when it reached the top and just deleted binance after

>> No.57433559

Reading the INJ whitepaper

>> No.57433572

you can redeem yourself with linu. buy a lil bag before it hits CEX or normie internet

>> No.57433588
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>found a reliable and tested way to make money. So I stopped doing it.

>> No.57433590 [DELETED] 

I am short to pay for my university semester exam fees, can anyone help me out?

>> No.57433602

It's hard to continue on once Cash App, Zelle and the banks start shutting you down.

>> No.57433628

Best: buying chainlink
Worst: buying Lition

>> No.57433636


Started investing 4 months ago, want to make it, don't know what the FK I'm doing. Don't know how to HODL. Thinking I'm good at trading and can day trade. Researched + biz shills, think to myself avax is damn interesting. Bought like 4k avax at 9. Sold at 10. Didn't buy back afterwards, bc Im too stubborn in bear bias. Lose out on 200k profits. When it hit 50. In 3 months. Still long term bullish on avax. Bc shit runs. Institutions hodl it. Looking for 200 + $ by next peak.

>> No.57433944

Good thing: Aped in dogecoin very early gaining 1000x. Literally made it.

Bad thing: For some reason I didn't dumped my immense bags when I had 1M$+ because /biz/ told me 1 million is nothing, I had feelings for bagholders and I wanted more monee just because I wanted more numbers.

>> No.57433970

good post

>> No.57434019

you first

>> No.57434028

>bought a handful of ETH at $15 (was a broke uni student so I sold all of it at the end of 2017 for a few grand though)
>put my entire UNI airdrop into some shitcoin that was shilled here and dumped to 0 within an hour

>> No.57435133

i heard of anons that bought a shitcoin and watched it drop over 90%. something about oracles, you know, the usual crypto grifter talk