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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57429592 No.57429592 [Reply] [Original]

ICP is outperforming solana and avalanche

>> No.57429598
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ICP vs shitcoins mentioned on 4chan

>> No.57429606
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>created the single largest pump and dump scheme in all of history
>got sued by the SEC, responded by going on a long tirade about the jews and how the holocaust never happened
>spends all his time creating fud campaigns for competitors and calling his bagholders shitskins
>has an obsession with Charles Hoskinson and Emin Gun Sirer, glues photos of their faces to pictures of taliban beheadings
>arrested for assault after he beat the shit out of his employees for not smiling in a company photo
>drugs lawyers who sue him and ruins their careers, it's illegal but he gets away with it somehow
>claims that icp was created to Hitler back from the dead in virtual form (what the fuck???)
>named his project "ICP" like what happens when you go to the bathroom
>blamed SBF for suppressing his shitcoin, even after FTX went belly up
>hired a chinese man to scam /biz/, tons of /pol/cels fell for it
>crashed one of his employee's cars into a lake, promised to pay him back after bitcoin integration was done but now tells him "I'll do it as soon as that kike Bankman is in jail"
>forced female employees to provide him with breast milk whenever he felt like it, created a special room next to his office called "the milking room" for housing them
>still getting away with his crimes, even tricking new retards into buying into his ponzi
Dominic Williams needs to be stopped. He is out of control. This man belongs behind bars.

>> No.57429620

>hired a chinese man to scam /biz/, tons of /pol/cels fell for it.
Best investor this board has ever seen

>> No.57429622

>ICP ATH: $700.65

>AVAX ATH: $144.96

>SOL ATH: $259.96

AVAX and SOL are still performing better than ICP.

>> No.57429635
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this was posted in 2020 when ICP IOU was trading at $7

>> No.57429644

Icp will reign supreme. Everyone with half a brain knows it.
Just to tell you all sui is 100 and make it is 1000.
5000 stacklet. Avg $3.20.

>> No.57429646

AVAX was shilled here pre ICO and you could have bought for 50 cents.
so whats your point?

>> No.57429654

Sui is 1k
Make it is 10k

>> No.57429663

Just shut up newfag. You know nothing. You probably just bought your first 25 icp yesterday with you mommy's pocket money.

>> No.57429667
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ETH-forks aren't future proof.

>> No.57429669

You know absolutely nothing about icp if you think the suicide stack is 1k lol

>> No.57429674

You sound angry

>> No.57429682

Avalanche isnt an ETH Fork tho.
It supports all VMs, not just the EVM.

>> No.57429684

Stop being poor

>> No.57429712

he's just fudding/demoralizing

it's basically a turkish ethereum fork

>> No.57429718
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C-chain is a GETH fork, if it's not a fork, then why does C-chain inherit the same state issues as ETH? state-bloat, congestion > high fees

If AVAX tried to be a L2, it failed, if Avax tried to be a L1 then where are the dapps.

Meanwhile ICP canisters are becoming decentralized servers. It's years ahead. ICP won.

>> No.57429727

>a turkish
Avalanche is made in USA.
Avalanche isnt just the C-Chain tho.
>inherit the same state issues as ETH?
thats getting fixed tho.
>If AVAX tried to be a L2,
Avalanche is a Layer 0. its a Platform for Platform.
>It's years ahead.
Not really, since it has no users and no adoption.

>> No.57429792

Icy Pee

>> No.57429797

If only half of these memes were true, ICP would be 2k by now. It's over. Dom is ackshually a BBC sissy cuck.

>> No.57429807

genuine question, how come you are so supportive of avax? it's very clearly inferior tech. there's not much future there. same with eth itself. it's just a big boy defi playground, and probably will become some lame wall street etf. at best eth will continue to onboard some dumb dumb simpleton corporate smart contracts. but there's just no real future there. retail definitely has zero use for eth, pay $20 fees to buy a monkey jpeg?... meanwhile icp is actually the entire foundation of web3.

anyway you do you my turkish brotha.

>> No.57429816

>tfw he doesn't know he's ngmi

>> No.57429892

>it's very clearly inferior tech
thats not true, its actually superior to pretty much everything including ICP. Thats why TradFi and all these Big Banks now get into Avalanche and not into ICP. They want to run their own Custom VMs with Sub Second finality, only Avalanche offers this.

>> No.57429901


>> No.57429912
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>> No.57429915

this is my first time being in a halvening event, am I supposed to sell my stack of Pees before and buy during the halvening or do I just hold on? I have a 5k stack of pees and I just want to be financially free for the next decade or two. I don't really care about 7 figure glory, just getting into mid 6figs (basically a 10x) would be good enough for me.

