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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57420860 No.57420860 [Reply] [Original]

Why can’t this token just rug and die already? I’m so sick of spending days fudding this garbage for it to just start pumping and make me look like a complete fool. Seriously, Just stop pumping it! If you faggots actually make it I’m going to rope.

>> No.57420878

Damn homie
In high school, you was the man homie
What the fuck happened to you?

>> No.57420891

you're not the real homie

>> No.57420897

Hey bro haha...just my 2 cents on the matter at hand.. a lil statement is all really so basically...you know just..to give you a basic Gestalt of the whole situation... Im just not gonna sell my LINUs... got it? Ok champ keep it easy haha

>> No.57420908

Right!?!? I can't keep fudding all my life while this coin keeps crabbing up. There's no way I'd hold 820b of this coin. That'd be retarded of me with all the fudding I've been doing

>> No.57420942

Just bought in today. Am I real homie?

>> No.57420962

only if you have diamond hands, homie

>> No.57421154

Uh homies, where did everyone go!?

>> No.57421174

Woke up in the middle of the night to check the price. India hadn't dumped it.

We aren't dumping cause /biz isn't dumping.

Every cycle has some dog shit coin. It doesn't matter if you like it or not. It is what it is.

LINU just happens to be that dog coin.

>> No.57421179

indians are going to wake up soon so were all in bed rn

>> No.57421185



>> No.57421197

Waiting to slurp their dip.

>> No.57421253
File: 60 KB, 675x499, IMG_9219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LINU just happens to be that dog coin.
I agree anon

>> No.57421273
File: 97 KB, 500x659, download (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got better things to do then spoon feed the non homies all day.

>> No.57421282


Been posting all week need a break.

>> No.57421306

Homie, I’m out drinking my boy. It’s Friday night euro time

>> No.57421309
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>> No.57421349

Homie Ive had a rough week. I got up at 5:30 monday to wednesday to be prepared and on time for the lectures I had to hold. Also Im a family man so I spend the evenings with my wife and toddler. I do fuck my wife doggy style more often to further manifest the doggy dog world we live in. Also just waiting was part of the plan. The Schizo fudders gave up mostly and we won. Now we hold and shill comfy

>> No.57421388

Yeah I’m a little tired too. Been monitoring these threads the past 3 days.
Whatcha drinkin, homie?
NEET here. Glad to see you are somewhat normal. I’ve had a rough week too. Got into lots of arguments with Jews on Twitter.

>> No.57421405

The amount of FUD against this token is so fucking bullish.
Why would you even spent time fudding a token if you believe it's a dead scam? lmao

>> No.57421411 [DELETED] 

Why is nobody talking about pincher

>> No.57421428

Breaching 6000 holders

>> No.57421435

Because it’s gay to talk about gay shit

>> No.57421477
File: 457 KB, 1080x2340, 1706230547127381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me a better wallet distribution
6k holders

>> No.57421517

Damn holders blowing up today

>> No.57421523

it like every real person that comes across this idea throws in at least $10 if not thousands.

Jannies mad that their sponsored rugpulls that phish for total noobs get noticeably less traffic

>> No.57421549

Long Island, having some nice time with my crew. Life is good homie. Thanks for asking

>> No.57421550

Yeah +500 holders today i think
This shit is going exponential

>> No.57421592

>ProTip: You can't.

>> No.57421610

Whats the positive thing in having many small holders? Like the word about LINU gets around?

>> No.57421642

It's dumping again.
$4m by EOD.

>> No.57421648

Have you ever played the game 'monopoly'?

>> No.57421649

If we dump tonight, I'm gonna move up to the top 150 wallet rankings.

(Currently in the top 400)

>> No.57421664 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 512x768, Hot man token.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eww I know, this token is super gay and only for total FAGS unlike OUR token. Which is so badass like a big tough sweaty muscley hunky hot and hard manly man.

>> No.57421665

With this distribution the liftoff of our lives is inevitable

>> No.57421671

>Whats the positive thing in having many small holders?
The more holders actually holding = harder for swingies to swing for profit

That first big pump to 10mil MC was all swingies, they didn't make much. Even during this pump alot of them actually LOST money.
>more people holding less damage a whale could do
>swingies lose money
Always winning.
We waiting for the exchanges homie.

>> No.57421680

Yeahhhh bro, we gonna be some very affluent homies together. Never thought I’d be part of something like this, the community alone is pure kino, I hope no one doxxes my over usage of that word and finds my YT channel though

>> No.57421681

Long Island iced tea. Can’t go wrong with a classic.

>> No.57421691

Wooooooooo bro, I didn’t even think about it this way, so many people on 4chan are more clever than I could ever, if we make it this bull run I invest into ai gfs whether my resources or limited iq, I bought a bunch when I was high af, then just doubled down and kept buying over past week. Let’s go homies, we in this together.

