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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57430806 No.57430806 [Reply] [Original]

>total dogshitcoins like LINU and HOKK pumping and rugging
Meanwhile the king is resting on his laurels (massive BNB liquidity). Why haven't you buyed yet, anon?

>> No.57430822

>10% tax
>Sell limits

I wonder why...

>> No.57430824

Go sleep now, Ranjesh.

>> No.57430828

I thought this coin was dead?

Its not? :O

>> No.57430831
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You're next ser

>> No.57430841


jesus christ

>> No.57430849

>he's so poor he gives a shit about a tax which significantly buffers the liquidity
>he'd rather pay that amount in gas fees instead
Go back to r*ddit.
Dogbat never died.

>> No.57430858

Newfags get the rope.

>> No.57430859

A lot of people don't throw more than 100$ at these low-cost shitcoins anon. 10% tax is going to turn a lot of people away.

>> No.57430861

Pumping and rugging is not the correct phrase for either LINU or HOKK, LINU is crabbing at 5m MC and HOKK has undergone a rebirth today from 40k MC to 600k MC

>> No.57430877

wait, a 10% buy and sell tax on a bsc shitcoin with dev drama isn't bullish? this goes against OP's hypothesis

>> No.57430900
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It's kinda funny:
>SHIB is biz coin.
>HOKK appears to compete.
>SHIB killed HOKK (after it rugged twice)
>SHIB won & is still alive today.
>Biz picks up a LINU, a SHIB clone.
>TG namefags decided to piggyback with HOKK and compete.

History truly is repeating itself.

The schizo anons are always right.

>> No.57430904

I have to dumb down my terminology for the r*ddit cuck tourists on this board. Sorry.
>they give a shit about $10
This is one reason they will never make it. Good riddance.
>dev drama
Literally doesn't matter.
>muh tax is... LE BAD
Yeah just ignore the massive BNB liquidity that was built up by said tax lmao. Ngmi

>> No.57430926

>Literally doesn't matter.

oh dobaggies...

>> No.57430944

>dobaggie schizo is back
Sorry you sold the bottom bro but you should really touch grass. Nothing you do is going to stop 50B EOY.

>> No.57430949

The amount of digits we get is crazy Kek is on our side

>> No.57430950

Here's a proper schizo take; shib didn't kill HOKK in the dog wars it simply won the battle in the last cycle, HOKK is reawakened today and comes back stronger than ever surpassing it's previous 500m MC in the oncoming bull market

>> No.57431049

BNB casino is fucking dead same as this d0b0nigger coin.
OP , cut your loses and try to make money elsewhere
Nobody is going to buy a taxed shitcoin on a dead chain
don't marry your bags for amother 3 years

>> No.57431068


>> No.57431097

Hedgies are suppressing d0b0 with shorts. They using the heaviest short ladder attacks in their arsenal. But very soon it will squeeze, it has to. Hedgies will be seething if we diamond hand it and they can’t get our d0b0

>> No.57431123

where do you procure said shorts?

>> No.57431139

This but unironically.
By shorting BNB because the dogbat BNB peg is strong.

>> No.57431164

sol dogbat is 100k marketcap and anything on sol that gets rolling does stupid numbers
has virtually the entire original team and they've been grinding since launch to establish that dogbat is still the only memecoin with memes
BNB dogbat will break ATH but not until BNB does, which could be months away
but either way, when one moons the other will just on name and hype alone
we are all going to make it dobros

>> No.57431186
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lol ok

>> No.57431191

sol also has no tax and not horseshit gas fees, it will easily go to 10m-50m at the peak of the bull BARE MINIMUM
if you aren't throwing a few bucks in now you're out of your fucking mind

>> No.57431235

Okay SOLtranny. Except that the "original team" working on it is extremely bearish and the absence of a tax means whales will dump it to death. Well, we'll see what happens.

>> No.57431266

Oh it's you. The guy who tries to gas light and neg people into buying his bags by calling them names and obsessing over liquidity lol

>> No.57431300

Ngl I kek'd at this reaction image. Thanks anon.
If you still aren't liquiditypilled then you are a certified gorilla nigger retard who will never make it. Simple as.

>> No.57431370


>> No.57431397

I have 7B, will I make it?

>> No.57431479

Sui/Makeit is 10B/100B

>> No.57432118 [DELETED] 

I’ve been slowly accumulating the ETH version desu

>> No.57432224

Kek baggies

>> No.57432716

kek fuddies

>> No.57432838

Oh I remember this one. I believe in biz this time around.

>> No.57432846

Really? I've got a make it stack then
Want to get it to 300B before the halving

>> No.57432931

You fags really don't understand what a rug is huh? Your newfag is showing

>> No.57432968

kys newfag.

>> No.57433359
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Still holding 120B, no point selling unless it skyrockets.

