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57419601 No.57419601 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, who needs a conventional home when you have a well-designed camper van? This psyop courtesy of the jew york times: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/26/realestate/tiny-home-italy-sardinia-mandriola.html

>> No.57419607


>> No.57419846

Do you know what they call someone living in a vehicle? Homeless.

>> No.57419895

>2 houses and a camper van
>Slumming it

oh boy

>> No.57419934

But the article talks about tiny houses not just hobo vehicle living.
Where do you get the idea that you are not getting jewed when you buy a McMansion, anyways? You don't need 5 rooms in a house buddy, you sleep in one for 8 hours before you wake up to spend the next 12 hours of the day working.

Smart minimalists unironically have jewery figured out better than anyone else without realizing it.

>> No.57419937

>Robert Losonsky and Edith Wassenaar
no surprise, two rootless vermin

>> No.57419952
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Property is for lords, not peasants.

You proclaim your allegiance to white culture, shall it return in fullness.

For me, not for thee.

Don't flee and shit up another environment with your presence, you are the problem

Whites are slaves and exist to serve the aristocrat class and the aritocrat class serves demons, the peasants that existed in europe were given a reprieve during the age of exploration because their wranglers sights became focused on the free world. Now that the free world is no longer free, the domestic side things will return to the mean, seemingly unaware that their house nigger status was only temporary and their uppity disposition is an inside joke. white power, power to the pig. Your freedom is a meme, you were never free and you will never be free. Its over

>> No.57419956
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lmao these soys with their tiny houses and camper vans like i could not imagine having to spend any amount of time with my own thoughts i would much rather just consoom a giant mcmansion so that i can get back to watching funko pop unboxing videos like who needs to think for themselves when there's so much content to consume smart minimalists unironically have consooming figured out just as well

>> No.57420712

The shown house is a conventional house?

Are they re inventing living in a small house? Lol

>> No.57420852

Yeah, it's almost as if those other rooms are meant to be occupied by your children and perhaps an extra one for guests.

>> No.57420861

(you) will never be free.

>> No.57421161
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As for you, young one, you owe your ass to the government
No way to get a loan in a banking institution
To calm your urges to rob the cashier
You read books about voluntary simplicity

>> No.57421181
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>i read a book called voluntary simplicity and it gave me some good insights it's by bill black who was an economics professor at umass amherst he wrote it to explore the relationship between consumption and economic growth it's an important topic to understand especially if you're concerned about sustainability the title refers to the concept of 'voluntary poverty
which is a term coined by richard sennett to describe a life where you prioritize experiences over material goods sennett argues that the pursuit of material wealth can actually make people less happy and less fulfilled

>> No.57421232

There is nothing wrong with tiny living, but the problem is that it's a big fucking scam. Tiny living should be like $50,000 for a house that requires like $1,000 a year in maintenance, general costs, and whatever else, maybe a maximum of $3,000 a year once you include taxes, insurance, whatever. It should be kitted out the ass with every luxury you can cram into a tiny space. It should keep things simple for people who don't need a larger square footage...The problem is they aren't selling tiny living as an alternative to traditional living.

They're selling it as a replacement at the same fucking price to traditional living. If you want to eat bug steak, go ahead, but starting to make all steak out of bugs and selling them at the same price as beef steak should result in you getting French Revolutioned. That's the problem with all this shit and it's even more insulting that they are not only crushing the average quality of life, but acting with the conviction that you are so fucking stupid that they can tell you how privileged you are while they destroy your quality of life. This whole thing is not going to end well for one of the sides in this equation.

>> No.57421251

not to mension the mcmansions are just osb plate and some wood. it wouldn't even sell in europe. they call that a hut.

>> No.57421332

It blows my mind how so many houses don't even have a proper dining room anymore. They try to pull this open floor plan bullshit where the kitchen opens out into the breakfast nook/living room area and there isn't even room there for a proper dining room if you wanted one. I think the expectation is that you can heat your food in the kitchen while not missing a second of television, then go plop on the couch and hunch over your plate. Not even a foyer anymore, either. You just open the door and are either staring straight at a staircase or you're walking straight into the kitchen or living room area. Most newly-built homes or older homes that have been remodeled are highly dysfunctional and in no way conducive to a situation where you could have a proper dinner party for guests. It is bizarre.

>> No.57421354

Oh I'm sorry. Do you think you deserve to live in a BIG house? *points to ranch-style home built in the 70's* Why do you think you deserve THAT? That's wasteful. You don't need all of that space. That's too much house. And you want a backyard to grill those steaks in? Wow check out Mr. Entitlement here. Next thing you'll be telling me is you want to have children. Maybe you should stop thinking of yourself for a change, you greedy entitled brat. Kids these days, honestly.

>> No.57421439
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>> No.57421470

Better than renting desu

>> No.57421538

I know exactly what you mean because I live in such a house. Kitchen next to the dinner table, dinner table is next to the living room and TV. If you can imagine the letter "L", that's how it's all arranged. Kitchen at the top, dinner table at the intersection, tv and living room on the right.

>You just open the door and are either staring straight at a staircase
Literally my family's house.

>Most newly-built homes or older homes that have been remodeled are highly dysfunctional and in no way conducive to a situation where you could have a proper dinner party for guests.
I think it's okay, could be worse. But without a doubt I completely agree that the lack of an actual room dedicated to eating with your family, a room in a corner of the house with a corner blocking view from other rooms, is pretty disheartening when you think about it.

>> No.57422087

I agree with the fact that homes are way too big for most people. But dumb NIMBY shit gets in the way.

>> No.57422180
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>le shoe salesman

>> No.57422611

>Yeah, it's almost as if those other rooms are meant to be occupied by your children
White people don't have 5 kids anymore, buddy. It's illegal. You are purpsefully missing the point anyways. People keep buying McMansions with 6 rooms despite knowing they have no use for them because the CONSOOOMist jewrot tells them to do so.

>> No.57422642
File: 56 KB, 1200x640, Dinner-Party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proper dinner party for guests
your days of holding people conversationally hostage at a table are over, carol.