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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57429754 No.57429754 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw fell for the "work for a small business" meme

>> No.57429791

>"work for a small business" meme
pls elaborate

>> No.57429802

work in big business is more comfy

>> No.57429805

I was told it was comfy and low stress to work for a small family business. Turns out it's just family drama, low wages and making things work with shitty equipment.

>> No.57429832

you work for a shitty family

>> No.57429840

This is advice from the 80/90s by the 00s all the good small business owners that built the company and have a lot of it back to the employees died and their kids either did the business to the chinks or 4 kids are trying to live off the business taking a CEO salary without doing any work bleeding it dry.

>> No.57429865

Medium FTW.
Large corp, you are just a number and all the BS that comes with that.
Small business, well, you already said it. I found you are expected to go way above and beyond what I am employed for.

>> No.57429916

I heard notorious big say never mix money and blood. If they hire their family, they are royally fucked. As far as low wages, can confirm - small business owners don't make a whole lot, and are signing up to pay for your ass.

But I think small business experience can certainly give you an edge, should you ever decide to open something of your own.

>> No.57429949


Ngl, your grammar is so poor, I had to run that post into chatgpt to even understand what you meant.

The post you're referring to seems to express a sentiment about the changes in small family businesses over time, particularly from the 1980s and 1990s to the 2000s. Here's a breakdown of the key points:

Advice from the 80s/90s vs. Reality in the 00s: The author is contrasting the earlier perception of working in small family businesses (which were seen as comfortable and low-stress) with their experience in the 2000s. This suggests a shift in the nature of these businesses over the decades.

Changes in Ownership and Management: The post mentions that the original small business owners who built their companies and were generous to their employees ("gave a lot back to the employees") have passed away. The new generation of owners (the children of these original owners) is described in two ways:

Selling the business: Some have sold these businesses, implied to be to foreign investors (referred to here in a derogatory term, which is insensitive and inappropriate).
Ineffective Management: In other cases, multiple children are trying to live off the business profits without contributing effectively. They're described as taking large salaries (like a CEO) but not doing the necessary work to sustain the business, which could lead to its decline.
Impact on the Business and Employees: This shift in management and ownership style has negative consequences. The author of the original post might be experiencing lower wages, family drama, and inadequate resources ("shitty equipment"), which is a departure from the previously idealized view of small family businesses.

The overall sentiment seems to be one of disappointment and disillusionment with the current state of small family businesses, contrasting with a more idealized past. It's important to remember, though, that this is a subjective perspective and may not represent the state of all family businesses.

>> No.57429970

My phone autocorrected gave to have and sold to did, if you needed chatgpt to translate you are probably retarded.

>> No.57429999

You also missed a whole bunch of punctuation marks. I can't surely say if you're retarded, but I am very convinced that you are uneducated.

Where did you see small businesses sold to chinks and still running? Or 4 kids taking a CEO salary? Poorly ran small businesses are usually from self-made mfs who know how to make money but don't know how to manage people.

>> No.57430054
File: 6 KB, 204x204, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the work meme

>> No.57430062
File: 1009 KB, 663x814, 1663883269039481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I don't have million to park in assets for cash flow and have to wage for a pittance.

>> No.57430109
File: 85 KB, 450x375, boomer99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is good advice if you want to open your own business someday. I'm a wage slave for a massive company. Nothing I do matters really. I'm just a peon and I never have to worry about payroll coming through. There are pro's and con's. I don't care very much about my life or my career right now, so it works for me. Don't be like me. Be an entrepreneur!

>> No.57430608

i'm running into this problem realizing the production manager is just some old time biker who knows jack shit about anything despite being there for seventeen years.

>> No.57430670

I'm in healthcare and even though I see plenty of listings in my area, I will never apply to these no name companies because I don't trust them to be around in six months. A guy I worked with left for one and it was bankrupt and laying everyone off within three months.

>> No.57430734

It's more comfy until it's not but that's when you check out and wait for your 10-30k severance package.

>> No.57431925

Plus you'll end up training the new suckers that fall for their latest grift. Can confirm the shit wages, zero benefits. They'll offer some oddball shit just to say that they did something, 99.99999% it's not extra cash or anything that has any value anywhere else other than their own business. Been treated like shit like this for the last 10 years from a side job for a very rich family. They'll pretty much dogshit minus one decent guy, but he doesn't give pay raises for shit so fuck em.