>> No.57433415

Did everyone forget that the "original team" already relaunched dog bat on their own via ETH and it failed spectacularly while the insider pre-sale brigade made bank off their chicanery? You do realize they're going to continue dumping on naive fools from one chain to the next thinking the OGs actually have plan or whatever crap they try to sell you while you pump their bags a 3rd and 4th time.

>> No.57433422

>no point selling
because sell tax

>> No.57433443

You can look at the eth token as a case study for how having "no taxes" on anything worked out for them with the obscene amount of whale gaming gymnastics that continues to go on over there.

>> No.57433681

I am short to pay for my university semester exam fees, today is the last date, i dont want to be dropout, can anyone help me to get rid of this situation?

>> No.57433765

For most of people d0b0 tax system is hard to understand, but in reality thats one of the main points what makes d0b0 so strong; you are not only one to pay tax, and it gets distributed to hodlers & liq pool.

Go ahead, stay poor. D0b0 is true sleeping giant.

>> No.57433792

Its only few weeks back when bnb made nice jump, which made d0b0 go up fast. Suddenly everyone jumped on wagon and wasnso happy about it.

Same will happen when bull run starts and bnb&d0b0 goes up.

>> No.57433813
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>> No.57433896

This thing did a 6x just before christmas. You're an absolute retard if you're not accumulating now that it went back down more than 50%.

>> No.57434214

there is too much liquidity, it can't pump. it's a huge disadvantage that hokk and linu don't suffer from, hence them pumping

>> No.57434584

Sold my tril stack and bought Luna and mochi. I'm now heavily up on both rather than bleeding away.

>> No.57434594

not interested sorry anon

>> No.57434657

It pumped in december.

>> No.57434811

>there is too much liquidity, it can't pump

Aaaaaaaand here we have a winner of "this weeks most retarded comment" competition.


>> No.57434874


>> No.57435252

"Too much liquidity" means you won't ever see any big red candles. It has pumped before and will pump again, especially now that revival season is upon us.

>> No.57435325

>especially now that revival season is upon us.
Yeah but nobody cares about BNB pajeet shitcoins
Wrong chain kiddo
bad day to be a d0baggie... again
even So-ylana scams are dying

>> No.57435354

They will once BNB starts pumping and ETH fees become too high.

>> No.57436402

easiest 100x ever

>> No.57436455

I bought a bag of the sol version and I'm pretty underwhelmed so far. I thought these guys had something going on. Shit is at $24k mc.

>> No.57437151

Nigga are u retarded sol is like 130k atm

>> No.57437211

love my d0br0s. simple as

>> No.57437365

CA? Idk wtf I bought then kek.

>> No.57437368

Your problem was listening to the SOLtrannies and buying their scam token. Buy dogbat BSC or get rekt.

>> No.57437375

Checked, based, redpilled. 50B EOY is FUD.

>> No.57437565

I was going to post this yesterday buddy I saw it was low volume.

>> No.57438359
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>> No.57438370

Bsc is the only way to go. Check back in a week

>> No.57438699

>Yeah but nobody cares about BNB pajeet shitcoins

Then why you are posting in this thread if you dont care?

>> No.57438712

Dogbat can never die.

>> No.57438716
File: 856 KB, 828x1525, IMG_9895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can buy weed with linu bro

>> No.57438725


>> No.57438879

Ya, I think I bought the wrong coin lol. It was shilled here Friday and I was drunk. I thought it was the sol version. It's called DBUY.

>> No.57438923


Here you go


>> No.57440094


>> No.57440131

>Why haven't you buyed yet, anon?
i boughted Hachi but janny keeps pruning the threads

>> No.57440210
File: 26 KB, 320x159, IMG_4587_Original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop telling biz about the chosen token. They Will Never Make It.

>> No.57440298

Honestly SOL dogbat isn't doing insanely well but it's funny seeing all the bsc baggies spewing the most retarded fud I've ever seen

>> No.57440361

SOL version seems to be bottomed out for now. I'm holding both.

>> No.57440516

I still have a small bag of the BSC version, but I don’t see it ever coming back. BSC sucks, it will never get adopted by normies, and the high taxes are a 2021 thing. I’m guessing the only people rooting for it at this point are the baggies with large bags. Bottom line is if it’s not on the ETH chain, I’m not touching it. Not rooting against it, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

>> No.57440589

I don't see it going back to its ATH, but I think it could have a decent pump once the bull run is on and BNB starts pumping. The high taxes are intimidating, but they give great reflections and make swinging harder.

Not a baggie, btw. I bought near the bottom and I'm up nearly 2.5x, but of course I want it to be 25x.

>> No.57440977

Reflections are a tax liability. Think about it, you earn tokens as the market cap goes up and up, and you’re now on the hook for paying taxes on the coin at the mc that you received it. If the coin plummets in price, too bad, you received reflections at a higher mc, and now you owe taxes that you can’t pay. I bought hokk without realizing it had reflections and I will never participate in a coin with reflections ever again. I’m not trying to get fucked by the IRS in a few years.