>> No.57430000


>> No.57430018

what you mentioned is absolute best case for avax, and eth. and maybe chainlink connects it all.

but meanwhile, icp can do all that and so much more. they just demo'd something called UTOPIA. i'm no computer nerd but i'm pretty sure it offers entire private cloud services to tradfi.

i wouldn't sell anything. wall street has tamed btc, so the halvening will probably be a nothingburger.

>> No.57430020


>> No.57430039

Exactly this is the only thing that matters. Icy pee. And that's funny. And that's why I buyed

>> No.57430040


>> No.57430057
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ICP is a scam and Moonman is a scammer.

>> No.57430072

why are you getting so emotional? do you feel insulted because Avalanche is getting all the Adoption and ICP is getting none?
Why isnt JPM using ICP for Project Guardian?
we both know why.

>and eth
Ethereum was replaced with Avalanche.
>icp can do all that and so much more
not really.
>it offers entire private cloud services to tradfi.
they already decided on making Avalanche Subnets.

>> No.57430079
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I fucking HATE ICP, I started buying in at $40 and got rekt hodling it down to fucking 3 bucks or whatever the fuck it went down to. I can't even sell if I wanted too since my shit is staked for 8 years. so if ICP moons I will be making it against my will since I literally cannot sell.

>> No.57430098


>> No.57430117


>run their own Custom VMs with Sub Second finality, only avalanche offers this.
Cosmos was the first (tendermint BFT) as usual, Avalanche only copies, so they copied it and used it for their marketing slogan, they did the same thing with Dfinity subnets. Sub-second finality is nothing new, nor special. Even Polygon sidechains can achieve sub-second finality, by leveraging rollups. Custom VM's are full of bugs, and take months of testing to ensure they are secure, performance wise, it's not suitable for large scale dapps, ask any dev if I am telling truth or not.
You don't know shit wasting time talking to you

>> No.57430125

>Cosmos was the first
they already bend the knee and joined Avalanche.
>Sub-second finality is nothing new, nor special.
nobody else has it.
>Polygon sidechains can achieve sub-second finality
Polygon has constant reorgs, it has no finality.
>Custom VM's are full of bugs
not really
>You don't know shit wasting time talking to you
its funny that you say this, you didnt even know about Polygon reorgs. kek

>> No.57430137


>> No.57430166

lol u mad because Avalanche is superior.

>> No.57430328

sounds like your past you was smarter than your current you

>> No.57430673

>they already bend the knee
>brown id
Streetshitter fud isn’t good fud, your token is not sneeded

>> No.57430780

Willing to take trash talks on a daily basis from non icp holders if dominique will let me buy those icy pees at 15 cents ea

>> No.57430807

RLC is coming for you

>> No.57431040

But Cosmos is bending its knees
so why are you seething?

>> No.57431057

chain key is superior to IBC
and who cares, a 100 chains of cosmos junk integrated?
just to move coins around back and forth and do nothing else? lmao

>> No.57431082


>> No.57431098

besides a few posters on /biz/, does anyone take ICP seriously?

I don't think I've seen more delusional shills here ever. even XRP shills make ICP shills look well adjusted. I just saw an ICP infochart claiming the ETH doesn't have DeFi... kek, how fucked in the head do you have to be to believe that?

>> No.57431119

The post that all Muslims (Avax) and Jews (Solana) try to ignore

>> No.57431132
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>> No.57431171

cope with your huge nothingburger roach
no one gives a shit about cosmos or IBC
run along and dump another 100 mil into shitcoins to try and get people using avax

>> No.57431185
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>> No.57431306

Avalanche is getting mainstream adoption and ICP is not.
>I just saw an ICP infochart claiming the ETH doesn't have DeFi
thats because ICP shills dont know what DeFi actually is or how it works.

>> No.57431340

after some thorough convincing ive decided to listen to our turkish bros and begin unstaking my 8 year neuron.

>> No.57431416

They think defi is super mario on some buzzword 'canister' that can be deleted by a Nintendo DMCA takedown.

>> No.57432024


>> No.57432042

The internet computer is the best tech in crypto, by far. Like It isn't even close. The best tech will win in the end. That tech is undoubtedly undeniably ICP. Simple as.

>> No.57432084

what website

>> No.57432357
File: 16 KB, 639x344, illegalpee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a permissioned network so it's worthless. If I wanted a permissioned network to host my website then I would just use AWS.

>> No.57432399

>giving money to Amazon
How much does bezos pay you to shill for him?