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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57417224 No.57417224 [Reply] [Original]

>Just 8 more hours…

>> No.57417244

I showed up late two days ago, called in yesterday and going to call in today. I don't even know what my excuse will be...

>> No.57417275

just 8 more hours and then it's just 8 more hours (x2) off work, after that it's straight back
seriously anon either learn to enjoy your work or find a job where you can, this ain't it

>> No.57417301

Enjoy being fired idiot

>> No.57417649
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>Become an engineer they said
>It’s a based career they said
>10 years in
>Only 20 more to go
You are right though. I should try to find something. Hopefully I make it from crypto and don’t need a job but in the meantime I should push to find something I enjoy. Or can at least tolerate.

>> No.57417662

Bro you’re probably going to get fired. I think your approach indicates you don’t want to be there regardless. My European colleagues told me they take “career breaks” over there as the norm. Maybe consider that.

>> No.57417737

It's a points system and its at Walmart... I think I'll be fine

>> No.57417745

haircomb will make faggots of us all

>> No.57417821
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I work 2 split 4 hour shifts with 3 hours break in between the first and the second shift. Is this better or worse?

>> No.57417834
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My dad just got fired from Walmart. He's a loser.

>> No.57417835

Can confirm. I once worked evenings at wm as a 2nd job for 3 weeks for a little extra money. I was polite to all the managers and they were unperturbed when i politely quit on the spot. Invited me to come back any time.

>> No.57417864

What's his name?

>> No.57417871


Now, you know I can't tell you that.

>> No.57417902

Just need the first.

>> No.57417904

>engineer at defense prime
>180K / year before EWW
>colleagues on coast mode, so 4 star reviews for just showing up
Life is good

>> No.57417915


Take a guess and I'll tell you yes, or no.

>> No.57417944

I’m a chemical with project engineer/management experience. Doubt I could jump into defense with my credentials. Would be more interesting though.

>> No.57418004

Wayne or Michael

>> No.57418328

kek you probably wont hear about it for like a month.
>Start showing up late everyday
>month goes by
>get called into office
>"anon you were late 4 weeks ago. remember if you're late 2 more time that will be grounds for termination"
>more weeks go by
>still late everyday
>second meeting goes the same "one more time being late and youre terminated..."
>weeks later ask for time off for xmas
>hand in my 2 weeks and quit on my own accord

WM was the easiest job I've ever had. I still get a little nostalgic every time i use the self checkout

>> No.57418434

PM is PM regardless of context. You'd just need a security clearance and learn about DoD funding streams. Defense is comfy though, but sucks not being able to talk to anyone about your work.

>> No.57418453
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i am a pm in an undisclosed dod contract it's pretty great i just dick around all day and nobody questions anything as long as the product is delivered only sucks that i can't talk to anyone about the secret squirrel stuff i have access to

>> No.57418578



>> No.57420420


I have been slaving/saving away and hopefully will be done in less than 10 years. I get comfort knowing I am basically unfireable and immune to layoffs at this point since there is so many more people to trim before they get to me.

I don't get people who get bored with not working. I never have enough time to do what I want.

>> No.57420680

What's EWW?

>> No.57420774

Extended work week. Overtime at standard rate. Some contracts require that every hour worked is paid out. Usually give myself a 10% -15% salary bump with this.

>> No.57420944

Ah I see, ofc. Good for you, sounds cushy. Do happen to be EE or ME? Also if you don't mind me asking, what steps did you take throughout university to qualify for an interview at this firm, presuming it was straight out of uni then working your way up the ladder? And if not straight out of uni, what sort of lateral job-hops did you take to get there?
Thanks for your first response.

>> No.57421001
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>Just Two More Weeks

>> No.57421090

I’m the same way. I have so much stuff I enjoy doing outside of work that I could easily keep myself entertained and motivated indefinitely without being a wage slave. I’ve debated going full austerity mode to investmaxx.

>> No.57421140

>7 hours ago
anon nearly time for your frozen tv dinner and allotted masturbation time!