>> No.57441444
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Imagine the pumps this coin will receive in the upcoming bullrun.

>> No.57441591

>declaring your shitcoins on your taxes
Just calculate your capital gain on the network asset, so ETH/BNB in vs. ETH/BNB out.

>> No.57441600

Wagmi d0br0s
Reminder that jannies and solkikes get the rope at 50B eoy

>> No.57441666


muh big bad tax man tracking muh reflections. Ok pal.

>> No.57441686

chegged :DDDDD

>> No.57441699

true, if you don't invest any serious amount of money, you don't have to care about taxes. but that's exactly why your shitcoin is dead

>> No.57441872
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That's where you're wrong pal. You cant kill the un-killable coin. Dead coins don't do 99.95% retraces then do a 6x outa nowhere. The ever growing LP pool and passive deflation means never zero. This coin is special. It's the only remaining TAX coin to survive from the great tax coin era. This is the golden child (dog).

>> No.57441914

No because I bought slightly more than a make-it stack for relatively cheap. I like that there is sell tax because I don't plan to sell anytime soon and when there is a lot of activity I can make 1B D0B0 a day in reflections like a few weeks ago when there was a big pump.

>> No.57441931

It's crazy they can't understand that the reason they hate the tax is because it punishes the short term degens like them. Those who buy and hold are not bothered by the 10% sell if it goes up 10x+. We take it in stride knowing that the TAX system has our back. We sit at 1.8 million in liquidity, and ever growing stronger. On our next pump people won't be able to ignore it. It will spark more interest, and the Legend will sell itself.

You. Just. Don't. Get it.

>> No.57441940

Sooo. Should I buy linu or not?? What's the moral here??

>> No.57441941
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Buy dogbat now, big pumps in the coming bullrun!

>> No.57441959
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>Why haven't you buyed yet, anon?
Because dog coins are ded.
Political coins are the narrative of 2024
You should sell on your doggybonks snd buy a political coin

>> No.57442006
File: 10 KB, 326x266, just_buy_linu_instead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF is this shit? I can't even buy a few hundred on pancakeswap just in case it moons again. No way I'm going to increase slippage more than a few %. Just buy LINU instead. Way less hassle, more potential.

>> No.57442205


>High taxes

It seems you have planned new brilliant fud in your d0b0 eth secret "og" channel.

Fuck off.

>OMG this 5$ tax is so bad

Enjoy your 20$ eth gas fees

>> No.57442235

>No way I'm going to increase slippage more than a few %

Stay poor, retard.

>> No.57442913

the 2% tax is for reflection. Baggies will get those sweet extra coins.

>> No.57442962
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>the 2% tax is for reflection
Sounds like you need to reflect on what's the memecoin narrative of 2024

>> No.57442975

How you mean? Reflection out of trend?

>> No.57443019

Kek baggies

>> No.57443540

You people still believe d0b0 can die. Lol.

Keep hoping.

>> No.57444159
File: 214 KB, 500x500, Licky the Hokk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My $Hokk stays Lokk

>> No.57444203
File: 93 KB, 861x895, 121559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t miss out on the safest 50x bet this bullrun! Buy the original dogbat on BSC!

>> No.57444241

50b mccap EOY

>> No.57444302

>How you mean? Reflection out of trend?
I actually really like D0b0 and uour community is cool but political coins are gonna be the big narrative for memecoins this summer. The escalating political media hysteria will keep the coins pumping all year
Dog coins, yeah, no.

>> No.57444691

It’s amazing how dobaggies can push a thread to 100 replies and neither one of their four shitcoins will pump as a result. It has like $65 24h buy volume… and the dobaggies will claim that their recent scam pump which couldn’t even break 7 mil mc was some resounding success while all of their bloody beaks chatter “50b EOY!” as it bleeds back down to 1 mil mc.
>bought Oct 2021
>sold Nov 2021

>> No.57446125

>It’s amazing how dobaggies can push a thread to 100 replies and neither one of their four shitcoins will pump as a result.

Are you one of those retards? There is only one d0b0 at bsc. Rest of them are poor fakes trying to steal fame.

I know you, you are that one wanker who keeps running in every d0b0 thread spreading fud.

OG d0b0 doesnt care what volume is atm. No matter what d0b0 keeps growing stronger, thanks to tokenomics and large liq pool, step by step woth every transaction. Fast or slow, it really doesnt matter, it happens any way.

When bull run starts d0b0 will be like bnb on leverage, most of us know it and thats why hodl.

You obviously want to stay poor and keep running in these threads.

>> No.57446252

biz traffic is flat dead, it has no influence on the market right now, this is exactly why you should be paying attention to which threads generate the most discussion, because next year those ones will be hitting post limits

>> No.57446365

What's the deal with Shiba 2.0? Why even bother?