>> No.57421803
File: 1.40 MB, 1024x1024, 1706278975893263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why can’t this token just rug and die already? I’m so sick of spending days fudding this garbage for it to just start pumping and make me look like a complete fool. Seriously, Just stop pumping it! If you faggots actually make it I’m going to rope



>> No.57423319 [DELETED] 
File: 1.52 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_2149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy the first Shiba coin on ICP. Just released a couple days ago and still small cap.


>> No.57423416

What website is this?
Don't use a link because the thread will die. Just tell me the name of the site.

>> No.57423423

it's etherscan

>> No.57423464
File: 51 KB, 1480x832, Feels_Good_Man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks homie
I'm in the top 400 holders
Let's just say I'm GMI

>> No.57423490
File: 562 KB, 1920x1080, letsago.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem homie. I know there's a shitload of FUD in other threads with this dip, but I'm in top 200 and I'm NOT selling. Diamond hands or death

>> No.57423830
File: 52 KB, 1200x670, 64a5cc52ab04c4cc62febc1e_62b31895dc90f157cfeff7ee_Shiba20ainda20a20(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got that dog in me
>mfw I correct wasting the first 6 years of my 20's with this coin

>> No.57423856

Someone saved my screencap nice

>> No.57423859

LINU toxic waste doo doo
Going to zero next week homie
Zero INU
Minus INU
Raw sewerage INU

>> No.57423869

naaaaaah holmes. you aint no homie yet. and never gonna be, b

>> No.57423973

I already dumped 1t because you faggots didnt deliver

Thanks for playing

>> No.57424026

Can this obvious coordinated PnD group do d0b0 (Eth) next? Please?

>> No.57424027

are you the faggot who gave a friday deadline?
lol, cya
>Verification not required.

>> No.57424031

>I already dumped 1t because you faggots didnt deliver
After i read this my LINU went up $20 lol
Deliver what? SHIB took 10 months.

I hope you retards are ready for 10 months of homie posting.

>> No.57424034

coordinated pump and dump group only holding a combined maximum 10% of the coin, yeah makes total sense

shit only works if you hold a majority.. check the wallet distribution

>> No.57424044

>coordinated pump and dump group only holding a combined maximum 10% of the coin, yeah makes total sense
I keep seeing this same fud. Anyone can see the distribution, why are pajeets retarded? Pakiz need to take their jobs desu.

>> No.57424055

more likely they want to fud the price down and gain controlling %

>> No.57424228
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>> No.57424525

chef boy R fiddie

>> No.57424627

Bought a good amount of LINU some weeks ago and have no intention to sell any before 500mil MC.

>> No.57424679
File: 733 KB, 1782x1387, LunaInuShillFagsExposed01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, another totally organic Luna Inu thread
totally not another shill thread for their scam being artificially boosted by their telegram

>bull run around the corner, naive newfags littering biz looking for next hot meme coin
>get small group together, pick a fill in the blank ___- dead dog meme coin, luna inu
>invest, accumulate, become whales
>launch shill campagin
>next shib btw
>shill and spam biz relentlessly and exclusively with generic meme package
>create fake astroturfed artificial community
>no social media presence or engagement beyond biz
>group therapy session created by scammers
>profit off of hopium and deception, poorfag biztards never learn
>overpromise underdeliver "next shib, top cex listing incoming, trending coinbase"
>slowly rug it
>wash rinse repeat

They have been using the same tactics forever, pathetic, picrel

>> No.57424721

Can't rug with this wallet distribution, try a new tactic

>> No.57424816
File: 165 KB, 807x802, lunainutelegram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't rug with this wallet distribution, try a new tactic
but muh wallet distribution
cool story bro
Luna Inu shills pining biz threads in their telegram
Legit project btw
No other meaningful social media presence, just spamming biz, that has always worked out well, not even once, endless red flags, next shib btw

>> No.57424819

Who’s going to rug who? With which supply? The biggest ass whale I think holds less than 1 or 2%.

>> No.57424827

Lol that’s me. I think I was even banned for at that point? I just grouped 4chan activity in one post lel

>> No.57424907

114B sui stack here reporting for duty

>> No.57424946

So basically Im not gonna sell
I know I know, ugggh! its just that Im not gonna sell it, is all!

>> No.57425089
File: 4 KB, 97x109, 1697341534136134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manipulative post even by 4chan standards.
>They WANT you to miss out
he wants you to feel like you're missing out
>markets act off emotions
yes, the ones he's trying to appeal to so you would buy into this project and make him money
>muh group unity

>> No.57426654
File: 467 KB, 432x432, 1706322536682230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care. Not buying your slothcuck coin. From what I hear, you guys should all be on a registry.

>> No.57426726

It's definitely not going to rug. This and Supra token are my make it stack.

>> No.57428418
File: 123 KB, 502x470, 1706374814248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why can’t this token just rug and die already? I’m so sick of spending days fudding this garbage for it to just start pumping and make me look like a complete fool. Seriously, Just stop pumping it! If you faggots actually make it I’m going to rope.

>> No.57428520
File: 21 KB, 540x360, LINU DOO DOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
